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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 40 Like a Treasure

As if feeling the ambition of the most powerful warp evil god, Horus couldn’t help but want to surrender to that terrible ambition and follow him to complete many feats.

But now she is more curious.

She hadn’t seen Ellores’s spine clearly, which made her full of curiosity about the spine that Guang Yu was holding in his hands at the moment.

“This journey was perfect from the beginning. I sold out the butterfly effect and made the crisis that your brother Fulgrim will face disappear. Even if he fails to deceive Ibosas, he can still make a profit without losing anything. Well, big reward.”

Guangyu began to make small calculations in his heart to see how much he had earned.

“Is there anything special that you used to steal the spines of the four gods?”

Horus was already full of admiration for the evil god’s art of lust, which made her almost ignore the inappropriate time she had spent in the past period under the spiritual filter of the other evil god.

“First of all, it must overlap with the authority of the four main gods, and secondly, it must be opposed to them in some way.

In this way, the secondary god spine has the possibility to neutralize the influence of the four gods in the carrying power, and can be guided to the front.

Otherwise, if the overlap is too high and cannot neutralize the influence of those four old things, the person who accepts this stolen power is likely to be transformed by their influence. “

The spine in Guangyu’s hand was golden and looked particularly attractive.

Horus began to guess which of the other three main gods the spine of the secondary god corresponded to.

Just when she thought that this spine might overthrow a Chaos God or even cause a new god to rise in the future, this was the seed of infinite possibilities.

Rasta gasped and bit down on the spine.

Yeah, crunchy, divine flavor.


Horus opened her mouth wide, and she was almost stunned.

You agreed to steal the backbone of the god who had the authority of the four gods, but you turned your head and put it in your mouth?

Guang Yu saw her confusion and began to explain.

“This is my snack, not the secondary divine spine that corresponds to the authority of those three old guys. Strictly speaking, I am not yet thirty and need to supplement my nutrition.”

Okay, the Wolf Goddess understands, now is the time for the Evil Spirit Spirit Filter.

She looked at the surface and found that the spine was covered with something similar to bread crumbs, as if it had been fried.

Because her sub-god essence has absorbed a little bit of the sub-god’s spine, she has already developed a desire instinct for this irresistible temptation.

And Guang Yu ate the food crisply, which aroused her appetite.

Under the pitiful gaze of the Wolf Goddess, Rasta split the snack in her hand into two.

The half of the secondary god’s spine that he handed to Horus began to expand rapidly, reaching a size suitable for the opponent’s hand.

Horus beamed. There was no doubt about her thirst for power. She felt that after eating this large section of the spine, her strength would skyrocket.

But when her slender white fingers touched the spine, she realized how naive and ridiculous her thoughts were.

Almost instantly, an extremely terrible pain invaded her soul and body, causing her to collapse to the ground instantly. Even her will could not resist the pain at all.

This pain was exactly the same as the pain she felt when she was beaten with a “twig” by Loken.

She finally realized that her ability to digest the spine of the lesser god was pitifully weak. Although it could be absorbed by just touching it, she would suffer quite terrible pain.

This god’s spine, which can be used as a snack by terrifying things, is obviously not that of an ordinary secondary god.

The pitiful shepherd goddess had messy hair and blurred eyes. The mountain peaks pressed into an astonishing arc. She stuck out her plump and round buttocks and gritted her teeth while looking hatefully at Guang Lu, who was still eating snacks.

“This is a tutorial for you. Remember, never try to accept any benefits given to you by the Evil God of Chaos, no matter how tempting they are, they all come with a price.

And why do you think you can bite this thing? The most difficult thing for secondary gods to destroy is their spines. This is what I dropped after I killed the secondary gods and devoured their flesh, blood, souls and even part of their power. No one can bite it except me. “

The terrifying thing chewed the hardest part of the god’s body while preaching to the young Wolf Shepherd.

Horus was full of dissatisfaction. This time she followed Guangyu to do things. There was no benefit. She also had to lie on the ground and be pointed at. How could this make sense?

“Stare at me? Stare at me again and I’ll tie you up!”

Guangyu picked up the leftover piece of the god’s spine and threatened Horus, who immediately looked away in aggrievedness.

Then she and Guang Yu reacted to something at the same time.

After tying this thing to the Wolf Goddess, it seems to have become a strange play!

“I definitely didn’t mean that!”

“What do you mean?”

Horus regained control and stood up.

She asked Guangyu to change her back.

“No, you don’t have the painting with you. I can’t replace it until you get back. You just have to make do with it now.”

“Then it’s really me in the painting?”

“What do you think? That thing is actually equivalent to a temporary subspace. I gave you the materials, and you really made yourself another you.

right! That’s right, just like the Emperor looking for those four old guys to create the Primarch.

But it saves trouble because your secondary god essence does not need to be created. In other words, this is your other body, a female original body.

You can understand it as your two different accounts. If you plan to abandon this account, you must return to that account.


Do you plan to leave this account in this world and wait for Fulgrim to kiss you awake like a prince who has fallen into a deep sleep due to the departure of your soul? “

“You are really not a human being!”

“I’m not a human either.”

After a few words of bickering, Horus felt more and more that this outfit was really… too immoral.

“The acting is over, you have to change my clothes, something thicker.”

“Is this okay?”

Rasta turned his hand, and a particularly tight nun’s uniform appeared in his hand, without any immorality.

“You want me to wear this?”

Horus glanced at the suit. It was thick. What the hell is this white stocking?

“In the original timeline, these were the costumes of the Emperor’s daughters six thousand years later. Aren’t you the Emperor’s daughter now?”

Rasta wanted to complain about this.

The Battle Sister is the daughter of the Emperor, and the Primarch is the Emperor’s son. So when the Astartes and the Battle Sister fight side by side, is this title…

Horus gritted his teeth and put it on. While the lust of light created a shield for her, it also opened a rift in the subspace.

Horus kicked off one of his crystal high-heeled boots, hurriedly followed the footsteps of Luoshu, and put on the nun’s shoes in the subspace crack.

About half an hour later, Fulgrim came to the tent again with low expectations.

Sure enough, there was no one here, and he was extremely disappointed.

However, when he was angry at his inability to find the love of his life on the ground, he found a glass slipper.

This made him ecstatic.

With his memory, he could clearly recognize that these were the boots of his crush.

“She loves me! She left it on purpose! This is our token of love!”

Purple Phoenix evolves!

Big licking dog!

Don’t sleep hard at night, sleep quickly!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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