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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 320 The Lord God of the Empire

The thirty-first millennium of humanity, the planet Medusa.

The passage of five hundred years has made this place very different from the past.

Since Chaos was assimilated by the Blood of the Daemon, the influence of the Warp projected onto reality has become extremely weak, so much so that the forty-four galaxies have become even more aligned with the Light.

The creation rain and the creation rain have transformed everything, making them far away from their original cesspit appearance.

The original starry sky, when there were no stars in the local star system to shine, would have been extremely dark, with only the stars and the moon hanging.

But now, the Milky Way of Creation left behind when the King of Creation ascended the throne, the pale road to ascend to the gods, still runs through the forty-four galaxies, leading to the pale throne.

No matter which galaxy, you can see the existence on the throne at the end of the forty-four galaxies. He is larger than any celestial body, and the forty-four river systems at his feet are more like forty-four connected futons.

In the ley line under Huaguo Mountain, Ferus finally woke up.


The original body, or in other words, the Lord of Medusa, who absorbed the light falling from the Milky Way of Creation while sleeping and became the god of the human empire, read these two words the first moment he opened his eyes.

His heart was filled with some kind of sadness. Even in his five hundred years of sleep, he seemed to have experienced a nightmare and seemed to have lost something.

He seemed to have dreamed that his ancestor was gone. In the dream, Ferus turned into a child. He kept chasing the footsteps of his ancestor, but he couldn’t keep up.

It was as if he had run ten meters away and the Patriarch had already crossed countless worlds.

When he last saw the Patriarch in his dream, Patriarch Bodhi turned around, smiled and told him to go back, and then disappeared into Ferus’ dream.

“Hey, I’m awake. I slept soundly.”

A lazy female voice that was slightly frivolous and casual but somehow tinged with sentimentality made Ferus look sideways.

He was so blessed that he remembered what his ancestor had said.

“Third…third sister?!”

“Wrong! I am your sixteenth sister-in-law!”

Fulgrim was furious!

Five hundred years ago! She had sacrificed herself to die, but she, Horus, had no heart? What about committing yourself to your promise? How do you keep yourself at a distance?

The ferocious look on Phoenix’s face when angry made Ferus hesitate to speak.

Then he felt the terrifying power he now possessed.

The blood shed by the King of Creation when he ascended the throne watered the forty-four galaxies and also watered the seeds in the forty-four galaxies.

Among these seeds are the original bodies. All the original bodies ascended in the divine blood and officially became the gods of the empire.

Rastra used another method to banish Chaos, driving the Warp out of the galaxy.

As a god created by the King of Creation, Ferus instantly acquired enough knowledge from the Galaxy of Creation.

The emperor is gone, the forty-four galaxies are established, the King of Creation is enthroned, and the worlds worship…

Ferus couldn’t help but be stunned.

He has never seen the emperor, but the Patriarch…

Ferus didn’t even feel any fear for his third sister anymore. In despair, he pushed aside the surrounding rocks and climbed to the surface.

He even forgot that he was already a god and could teleport at will.

Ferus has never been as powerful as he is now, but he has never felt so weak and incompetent.

When he came to Huaguo, the surrounding area had been set up as a forbidden area by his subjects who had been escorted by the empire from the primitive era to the technological era. They even arranged a large number of guards to protect their sleeping gods here.

Now, their god knelt on the ground, staring closely at the starry sky. There, there was a pale throne, which seemed far and near. The terrifying thing was covered in his pale body and was made up of various sharp and curved blades. The completed armor was frozen there, as if for eternity.

Fulgrim walked out step by step along the passage dug by Ferus.

When she looked at the starry sky, her mood became even more complicated. It seemed like just yesterday that her godfather was immoral and she was still drinking tea beside him without listening to advice.

“We have experienced the same emotions as you, but, Ferus, we need you to cheer up. This galaxy needs you. I have been in charge of you for five hundred years.”

Phoenix gave up her own galaxy, but she guarded the galaxy where the planet Medusa was located for Ferus for five hundred years.

“The great Imperial God, the sacred King of Creation, has entrusted most of the forty-four galaxies to the management of his godsons and goddaughters. This is the responsibility of each of us.

Maintaining the purity of your territory is your greatest loyalty to Him. “

Fulgrim patted Ferrus on the shoulder.

“Luojia wrote the Book of Creation and made an agreement with God for humans and all the aliens left behind by the Godfather.

It is our duty to uphold these agreements, and to this end, an Inquisition has been established in every galaxy.

The Empire and other aliens have established religions to worship their own gods, and each religion claims that the King of Creation is the main god of its own pantheon.

All churches will be supervised by the Supreme Tribunal. When a church begins to fall, the Supreme Tribunal will launch a judgment expedition. The forty-three disciples of the King of Creation will conscript the Tribunal in each galaxy to judge the fallen.

At the same time, we waged war on worlds beyond the forty-four galaxies.

Before the four main gods of chaos fled beyond the galaxy, the universe had fallen.

When they arrived at the chaos beyond the river, the oracle came down and the moment of purification had arrived. We must follow the footsteps of the Godfather and expel all chaos!

Ferus, you have rested for five hundred years, that is enough. “

After Fulgrim finished saying this, he prepared to leave.

The reason why she gave up her own galaxy was to shamelessly squeeze into the same galaxy as Horus. Even though Loken was mad with hatred and turned into a red-eyed wolf, she pretended not to see it.

After staying in this galaxy for so long, she had long wanted to talk to the gorgeous Sixteenth Sister about her position as a jailer.

Ferus still couldn’t accept such a change.

To be honest, the Human Empire, the disciples of Light Desire, and the Eldar gods all spent a lot of time accepting the departure of Light Desire.

Nusgreen, the God of Art, spent countless years getting close to the Pale Throne.

Unfortunately, He couldn’t do it.

The disciples were allowed to live on the planet in the pod space, which was already the closest place to the Pale Throne.

Ferrus presented a desire that all Primarchs desired.

“Can I go to the galaxy closest to Him?”

He looked at Fulgrim expectantly.

Fulgrim looked at him as he looked at the other primarchs and himself.

She suddenly smiled, with some sadness and helplessness.

“The closer the galaxy is to Him, the less life there is. There is no life in the Milky Way at His feet. We will never be able to get close to it, just like we could never follow His steps to ascend to God.”

After saying these words, the phoenix turned into a stream of light and soared above the Galaxy of Creation. With the help of the Galaxy of Creation, it quickly traveled to the galaxy where the Wolf Shepherd Goddess was seated.

Ferus smiled bitterly.

Yes, if possible, other Primarchs would also choose this way.

He sighed, and then began to take up his responsibilities as a god of this galaxy based on the knowledge he gained from the Milky Way of Creation.

No one noticed that when Ferus woke up, he, who had retained the dim light on the pale throne, glanced down.

“Ferrus… wake up…”

But soon, He lost the look in his eyes again.

The shielding of the armor made it impossible to detect changes in his emotions.

Just when He fell silent again and enveloped the entire galaxy with his great will, a bit of powder fell from the Pale Throne and flowed down the Milky Way of Creation. Finally, it chose a certain galaxy and fell.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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