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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 33 Big Bone Soup

“Are they all enemies of the empire?”

Horus calmed down for a moment, feeling that he was being led astray by lust.

“To be precise, they are enemies of multiple powerful races, whether it is the two overlords who may have ruled the galaxy forever in the past, or the current human empire, or other overlord civilizations that may be born in the future.

Any intelligent life that is unwilling to live in hell and suffering will have the greatest hostility towards them. “

Rasta refers to Necron, Eldar, and Farsightedness.

This made Horus fall into silence. He wanted to say “Then all overlord civilizations unite to destroy them”, but found that this was completely contrary to the emperor’s philosophy.

Moreover, many aliens have fallen into the arms of those four evil gods.

“It cannot be done. The human empire cannot cooperate with many aliens, because in their eyes, in the real universe of this galaxy, your father is much more terrifying than those four guys.”

Raste did not directly point out that the Emperor was the evil god.

But Horus heard it, and he began to roughly understand that the real war of the human empire was a game between two evil gods in the real universe and the four evil gods of the subspace for the human empire.

“Who is more powerful, you or my father?”



“He has not become a god, and I am stronger than any evil god in subspace, whether in subspace or in the real universe.”

Guangyu makes no secret of his ranking first in the entire server.

“Then why don’t you just eliminate all the aliens, expel the influence of the four evil gods, and unify the human empire directly?” Horus blurted out.

“It can’t be done.”

Rasta was a little depressed. He was indeed powerful, but there was no way to deal with this fundamental problem.

He said: “Subspace is a chaotic realm of chaotic time and space formed by the projection of the real universe. It reflects the emotions and existence of most lives.

As for why we say the vast majority, it is because there are some beings that do not have psychic properties at all, but their number is pitiful and they are marginalized.

The emotions reflected in the subspace will gradually evolve and eventually condense into some individuals.

They are the Chaos Gods, their number is uncertain, and most of them are secondary gods. “

Guang Yu said, and took out a branch. He removed the cover on it, but restrained its influence on ordinary life.

The moment Horus saw the branch, he felt infinite fear in his heart.

He was formed from the essence of a lesser god combined with the characteristics of subspace, the genes of the emperor, and human technology. When he saw the bones of another lesser god, he would naturally feel a sense of fear, as if he had seen a natural enemy.

What Guang Yu held in his hand was a spine that was asphalt-like and covered with scales. There were countless demon souls roaring on it, and the faces were extremely distorted.

Both ends of this spine are blurry and invisible.

“So, when I was being whipped by these things…”

“It is to turn them into nutrients for you and use them to supplement your nutrition.”

Guang Lu was very calm, waiting for Horus’ thoughts to return to the topic.

Horus did return.

“No, our question is, why don’t you just…”

“Because it can’t be done. To truly kill those four things and all the lesser gods, we need to slaughter the entire galaxy. I do have this ability. Do you want to see me do it?”


Horus finally realized what kind of existence was in front of him, a real evil god!

“They originate from life in the real universe, so life in the real universe is the key?”

“Yes, I have already killed them once in the subspace, so after they were resurrected unscathed, they frantically prevented me from being born in the real universe.”

Light Desire threw the god’s spine to the ground.

He said: “This is one of the leftover kitchen waste… that I ate when I killed God.”


Horus could not imagine that scene, an evil god carrying out a massacre in subspace, killing all the evil gods.

He couldn’t imagine the despair of Guangyu. After the most powerful evil god killed countless secondary gods and four main gods, he felt like seeing them resurrected again, doing useless work.

This is the reason why Tzeentch and Slaanesh are willing to show kindness to Light Desire, and why Light Desire says that this will only be known after fighting, and the reason why Khorne does not care at all about the Sixth Evil God sowing discord.

“Time is chaotic in the subspace. Logically speaking, it takes a certain amount of time for the four main gods to be resurrected. But every time I kill them, the flow of time in the subspace will become extremely terrifying, and then they will be resurrected again.

I had no choice, so I entered the real universe and wanted to indirectly achieve the purpose of annihilating them by changing the life in the real universe.

It’s just that I awakened a part of my memory at that time. When my frustration of killing gods was combined with the memories of my previous life, even though I branched out a lot of power to become a material provider and traveled to various parts of the galaxy, I still fell for a period of time. . “

Rasta’s expression was very sad.

“Can’t the change in real life you mentioned be accomplished by directly helping the founding of the empire? My father’s vision is for the human empire to unify the galaxy. As long as this is completed…”

Horus wanted to convince the beings in front of him for his father. He felt that the unification of the human empire was just around the corner.

“Horus, you should know that I have the ability to see the future.”

Guang Yu looked at him with an extremely cold and heartless look.

Horus felt like he was falling into an ice cellar. He thought a lot.

“There was an empire that ruled the galaxy. They won too easily and felt that they deserved everything. Then, they created one of the four main gods of chaos and fell from the position of civilization overlord. They hid in the corners of the galaxy and continued their civilization with difficulty.

If the human empire won easily, it would be even worse than them. The emperor loves the entire human race, but I don’t.

I thought that people like him could prevent the human empire from repeating the mistakes of the Eldar, but when I look at the future and that timeline again and again.

I will see that the arrogance bred by too easy a victory has caused humans to fall. Their beliefs have dragged the emperor to godhood, and then…”

“Then humans are like the Eldar…”

Horus has already imagined that scene in his mind. He is deeply afraid of it. This means that the sacrifices and efforts in the past are meaningless, and it is even worse than now.

“No, Horus, the situation may be different from what you think. Humans don’t have the same opportunities as the Eldar…”

The voice of the sixth evil god is getting lower and lower.

Horus wanted to ask why, but he soon understood the reason.

The oppressive atmosphere made the god’s spine stiffen, and the face on it was no longer distorted.

“Calm down and come to me when you figure it out. I need you to do something.”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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