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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 325 Pole Dancing (Additional update from the leader)

Over the next ten thousand years, quartermasters arrived from each legion of the empire.

The Creation Crusade also intensified.

The forty-four galaxies given by the King of Creation are like a rapidly growing seed, growing an ever-expanding vine throughout the universe.

The ascended empire is so powerful that the surrounding river systems cannot resist it.

There are even civilized empires in these river systems that are waiting for the mess in their own river systems to end.

The Word Bearers spread their teachings wherever they went, and they also began to come into contact with the four main gods of Chaos who had fled beyond the galaxy.

The four main gods of chaos are even more crazy now.

The subspaces of the universe became parallel and more inclusive.

The subspace demons began to sacrifice every celestial body and river system in the real universe to the subspace, turning them into part of the realm of chaos.

The Creation Crusade had to take subspace into consideration.

Under the leadership of the Primarch, the celestial bodies sacrificed into the warp were recaptured one after another.

In this tug of war, the Empire has the upper hand.

There are no hard bones to crack in the Creation Crusade.

The arrival of the Astra Militarum is enough to destroy most corrupt and fallen civilizations.

And the Imperial Angels are even more unreasonable.

If the star field cannot be conquered by ordinary imperial angels, it will be accepted by the veterans. One by one, the King of Creation’s Chosen Champion, the Emperor’s Chosen, or the Chosen of his own legion will arrive. Even the alien Titan units are like mantises.

During the Ten Thousand Years Expedition, river predators powerful enough to hunt down the main body of the Tyranid swarm appeared.

The Divine Primarch of the Empire will personally lead his army to defeat this so-called end of civilization.

It was during such a vast expedition that the divine name of the King of Creation gradually resounded throughout the universe.

Facing the increasingly powerful cans, the four main gods of chaos recalled the days of drawing cards.

Khorne has given up, Nurgle is content with the situation, Tzeentch doesn’t know what he is doing, but Slaanesh…

“I’m going to get these purple cans! Get all the cans!”

The God of insatiable desires has become so empty that he is going crazy.

Ever since they were expelled from the Milky Way by the King of Creation, the four main gods of chaos began to devour them in the new ocean.

When they once again stood at a higher position, Salish could not forget her failure.

He is still unwilling to admit that he cannot possess that pale and terrible thing.

The less he gets, the more the Lord of Pleasure desires.

In addition, after the stage changed to the universe, this purple perversion that swallowed up too many emotions no longer knew whether it was polluting or being polluted.

In the 40th millennium of mankind and the 10th millennium of the Creation Era, mankind has pushed the front line into an even more unfamiliar and distant realm.

The creation expedition that burned the world has entered a stagnation stage.

The battle front was too long, and Emperor Sanguinius could not allow Guilliman’s angelic descendants to begin recuperating and operating the rear in the areas they had already occupied.

In fact, this is just an excuse. The operations of various legions have been going on, and they are far from reaching their limits.

The real situation is – the number of reincarnations and resurrections of the expedition members in the Genesis Galaxy has temporarily reached the upper limit.

After unanimous discussion, the gods of the empire did not want to increase the burden on the King of Creation.

Other expeditionary legions, including the Eldar and Tau, are all based on the Human Empire, and naturally have stopped expanding.

The void ship of the black-robed disciples is still sailing in the sea of ​​stars.

He often brings surprises to some confused people.

Among the people he helped, such as the Tau Bona and the Eldar Sheskold, they all became one of the leaders of their own race’s expeditionary force after returning to their respective civilizations.

Now, the Lord of the Void is transporting some refugees to safety in a distant river system.

“Grandpa Captain, what are you eating today?”

A group of children who were tired of playing around ran to the captain’s lounge and asked questions that they asked every day, countless times.

“Braised pork.”

Leaning against the porthole, the black-robed disciple who was lost in thought turned around gently.

“Can…can I pour the soup on the rice?”

Behind the brave girl who asked the first question was a timid child.

This child mustered up the courage to get a chance to talk to the black-robed disciples, not to pick up rice in broth.

The black-robed disciple stood up, came to the child, and touched the heads of these little guys one by one.


Among these children, there are humans, Eldar, and even new races that have joined the Creation Expedition after expansion and are pursuing the light.

The Lord of the Void has become a legend. As the most active of the forty-four judges of the Supreme Tribunal, the black-robed disciples have many followers.

The Ecclesiarchy has always been intolerant of heresy and censors ships sailing across the stars.

But when the state religion encounters a void ship…

It’s hard to say who will review who.

When the children wanted to ask other questions, the girl who took the lead noticed that the dark lounge was lit up.

She turned her head and saw a tall white-haired young man with an inhuman appearance.

She had long regarded the captain as a god and knew that the captain was familiar with the gods of the empire. She immediately restrained her little followers.

“Grandpa Captain has a guest, don’t disturb him!”

After politely excusing themselves, the little guys left.

The black-robed disciple turned around with stiff shoulders and saw the Lord leaning against the porthole looking at something unknown.

The black-robed disciple tried to calm himself down.

He seemed to be recalling things from a long, long, long time ago.

The fact that he was bewitched by the evil god and sold his soul, the bloody battle before his rebirth in the Court of Dawn, the twenty-six years of waiting, the nonsensical story at the birthday party…

Tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

Those beautiful eyes were full of tears.

“You learned how to drop pearls after ten thousand years?”

Young Rasta mocked.

“Because as long as you are here, we are not…”

The memory of the black-robed disciple returned to the day when he became a child and saw Hain being pushed on the table and preparing to grab the cake to fight back. However, the cake was gone and he shouted “Who took my weapon away”.

The Lord has always treated these disciples as children and gave them light in the darkest times.

“You just went to see Charmander.”

Rasta mentioned a bearish guy.

“Charmander is now a god’s machine. He is known as the Fire Dragon Titan and is loved by everyone.”

The black-robed disciple praised the guy he had encountered many times in ten thousand years.

“What about the Son of Gunsmoke?”

“We are already together, that is…”

“Just what?”

“The day the Son of Gunsmoke promised Charmander, Charmander said a little obscenely, ‘Beauty, you are going to be dirty.'”


“Then Charmander took the other party and galloped through the swamps of Somalin. When they came back, the Ultramarines responsible for cleaning scolded the Charmander Titan until he didn’t dare to say a word.

Also, I thought I saw Charmander teaching Strong Brain Cat to pole dance…”

The black-robed disciple’s report made Rasta fall into deep thought for a while.

Mainly I was thinking about how Charmander was pole dancing, and whether these idiots had gone too far with the Ultramarines.

“These children you are taking care of now will be very brave in the future. I will bless them.”

Rasta made a promise that He would bless these children in the future.

“What’s the matter with you coming here?”

The black-robed disciples knew that the Lord was very busy and would not come to them for nothing.

“Let Hain and the others join the war. The Divine Blood Heaven has been set up. Before they face their first death in the war, they will see me, the real me, in front of the Pale Throne.”

After Rasta finished saying this, he raised his hand.

At the same time, the King of Creation on the Pale Throne also raised his hand.

The Lord of Joy trap used to capture the void ship was diverted by Rasta.

“It’s time for me to leave.”

In the dim light, the door of ashes opened, and the black-robed disciple bowed.

And the trap originally intended to capture the people on the void ship and the Phoenix Sons in the wounded cabin of the void ship fell into another place.

The Labyrinth of Pleasure, Shalish’s Realm of Chaos.

“Great Lord of Joy, we ask for an audience.”

The great demons of Slaanesh who were re-selected were full of joy and eager to worship their main god.

Salish, who was no longer normal, pulled out her head from the depths of the realm of chaos.

He noticed the sealed trap behind these big demons.

“Great Lord of Joy, we have captured for you…”

The demons lifted the seal and prepared to serve the purple cans that Salish liked, but when they turned around, what they saw was an even bigger surprise.

They blurt out the next two words.


Although Khorne knew that he was thrown into Salish’s trap by Lust of Light and was captured instead of his original prey.

Although Shaleshi also knew the truth, even though the great demons of Slaanesh also knew it.

But that’s not important.

The angry Skull Lord roared violently, tore the demons apart, and then rushed towards the purple pervert.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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