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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 4 Everything goes well

“I am the lust of light!”

Raste’s self-declaration was like the first cry of Slaanesh’s birth.

It’s just that Slaanesh opened a huge warp rift called the Eye of Terror in the center of the galaxy.

This is the largest portal between the real universe and the subspace. Countless demons and evil gods whisper from here, affecting the entire human empire.

The effect of Rasta’s declaration is not in the real universe, but in the subspace.

The Chaos Gods could take over the Warp and carve out their own vast realm.

The realm of the evil god’s light desire is located in the subspace far away from the four gods, like a small pod.

The reason it is only so big is because light desire only needs to be so big.

In that realm, there is a space the size of a planet, and at the top is the pale throne.

“Praise be to the true Lord, the great Light Desire, the owner of my faith and everything!”

Under the covered bridge, Hain and Nusgreen knelt down at the same time, willing to offer their most loyal and sincere services.

While Nusgreen was painting, Raste brought Hain under the covered bridge. He could clearly feel the pain of the son of lust, and he came to comfort Nusgreen.

Fortunately, Nusgreen recovered quickly.

“Lord, I want to leave Liting and go to a more distant world to spread your light.”

Nusgreen begged.

Rasta tried to persuade him to stay: “You can do the same in Liting…”

“No, Lord, there is a real need for me.”

Nusgreen has figured out everything in the past, he has a profound understanding of many things, and the Lord’s thoughts are clearer.


Rasta retracted her outstretched hand and looked a little gloomy.

For the first light chaser with a pure soul he found in this world, he had a strong feeling of protecting the calf in Nusgreen.

So he cut off Slaanesh’s hand that reached out to the painter, even if it cost him a fortune.

“When will we set off? You can rest for a while…”

“I can’t wait to declare your glory to the world. As the son of lust for light, I will light up the darkness in those hearts and reality!”

Nussgreen’s fanaticism is no less than anyone else’s, and his fanaticism always carries a hysterical elegance.

“I understand, by the way, Nusgreen, do you know my sacred number?”

“Of course, your holy number is four, and forty-four.”

“My holy number means that those who chase the light will eventually have everything they want.”

Raste turned around and left the covered bridge. Before leaving, he stretched out his hand to stop Hain from following him.

He needs some quiet time.

Hain and Nusgreen stood up after he left for a long time.

“I don’t know how to face the Lord’s kindness, but if I were you, I wouldn’t leave Him so quickly.”

Hain remembered the time when he was in the official stable.

The Lord used a cold joke to calm his nerves.

He saw that the Lord was not willing to let Nusgreen leave here.

Nusgreen’s eyes were filled with sadness.

“Mr. Hain, you don’t know…

The Lord’s gift to me is too great. Where is this place? Here are His feet!

I am pursuing my dreams here, and it may seem like there are obstacles, but in fact there is no risk. I will always be under His protection, and nothing unexpected will happen.

For twenty-six years, He has watched me, and through some of you, you have delivered drawing paper and paint into my hands.

You even want to make the Lord change his mind and change to a more favorable environment by letting me live in a higher place because of His great love for me…

He doesn’t want to see me endure more suffering. He doesn’t want to see me travel far away and encounter real setbacks in unknown places.


However, He will feel pain because of the suffering of those who possess the essence of a light chaser. This is the sorrow that He, as a light-desire, must bear.

Mr. Hayne, I want to alleviate the pain for the Lord, even a little bit. “

Nusgreen couldn’t hold back his tears at all, and a string of tears fell from his cheeks and hit his palms.

His appearance also changed at this moment.

The painter stood next to Hain with a new attitude, only one head shorter than the tall thunder warrior.

Under his short, light blond hair, his face was as handsome as a painting, but his face was unsightly because of crying.

Nusgreen could feel how powerful he was now. When he fell into a state of being unable to extricate himself and completed this painting called The Day of God’s Coming, he sacrificed his past and gained light through that destruction and rebirth. The blessing of desire.

“In order to support my journey, He even gave me, a wanderer away from home, enough strength. This is His power. Through His power, I can feel the pain of the light chaser.

But this is a drop in the ocean of pain He endured! Mr. Hayne, I don’t have time to linger here. “

After the painter finished speaking, he bowed to the thunder warrior who came not far from the galaxy to protect him twenty-six years ago, and then walked towards one of his paintings.

He walked forward in the painting called Ankarin Agricultural World Plain as if he were entering the real world, until he disappeared at the end of the horizon in the painting.

Hain was deeply shocked by Nusgreen’s cry, and he didn’t wake up until the other portraits were swept into the “Ankarin Plain” by the strong wind.

“So, this is why, Nusgreen, you will be the first person chosen by Him. I wish you a happy journey and everything goes well!”

Rasta’s residence on the ground floor was carefully selected by the forty-four disciples.

It is a self-contained building. There are very few such buildings in the lower levels of the entire hive city. According to the empire’s concept of governance, the lower class people are not worthy of such treatment.

The uneasiness that the child was about to travel far made the God of Light Chaser frown and find it hard to show his face.

Osiris stooped to Rasta’s side on his way home and prayed to his master.

“You have finally announced your arrival to the galaxy, my Lord, and everything will be bathed in your glory.”

“Osiris, I remember telling you that I have many shortcomings. The most serious one is that I have almost no patience.”

This problem that troubled Raste in her previous life also manifested itself in many ways in this life.

“No, Lord, your flaws are not as many as you think, and you are not as miserable as you think. You have no idea how smooth and majestic you really are.”

As the head of the forty-four disciples, Osiris has the most say in this matter.

“I’m reluctant to leave Nusgreen, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Guang wants to tell everything about his actions in the past twenty-six years.

He said: “For the past twenty-six years, I have been thinking about whether the world can be saved without any sacrifice, without anyone else giving their blood and soul, family and brothers.

I acted on it, and during that time I was still resisting myself as a collection of emotions called “Longing for Light.”

I couldn’t convince myself of my beliefs, and then I tried, and then…

I failed, once, twice, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times…

My strength is not worth mentioning. I made amends after each failure and minimized the losses.

I began to reflect on what went wrong, and finally I discovered that many times I only believed in myself and relied on myself. I always thought that I could solve all problems on my own.

But at that time I was just a coward who didn’t dare to admit that I was a god! And before me, there were already four and a half…old guys who had plenty of experience in this area.

Even though those old guys have to rely on external help, why do I think I can change the world on my own? “

“So you generously chose to bring this glorious mission to your people!”

Osiris’s heart was filled with excitement. He had always known what kind of existence his Lord was.

He lacks patience because he wants to solve these sufferings as quickly as possible. He fights alone just because the blood of those he cherishes will not be shed. He resists his own identity because he is afraid that he will fail, so that the light chasers will never see him again. No light.

He may be so selfish that he does not love the entire world, but He can selflessly love those light-seekers who take Him as their guide.

Twenty-six years ago, under the guidance of the self-proclaimed evil god, the disciples thought they were selling their souls to the subspace. Who knew, but their souls just walked from darkness into the light.

“No, Osiris, I feel that I am particularly despicable. On the one hand, I have to let people like Nusgreen who can receive my blessing change the world and expand the number of light chasers.

On the other hand, I don’t want him to encounter a real crisis…”

The core of this sixth evil god of subspace was once the soul of a mortal, and he felt that he was not that strong.

“Lord, just like you said to us at the beginning, from the beginning of our contract with you, our souls will no longer be owned by ourselves, so…

So what if we die, our souls are in the hands of the sixth evil god, Lust of Light! We return our souls to lust! “

Osiris learned a lot from Rasta as his target, and then firmly returned these things to Rasta again. This is the wonderful closed loop between God and His light chasers.

“Yes, your souls are in my hands.”

Rasta carefully looked at his most precious possessions, which shone brightly in the darkness.

He finally showed a smile: “Invite them to have a dinner together. If the Sixth Evil God finally appears, he can start to change Li Ting. The current state of this place makes me feel very uncomfortable. By the way, the place for the dinner will be chosen. At church.”

The next thing to discuss is a big thing.

The changes in Liting will be noticed by the empire. As another hegemonic civilization that rules the galaxy after the Eldar, the empire will not allow anyone to challenge this necessary rule.

In this regard, some of the forty-four disciples were very experienced.

This is Holy Communion! Osiris quickly realized this problem.

It’s a pity that the son of lust has traveled far away, otherwise this would have been a perfect family dinner.

Osiris soon left the god he served and contacted other disciples. This news would be the biggest surprise to the disciples who had always wanted to see him head-on. He also wanted to see their joy.

Osiris knew very well that the dinner would begin before nightfall, and he knew some of the Lord’s habits.

Most of the disciples were overjoyed upon hearing his message.

Until he came to Governor Doan, the nominal supreme ruler of this planet.

As a sound-thinking female ruler, Doan is more thoughtful in this regard and can discover things that Osiris cannot see.

“Repeat the Lord’s words…”

When Doan heard that she had failed a thousand times or ten thousand times and even hesitated to speak, her expression did not change, but she covered her mouth and bit her teeth on the blocked lower lip.

Osiris finally realized something was wrong: “What’s wrong?”

Doan took out a piece of paper from the pile of papers on the governor’s desk.

This was a statistical document issued by the empire nine years ago. At that time, she didn’t understand what it meant.

For nine years, things related to this statistical document have been happening, but she didn’t realize there was anything wrong.

Osiris took the document from her hand. Then, the bishop painfully wanted to tear the paper into pieces, but he couldn’t.

He pretended to hand the document back to Doan.

“He bore all our sins and broke His promise when He sold His soul that we should do these things.”

Doan was quite dissatisfied with the Lord, but more and more devoted and joyful to Him.

“…By the way, I remembered what day it is today.”

Osiris changed this heavy topic. During the Holy Communion, he did not want to face the Lord with a bitter face.

“What day?”

Doan didn’t react.

“You don’t know, this is normal. The Lord gave me your departure time at the beginning. Because everyone was in different star systems at the time, the time of departure was different.

In fact, in terms of Terra days, our departure time is April 4th, at 4:44 pm.

Although it is already autumn in Liting, it is April 4th in Terra. “

Osiris carefully put away the paper document and put it into his arms.

“Give it back to me!” Doan stretched out his hand to demand.

“You didn’t pick it up after I handed it to you for a long time, and you still want it now? You think so beautifully!”

Osiris ran away without leaving any dignity for himself as the first disciple.

After Osiris left, Doan looked at the anklet.

“Are you celebrating our birthday?”

When the forty-four disciples sold their souls, their second life began. From that moment on, they were reborn.

That day is very important to them, but their thoughts are very confused during that time, and most people cannot remember that time.

Fortunately, the Lord remembered it for them.

Time in the hive is difficult to calculate since no one can see the sky.

But Osiris, as a former Mechanicus bishop, is extremely sensitive to the unit of time.

When this side of Li Ting began to turn to a place not illuminated by stars.

A huge long table was placed in the church. After the forty-four disciples arrived, they found their seats easily.

The light of the candle was weak, but it illuminated the church where the lights were turned off.

Hain looked at his seat with some confusion.

There were several books placed on his seat, but in fact he was tall and tall.

Until the table and the chair next to it became inexplicably taller.

“Hahaha, Hain, you…”

Happy children’s voices sounded around Hain.

That came from another disciple whom they had met once before selling his soul to the Lord, at the side of the Emperor.

The Sister of Silence, who suffered so much and had deep hatred, was now a beautiful little girl with braids and even small freckles on her face.

After hearing her own voice, Sister Silence realized that she had become a child like Hain in front of her.

Not just them, but all the disciples.

As he climbed into his seat honestly, Hain began to think about how inconvenient this body was.

He also felt that there were not enough books on the pad.

Their mentality even returned to that of children, a little more innocent and lively. Several disciples lay on the table. Osiris, who was also a child, became angry and jumped on the big high-back chair to accuse them of not paying attention to their manners. .

The disciples made faces directly at Osiris.

At this time, a figure walked out from behind the door pushing a huge cake.

He glanced at the circle of little kids – they all suffered all kinds of hardships in their real childhood.

Even after they reach adulthood, they never have the luxury of having others celebrate their birthday.

Guang Yu raised the cake knife with one hand and took out a stack of small pointed hats with the other hand.

“Who wants a birthday hat? Who wants a cake?”


Forty-four little hands were raised.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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