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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 43: A sudden change of color

It was Raste’s habit to jump on a table whenever there was one.

He put his hands on his hips and said, “How about it? Although I didn’t share the spoils with you, I will treat you well!”

Horus has understood the way to get along with the Sixth Evil God. He will never let you suffer, and will even make you a lot of money, so that you have complete trust in him. This abominable corrupt method is completely irresistible.

“So, you are teaching me to make the best use of what I have in my hand, instead of just rushing in without thinking?”

The use of Ibosas made Horus understand how to take advantage of the situation.

“Good understanding, but not enough. I have a deeper intention.”

“What is it?”

“I forgot.”


Guangyu began to give her reminders.

“For anything, oral education is not very useful, personal experience is more important.

Throughout a person’s life, one’s understanding of a word will go from thinking that one fully understands it, to half knowing it, to being unable to understand it, and finally feeling relieved.

This is the real process of knowledge. Horus, I haven’t taught you enough. You still need to experience a lot of it yourself.

Your father has lived too long, has lost too much of his humanity, and is indifferent to many things that he doesn’t care about.

If he sees that you are too outstanding, he will ignore you even more.

After he sees you growing up on various planets, he thinks you are adults and will directly ignore your family education.

The Lord of Humanity does not realize that you are ripened, you are born with knowledge, and you are innately endowed with memory and knowledge, but you are still children in a sense.

If he himself does not guide you in a practical and correct manner, this will lead to the subspace evil god coming to smear you to his heart’s content.

I know how can you refute me? After all, you want to defend your respected father.

But now there is a warp evil god doing this to you. “

Horus hesitated to speak. Every move she made was expected by the other party. She lost all courage when she faced off against the Lord of Chaos who could see the timeline.

She decided to have a hard time.

“Then, respected Sixth Evil God, you have taught me so many things, it is my turn to teach you!”

“I asked you to pretend to be Slaanesh, and you came to be Slaanesh?!”

“Let me teach you what it means to be an adult!”

Horus is about to take off his clothes and let the Great Evil God know what it means to treat others the same way they are treated. I have no bottom line, right? I really don’t want it anymore.

But she stopped mid-movement, her expression froze, and then she raised her hands in surrender.

“I was wrong!”


The Lord of Chaos put away the steel pipe that was twisted from the spines of too many gods and could be called an evil object of chaos.

Horus continued to watch the puppet’s movements through the vision shared by him.

In the sacrificial hall.

Ibosas slaughtered these aliens one-sidedly. While their flesh and blood were dripping, the Luna Wolves opposite him became nervous.

The so-called warrior leader couldn’t even bear a random grab and tear in front of Ibosas.

During this process, a large amount of pink-purple light flowed out from each alien’s body.

Ibosas opened his mouth and swallowed the power of pleasure and his soul together.

The Elorean spine in its body began to absorb this joy like crazy.

Every time Ibosas eats an alien, he can feel that he has a little more desire, but it is still empty.

The power of pleasure has become a necessity for it.

Ibosas turned back and looked at the blasphemous “9”. Under the attack of the bolt gun and the splashing of blood, its purple color was no longer so obvious.

“Sure enough, after the color faded, only some insignificant blue remained.”

Ibosas ignored the people of Loken who were waiting for him.

It picked up the mace and smashed the temple to pieces. In the process, a huge amount of joy poured down from the entire “Total Sexual Pleasure” mural and the sacred number symbol.

Bathing in the power of these pleasures, Ibosas craves satisfaction, but the more it absorbs, the hungrier it becomes.

Just like people wandering on the sea without fresh water, the more they drink sea water, the thirstier they become.

After sweeping away the joy of the entire battleship, Ibosas noticed these cans.

The “Lord God of Slaanesh” has told it not to kill these cans, nor to harm them, because the cans are the targets of the corruption of the most powerful Lord of Chaos.

This made Ibosas a little jealous of these guys. It raised the mace in its hand and pointed it at Loken.

“You believe…”

Ibosas suddenly felt a little hard to describe. It didn’t know how to describe the current “Slaanesh”. It was so different from before.

It frowned and thought hard for a while, and finally it burst out with inspiration and came up with this sentence.

“Do you believe in the Chaos God who possesses the power of light and desire?”


This problem is solved for Loken and all the Luna Wolves.

As long as everyone is well aware of this kind of thing, there is no need to put it on the table. The Emperor is still promoting the truth – even though he takes the lead in forming an alliance with Lust.

“Answer me, mortal, are you dissatisfied with the Lord I believe in?”

Ibosas thought he was helping the Lord of Joy in his mission.

Loken’s brain wasn’t bad either. He quickly realized that this was a guy who had been deceived by the Lord of Lights.

The unorthodox evil god of lust can always do something ruthless that makes people fall in love with him.

Little did they know that under the handiwork of the Lord of Lights, even the Emperor would fall into disgrace every day.

Loken looked at Mu En, then at his brothers, and finally stopped looking at Ibosas. He stared at the ground with some difficulty and nodded.

Is there any dissatisfaction among Ibosas? Absolutely not!

Look at this hesitation, look at this struggle, look at this difficult choice, this instinctive acquiescence, this irresistible attitude of wanting to escape but not being able to escape.

This is completely consistent with the appearance of normal intelligent life when it is corrupted by the great Lord of Joy.

Ibosas’s spirit is extremely high, and he feels that the days ahead are promising.

Look, the other three trash evil gods in the subspace are all staring at the cans with greed, but no one can succeed.

Only our Lord has buried the seeds of corruption deep in the empire, and even allowed these cans to suppress the rebellion, and let the cans clear out the treacherous and strange people who pretend to be followers of the Lord!

The more Ibosas thought about it, the happier he became, and he even clenched his fists to encourage the cans.

“Come on! Work hard!”

At this moment, a Luna Wolf who was not too disabled climbed up and looked here, his head filled with questions.

Mad, get up and see the boss alien telling us to work hard!

There was a Luna Wolf next to him who also got up, with a look of disbelief on his face, so he slapped him with his only remaining arm.

“Does it hurt?”


“It seems true. Oh, what are you doing with my broken right hand?”

“If you dare to hit me, I will hit your girlfriend!”

These Astartes watched as the loyal Ibosas used teleportation to jump away from the alien warship.

They also made contact again with the remaining Astartes on their warships.

“The enemy fleet, except for the main ship, has been completely destroyed!”

This war was so hasty that it felt a bit unreal to Mu En.

Only Lorcan understands, and that’s not surprising at all.

There is an evil god watching over you, and it’s only when you’re unhappy that there’s a problem.

He looked towards the passage, hesitating whether to go there and see the material provider.

Because he had a vague feeling.

He sensed that his father was also in the room at the back of the passage.


He also sensed that his father was not happy to see him now.

Could it be that my father was afraid of online classes because he was afraid of the horror of bamboo sticks?

That won’t work! This is all for the good of the Wolf Shepherd God!

Loken, who loved his father passionately, made up his mind and prepared to walk into the passage.

At this moment, two footsteps sounded in the passage, one light and one heavy.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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