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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 324 Reunion after a long separation

As the Emperor, Lord of Mankind, Sanguinius seems not to have been envied by his brothers.

He even occasionally became jealous of other Primarchs.

Because Sanguinius was the only one who had never met Rasta, nor did he call her godfather.

Although the King of Creation gave the Second Emperor enough power when he ascended the throne, the two never came into contact.

“My Lord! There is a position in Twin Galaxy that has been vacant for a long time…”

The Pink Custodian reported to Sanguinius with a trembling voice.

The Lord of the Custodes, Constantine, had been guarding the Emperor for too long. After the Emperor left, he felt a little uncomfortable and applied to participate in the Creation Expedition. The current commander of the Custodes was temporarily replaced by the most powerful Pink Custodes.

Sanguinius took the document from the Pink Custodes, then he smiled, while accusing Alpharius and Omega of not informing him first.

“Ah, quartermaster, do you want me to report the current situation to him regarding this position?”

The Second Emperor joked about the highest military rank in the empire.

He made a psychic call to Holy Lena, who was participating in the Judgment Crusade.

“Father! Do you need anything from me?”

Holy Lena is leading the Blood Angels to correct or erase some civilizations that have deviated from the direction in the 43rd Galaxy.

In the forty-four galaxies, new life will often be born, and powerful civilizations will become guardians and observers of weak civilizations.

When a weak civilization deviates from the direction, the empire will receive a report from the powerful civilization, and the ruling of the empire or the Supreme Tribunal will be sent back within four hours.

The Galaxy, which fully believes in the King of Creation, is a religious community with a shared future.

No one will go against the will of the King of Creation.

Even the laws of various civilizations are closely related to this.

“The child eater is back.”

Sanguinius fluttered his wings.

Holy Lena shook her ears when she heard this.

“Ah!!! He’s back?! He’s back to the Blood Angels?”

“No, He went to the Twin Galaxy.”

“Then can we find someone to bring him to our place.

No, Twin Galaxy will definitely not let go.

How about…Father, how about I trade you for it? You are so majestic, they should… know… to change, right? “

Sanguinius was greeted: “?”

After stamping the quartermaster’s reinstatement letter, the archangel hung up the phone on his unfilial daughter.


Dividing line—

Beyond the Galaxy.

The Rongyue River System is a river system that cannot be observed with the naked eye and has a diameter of over 120,000 light-years.

The main body of civilization here is the Dark Gods.

Subspace also exists in the Rongyue River System. The alien imperial gods in the Rongyue River System restrain the light of the entire river system, preventing it from leaking out.

Therefore, from external observation, the existence of this river system cannot be discovered at all.

However, under the guidance of the Creation Galaxy, the empire began to launch a war of liberation against this river system, which was not only a cesspit but also a toilet.

The Nangri star area in the north of the third star field of the Rongyue River system is the current attack target of the Alpha Twin Legion.

A group of Alphas are now surrounding their veterans, bragging on the moons of Nangri Prime.

The aliens in Nangri have fourteen days in a week, and they have one day off every thirteen days. When these aliens fought with the empire, they requested that the war must cease on that day off. At first, the empire did not agree, but later, for some reason, a tacit agreement was reached.

The other side shouted “It’s off work, off work, on vacation”, and the canners began to arrange people to take turns to stand guard.

This Alpha Company has more than 1,900 people, distributed on satellites and battleships, and some have even sneaked into Nangri. The more noisy one is the surrender group.

These were all born in the last three hundred years and then underwent transformation surgery to become Astartes.

The empire has been expanding its military.

The gravity of the Nangri satellite is extremely weak, which makes a bunch of cans afraid of escaping from its gravitational capture with a single jump.

The veteran boasted: “I’m not bragging to you, at that time I had already touched the side of Lord Moen, the leader of the second legion, and he didn’t notice it at all.

But for the great Quartermaster! The supreme king of creation! The omniscient and omnipotent material provider, He took me and another Alpha brother and punished him…”

This guy is obviously the Alpha who left a psychological shadow because another battle brother pretended to be the technical priest sister of the Second Legion.

At that time, he was messing around in the Second Army. Later, after the Battle of Janning, he returned to Alpha and is now a company commander.

However, in the current empire, the number of angels has grown to a terrifying number, and the company commander is not the status of only ten people below the legion commander.

“Company Commander, here comes the newcomer! Look, over there! The Creation Galaxy is sending a battleship across time and space!”

An Alpha called to the Astra Militarum to start opening the airport protection, and at the same time began to confirm the situation of the battleship.

This Alpha Legion company commander who has been slapped with a few feather dusters is ready to show off his power to the new guys. Hum hum, he is the best at being a company commander.

He continued to brag to Alpha next to him.

“Let me tell you, three hundred years ago, the anti-bullying law just implemented by the empire was violated by the grandson of a minister of Terra.

All kinds of relationships were gone, and the little beast thought he could escape.

As a result, the Emperor personally went back to the past and confirmed that the other party had bullied him three times and was executed on the spot.

The minister was dismissed for bribery, so no matter which young master comes to our company, I will not give him a good look!

What we value is fairness! Humph, we are almost here after conquering this star sector. Just wait, I want him to know what it means to be powerful! “

Captain Bragging said as he approached the airport on the Nangri satellite with weak gravity.

Finally, he came to the battleship that had just landed, ready to show off his domineering spirit.

But after opening the hatch, he seemed to see a battle nun, and the model power armor seemed to have the championship mark of the King of Creation on it.

The other Alphas turned their heads at the same time and looked at their company commander.

The bragging captain bit the bullet and said: “Maybe there is a team of battle nuns coming to support, everyone…”

The empire began to ascend after the creation king ascended the throne. The gods gained great power in the glory of the creation galaxy, and the national religion was also established.

The Sisters of Battle appeared forty-four years after the King of Creation ascended the throne.

Some of them were even material providers who had signed a contract with the Emperor’s Glory.

The Alphas looked at each other, and finally thought – what is this?

Our company commander has met the omniscient and omnipotent King of Creation. Don’t feel guilty and ask for a photo with the champion nun.

Berna, whose face was covered by the Paragon Power Armor and was not recognized as a Tau tribe member, leaned aside after going out and then made a gesture of invitation.

The wicked, unscrupulous, long-lost guy walked out of the hatch.

Captain Alpha was stunned.

The other Alphas were also stunned.

The visitor wore a specially customized piece of pale power armor, but it was definitely not more than two meters tall.

After the gods of the empire ascended, the angels of the empire also achieved a certain genetic improvement, and their appearance and physical fitness were greatly enhanced.

There are no ugly Astartes.

But, it’s not that…

No, who dares to use pure pale color for power armor? So bold?

The visitor took off his pale power armor helmet.

Captain Alpha, who threatened to show off the newcomer, knelt down and rushed over.

Battle Sister Berna held up the handle of the power hammer.

“Master! Master! You are finally back!”

Captain Alpha doesn’t care about anything else, he has a quartermaster again.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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