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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 44 Also Father and Mother

The approaching footsteps made the Luna Wolves a little nervous, but for some reason, they didn’t feel a trace of danger, and they even felt relieved to be back home.

Loken was ready to kneel to any god who came out of the passage.

He felt deeply deserved by the meticulous care he received, no matter which one of the two gods he believed to be the source of the care.

But the figure coming out from the end didn’t quite fit his imagination.


Loken’s mouth opened wide. He even wondered if he was hallucinating or not waking up.

The other Luna Wolves were also shocked, but what shocked them was that there was a woman who looked even taller than their genetic father.

Even though the other person was veiled, it still made them feel unexpectedly beautiful, and it made their hearts beat wildly.

The first network administrator, the ultimate dutiful son Loken, was shocked differently than them.

Loken had seen the soul fragment of his genetic father, so he was familiar with the aura of his father’s soul.

Even if the body of the Primarch currently used by the opponent only had the unawakened subspace essence left to connect with him, he could still recognize Horus’ true identity.

The captain of the tenth company of the Luna Wolves looked at Guang Lu next to him with a stiff expression, his face also concealed.

Rasta’s hair is now snow-white, and although he still looks like a young man, his pupils are silver.

But His disguise was obviously not as good as Horus’s. No one recognized Horus, but they recognized Him.

The Luna Wolves no longer had any hostility at all. After all, they were facing the material provider who often praised their good babies.

Material provider, for them, is the same word as god, and it is also a title of elder that cannot be discarded.

Horus gave Loken a rather unkind look.

She had no intention of walking out. She even thought that as long as Loken, an unhappy guy whose father didn’t care about him, didn’t go into the passage to find her and Guang Yu.

Then, she wouldn’t have to appear in front of her descendants in such a posture.

But she never expected that Loken would bite the bullet and prepare to come along the passage to have a look. She had no choice but to take the initiative and come out on her own under Guang Lu’s suggestion.

In order to help her hide her identity, Rasta even made a poor disguise for herself. This way, the Luna Wolves who thought they had recognized the disguise of the material provider would not pay too much attention to Horus. body.

For the first time, Loken knew what it was like to be sweating profusely without fighting.

He even doubted whether his proud father would kill his relatives out of justice and give his blind son a gift on the spot.

That’s not right, I have hair now, it’s quite long and pretty…

Loken quickly told himself to stop thinking, something was wrong.

The Luna Wolves behind him did not intend to reveal the disguise of the Lord of Lights, and he did not intend to reveal the disguise of Horus.

“Excuse me, how should we call you two…”

“My name is Inspiration King. I live by a river. There are often unsightly things that want to fish in this big river that I contracted with my partner.

I didn’t agree, so they said they could offer me two boys and girls every year!

Just kidding, I showed it to the aliens and thought I couldn’t afford to beg for food from them.

I don’t agree with them fishing at all. I don’t agree with them at all. They go to their village and eat up all the boys and girls.

Today I saw one of them was preparing to secretly cast a net here, so I came over to take a look. It was okay, the baby fish was not taken away…”

As Rasta spoke, he stood on tiptoes and looked behind the group of Luna Wolves.

“When they broke free from the net, some fish were left half dead.”

These two words made the severely injured Luna Wolves want to pretend to be unconscious. It was so shameful and they were embarrassing to their elders.

However, they were also confused by these words. The only one present who could understand them was Horus.

The river is probably the Milky Way, the partner is the emperor, fishing is the evil god corrupting mankind, and the boys and girls are probably the secondary gods…

No, how did you call me Exit, Baby Fish? Still so skilled?

“…Okay, Your Majesty, can you give us…”

Loken really couldn’t say the words “please give the baby fish a doctor”.

Horus glared at Loken, then whispered a request to Rasta.

Guang Yu stepped forward to see the wounded while making personal attacks.

“Let me say it first, I can cure most of them. I can treat diseases, injuries, and hereditary hair loss. I can’t cure it!”

Mu En followed Rasta in a hurry and started to help him.

After seeing the first wounded person, a dim light flickered slightly in Rasta’s hand. This dim light seemed to come alive, like a long snake coiling up, and then it got into the belly of the guy who was stabbed through the stomach. .

The powerful vitality of Astartes was stimulated by the power of light desire, and the opponent’s flesh began to grow wildly, making his expression unattractive due to itching.

The treatment was in order, but someone took his girlfriend and was unwilling to return it.

“He hit me! You judge…”

This was a rare warm moment for the Luna Wolves, just like every time they took a break with their material provider after the war.

They didn’t expect the other party to sit down with a book and tell them stories, but even one more sentence would be good.

Loken on the side plucked up the courage several times to strike up a conversation with Horus.

But this tall, veiled, mature woman looked at him and seemed to be grinding her teeth.

I hate it so much that I gnash my teeth! The current suffering is all caused by you, a filial son!

Finally, after all the wounded were treated, Loken still couldn’t bear it anymore and came to Guang Yu.

“Can you tell me what’s going on…”

He didn’t know what to say, why is my father gone?

“You think my eldest niece is extraordinarily beautiful and you fell in love with her at first sight, and you want me to betroth her to you?!”

The light is full of witty words.


Horus didn’t know what nonsense Loken said to Rasta, but she felt like she had seen a ghost.

Loken was dumbfounded. This was a violent comment from the evil god that he had never imagined.

Guang Yu continued to tease unscrupulously.

“That won’t work. She already has a suitor. He has a big factory in his home. He is wearing a purple suit and his white hair is darker than mine. But he is also very elegant. He is hardworking and motivated… “

“What did you say?! Who?! Where, I killed him! Just chop him into pieces!”

Luoken couldn’t stand it anymore. His father was gone. Even if it was like this, why did he still have a suitor? Good guy, they had only been separated for a few days. How could his father be so watery… so watery?

This was the first time for the Luna Wolves to see such a big reaction from their own company commander. It should be noted that Loken was famously calm among all Astartes.

Is it possible that you are really in love? He had such a strong murderous intention towards his love rival.


The angry Horus didn’t care about his seniority and angrily called the other person by his name to shut up this wicked evil god.

Guangyu, who had completed the cognitive coverage of the Luna Wolves, frowned and stopped talking nonsense.

After Horus dealt with the most troublesome Internet cafe owner, she took a deep breath to calm down, then turned and walked into the passage.

“You, come with me!”

This sentence was said to the best network administrator of the year, and she felt the need to explain something.

The Luna Wolves turned into curious babies and looked at Loken.

Loken was immediately angry.

“I stay with you every day and sleep in a big cabin. Do you think I have the time to fall in love?”

Makes sense!

The Sons of Horus thought this way and went to see their material providers again.

“Ah, yes, yes!”

Rasta continued cognitive coverage.

Loken couldn’t argue, so he simply followed Horus into the passage.

After arriving in this room with only two people left, the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

Horus, who was both father and mother, really didn’t know where to start.

Loken felt that this was all his fault, and he wanted to start the conversation in advance.


Horus listened and ignored it at all. Do you still think of me as your father? Lust is there to cause trouble for me, but you build a staircase for Him to go up to the house and unveil the tiles!

Loken called softly a few more times, but Horus didn’t reply.

Loken really had no other options, so he changed his name.



Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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