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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 41 Resist Bullying

and Erta, one of the many planets on the front lines of the Great Crusade.

This planet has experienced several changes.

In the golden age of mankind, this place was occupied by humans. The aboriginal people who had just evolved to the Stone Age were killed because they resisted the Iron Man.

This place once had the shadow of the most glorious period of human technology, so there are many technological relics left here, including some STC modules that the Mechanicum is eager to desire.

The STC module is the standard construction program module. This is a tool used by humans to unify the technological level of the entire empire. If you use the STC module as a program, you can directly use the technology contained in it.

The simplicity may not be as simple as opening a game with a mouse and letting it run by itself during the ancient Terra era, but it is a world of difference compared to developing technology from scratch.

After the Iron Man rebellion, the electronic demon awakened, and interstellar navigation became extremely difficult due to the emergence of subspace storms, and contact with Terra was lost.

In other words, it has lost contact with all other civilized planets under human rule.

In despair and fear, the people here looked up at the stars, only to realize that the arrogance of the golden age was nothing at this moment.

In the Golden Age, humans regarded the entire galaxy as their own. They despised every star and regarded themselves as the masters of the world.

But now, they are so small that even if they just look up at the stars, they feel so fragile that they are going to die in the next second.

The humans in Sier Pagoda carried out various self-rescues, some rushed into the stars, and some tried to enter the subspace storm. In the end, they all failed without exception. In addition, the Iron Man rebellion that came with them made them have doubts about themselves. Possessed technology casts doubt.

After the chaotic struggles of the human beings on this planet, they have degenerated into an extreme primitive form of society.

Then, they were contaminated by the whispers from the warp, and finally chose to believe in the God of Perfection in order to prove that their lives were meaningful.

They built a temple on the seven-story mountain with the temple to worship their god of perfection and offered Him all kinds of pleasures.

This decadence continued until the arrival of an alien civilization.

The alien civilization was occupied by a group of Eldar tribe on the original planet, so they cursed and became refugees.

They trekked long distances in the starry sky with difficulty, and finally, under some mysterious and mysterious guidance, they came to this planet, defeated the humans here, and found a new home.

With hatred and some undue pleasure, they killed all the humans here who were indulging in some kind of flesh and blood ritual.

The alien civilization is afraid of the way the humans here live, and they ask their leaders to destroy those temples because they trust their leaders.

They are leader civilizations, and their leaders have the emotional and will blessings of most of their compatriots, and have firm beliefs.

Those leaders who were quite confident walked into that temple.

It’s a pity that they immediately knelt down in front of the God of Perfection and humbly licked the dirt at the feet of the statue of the God of Perfection.

The blessing of their will cannot be balanced with the blessing of their own emotions, so they were easily captured by the Lord God Slaanesh.

Unlike the humans who built temples, they got along very well with the electronic demons. They did not give up their technology, but instead continued to grow stronger through these technologies.

“Is this the story of this planet?”

Horus listened to the Sixth Evil God introducing the background of the world.

“Yes, this is what I saw from the past timeline.”

Rasta and Horus sat on a high mountain, looking at the world filled with ice and snow.

Now, it’s winter here, the coldest season in the temple.

“Those humans are not loyal enough to the faith of Slaanesh?”

Horus did not understand Slaanesh’s indifference as he watched his followers being slaughtered by the xenos.

“How should I put it? The four main gods of chaos don’t care about these believers at all. When the value provided by the believers to them is not enough, they will not hesitate to squeeze out every bit of value from their followers.

Those fallen humans who gave up technology meant they would not be too powerful to compete with the Empire.

Supporting an alien civilization with more powerful force can cause certain obstacles to the empire.

The gap between the two does not need to be measured. In Slaanesh’s view, whoever wins will continue to serve as his flock in this pasture.

The death of all fallen humans is a ritual in itself to corrupt the alien civilization with the pleasure of killing.

When the leaders walked out of the temple, their bodies had been occupied by demons gnawing on their souls while wailing silently. “

Guang Yu’s words have a meaning.

This made Horus shudder, and she seemed to see what she would face in a timeline where Light Desire had not interfered.

“Thank you!”

Horus thanked her sincerely. She didn’t want to become the kind of puppet with a demon inside her body.

“I’m so sorry. If you really want to thank me, just let me paint your power armor…”

“Apply it, apply it however you like. If the emperor asks, I will tell him that he has children.”

Horus began to feel strange.

“Hush! Your son is here!”

Guangyu sat on the cliff, resting his hands on the ground and looking up at the sky.

“my son?”

Horus recalled the star map the Emperor had given her.

She looked up at the starry sky and, through some identification method, determined that the planet was indeed within the support range of the Luna Wolves.

“which one?”

“The most filial one!”

In space with the temple.

The subspace vortex opened, and the battleship machine soul of the 10th company was roaring.

Loken stood up from the main seat and looked at the satellite of Yusi Er Pagoda. This is a satellite that looks like the moon, except that it is purple.

On the purple satellite, orbiting weapons made of flesh and blood turned the muzzle the moment the battleship of the 10th Company entered the starry sky and began to gather energy, preparing to blast outsiders into space.

Loken was silent and gave no orders. The 10th Company had encountered this situation too many times. He did not need to give orders, and his subordinates knew what to do.

Mu En watched the battleship’s void shield open, and then began to call names, asking some soldiers to be ready to join him in joining the gang.

An alien civilization that has developed to this level at least has a small fleet.

The starry sky was lit up by artillery fire, so bright that the sun could not cover up its brilliance.

Loken activated the power pack of his power armor.

Before this, he had been carrying the nearly 5,000 kilograms of ceramic power armor purely on his own strength.

“For Horus, the great returning son! God of wolf herders!”

Loken drew his power sword, the disintegration field casting a mesmerizing glow around the blade.

“Wherever the Moon Wolf is stained with blood, the enemies of mankind will not be able to stand!”

After the teleportation device was activated, the roaring Astartes began to jump in large numbers from their own battleships to the alien battleships that were approaching the Tenth Company’s battleships.

There are four hundred Shadow Luna Wolves and mortal servants staying here.

Among these four hundred people, one had an extremely miserable expression.

“Obviously, the last chance to show my face was taken away by the deputy company commander. Why? Why didn’t they take me with them?”

Resist the bullying of the Legiones Astartes! Everyone is responsible for the Shadow Moon Wolf!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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