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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 50 Don’t use it for personal use

After enduring the greatest pressure in his life, Huestis left with the eight heavy skulls and their connected spines.

This space became extremely quiet again.

Guang Yu stood quietly in front of the dining table, not knowing what he was thinking. Finally, he counted his precious treasures.

It’s strange, really strange. He didn’t want so much at first, but for some reason, he gradually wanted more.

It’s not even clear whether these wealth came to Him on his own initiative, or whether he chose to pick up these gleaming things.


Once again He jumped on the table, a stereotypical behavior that He could not avoid.

Planet Slark.

Horus finally transformed back into Horus, but he still had some unfinished thoughts about his previous journey.

“Didn’t you say that you want to find a chess piece that can adapt to the spine of a special god to fight against Tzeentch?”

Horus’s mentality changed inexplicably.

When he was asked to build the house, he thought about the Great Crusade because he felt that the Great Crusade was more meaningful.

Now that he was asked to go on the Great Crusade, he felt that the Great Crusade was not that important anymore.

Look, I can only go on great expeditions with the Emperor, but I can directly fight against the Chaos God by following Light Desire!

Horus didn’t even realize that his dependence had changed.

In the past, his idea was that I should follow the emperor’s footsteps and stay away from the terrible lust for light.

And now…

Rasta glanced at Horus’ height, frowned and waved.

Horus had to bend down.

Guang Yu, who was still out of reach, frowned and asked him to be shorter.

Horus then bowed again.

Guang Yu didn’t respond at first.

Horus crouched down before he felt a warning sign, and then got a big blow on his head.

“Wait until I jump up and hit you on the knee, right?!”

Raste’s statement was a bit exaggerated, but it did make Horus laugh sheepishly.

Only then did Guang Yu seriously warn him.

“This time, I’m just teaching you some principles, kid, you don’t have the ability to fight against the Lord of Chaos.

The reason why you think they are not so powerful and terrifying is because it is from my perspective, but in fact, that is what you think is my perspective.

Those old guys are much older than me, and I am not sure of victory. You are beginning to underestimate the enemy.

I don’t want you to fall down due to such shortcomings one day. Your failure will cause all the Luna Wolves and even the empire to bear losses.

Because your failure must be deliberately created, do you understand? “

Horus nodded, and at the same time rolled up the portrait of his other original body and handed it into the hands of the Sixth Evil God. He knew that this was the safest place.

Then he couldn’t help but be curious, and he finally faced his fear.

“What would happen if…if we failed, in the original timeline.”

He sincerely longs for answers. If he were the old man, he would never allow anyone to question the empire, and he would never let any words such as “the empire may fail” appear in his ears.

“The entire galaxy will be many times more disgusting than it is now, and governance of each planet will become more difficult.

The number of Astartes will decrease sharply, the Imperium’s finances will become increasingly tight, and in the long years, the Primarchs belonging to the Imperium will no longer appear.

It was as if all the worlds were burning, and all true power would be brought back to Holy Terra, even more centralized than it is now, in order to prevent the power holders outside from being corrupted by Chaos.

Therefore, in the entire empire, the average life span of the Astra Militarum soldiers rushing to the front line is less than half an hour, which is a fraction of what it is now.

The Astartes will face enemies who wake up one by one, and Chaos becomes more powerful…

Even Holy Terra is not much better, because the entire ocean of Terra was drained by an old woman to cultivate fields long before the Unification War, so the environment of Terra has always been very bad, especially after a battle. bad.

The huge empire would exhaust Terra’s officials to death. No matter how big or small their official rank was, there would only be a few who died of old age among such a huge base, and more than one of these people would be crazy.

The corruption of the empire can make a newly sensible child wonder how there can be such a ridiculous joke in the world.

On the contrary, the entire empire is doing well as the governors of various planets, but at any time they will face the situation where rebels who join Chaos raise the flag of corruption.

In addition, there are some garden worlds with beautiful scenery, bright sunshine and pleasant environment.

It’s just that the great demon of Slaanesh lies in the swimming pool in the garden world. “

Lust threw a cruel future in front of Horus, like a picture of hell slowly unfolding.

Horus wanted to ask “Where is the Emperor?” but his throat was choked and he felt as if his vocal cords did not want to play a role at this moment.

“I tied the Emperor to a toilet and painted it pink!”

Rasta saw through his thoughts and started talking violently again.


Horus became quiet, and then he looked at Guang Yu, wondering what he was thinking.


Rasta’s mouth opened wide. Good guy, you are more filial than Loken. At least it wasn’t Loken’s idea for you to become Horus!

“I will pacify Slark as soon as possible and look forward to my next trip, Godfather.”

Horus changed from squatting to kneeling on one knee. After kowtowing with great respect, he left the garden.

“The godfather of the primarch, all sorts of random names.”

Raste laughed at himself and opened the scroll.

Horus on the scroll looks like Sleeping Beauty, but there is a line of small words next to it.

“…” Guangyu fell into silence.

What do you mean not for personal use? Damn it, I want to take it to the Emperor for safekeeping!

He casually hid the scroll in the dimension of space he controlled, and the incarnation of the Sixth Evil God disappeared out of thin air, scattering like ashes in the wind.

The Court of Dawn.

A family of four who had just been sent here from another world hugged the 43rd disciple tightly and begged.

“Please! Let me work for one more hour! Just one hour! I agreed to work eight hours a day, but half of it is spent queuing for meals in the morning, one is used for resting at noon, and another half is used for eating in the afternoon. !

Six hours! You only work six hours a day! How can we build the world of the Lord of Lights as quickly as possible?

The daylight in Li Ting now lasts for twelve hours, a full twelve hours, and I have been resting all the time. My heart is about to break…”

There were even many residents of the City of Origin whispering in agreement.

The forty-third disciple was already a little facially paralyzed, but this scene made him completely expressionless.

He’s not good at this kind of thing at all.

At this time Hain came over, with a child sitting on each shoulder, two more in his arms, and another on his back and head.

During this time, he has been sent to take care of the children, because this can slowly change his shortcomings of being prone to anger.

He first asked the children to cover their ears.

Then he roared loudly.

“Rebellion? Ah? Are you going to rebel? When will you be the master of work? These are the rules set by the first disciple, Lord Osiris, and approved by the Lord of Lights!

Whoever is arguing again, give him a holiday at the end of the year, give him my leave, give him two months of leave! “

“…” In an instant, all the residents of the City of Origin fell silent.

Two months of leave, so I can’t get rusty?

Everyone took a breath of air and continued to return to their posts in full swing.

Hain lamented that it was not easy. He suppressed another riot caused by improper working hours.

Then, Hain was bragging to the children about how good he was at cooking.

When everyone dispersed, the unknown disciple with black hair and black eyes came over and handed the pot to Hain.


After working for four hours, Chef Yanhai, who was sweating profusely, went to line up for food.

“Lord, I know you are not the kind of person who is jealous of his popularity among children, but you exposed him to his face, which is a bit…”

Osiris ate the spaghetti in small bites, his posture very elegant.

“No, it was the children who asked me to do this. They already knew that Hain couldn’t cook, but they liked to listen to his bragging.

But they couldn’t tell Hain directly, “Even if you can’t cook, we still like you very much,” so they dropped a note in the wishing box in the square, hoping to make Hain understand their feelings, which made me a little bit envy……”

“They like you more, you don’t have to be with Hain…”

“No, that kid can write better than me!”


Osiris really couldn’t evaluate the words of the Lord of Lights, he was simply full of chaotic grace.

“Also, I found a lot of strange things in the wishing box. I heard that you were the one who suggested it?”

Rasta stared at the first disciple with evil eyes.

Osiris was suddenly sweating profusely.

He obviously only told the Assassin disciples, so where did he come from?

Those blatant letters of love were put into the wishing box without being signed, and when one was opened, the Sixth Evil God felt a huge headache.

Osiris decided to end the subject and got down to business.

“My lord, you have seen everyone’s request for more working hours these days, right?”

“Yes, that’s right, but by increasing working hours, isn’t this a violation of the contract we signed? I am an evil god, and I keep my word. What do you think of me when you ask those freshmen who will all be reborn in eighteen years to see me?”

Do they dare to have thoughts about you?

Osiris had nothing to do with the Lord’s occasional childishness, so he simply expressed his true thoughts.

“Great Lust of Light, in the contract signed at the beginning, it was agreed that some things would be handed over to your children, which is what we will do. But how long has it been, except for Nusgreen, we have not really been able to do anything. Sir, this is your preference!”

Yes, not only the ordinary people in Li Ting were dissatisfied, but all the disciples except the Assassin disciples were also dissatisfied with the current situation.

They are eager to form a demonic army to fight for the Lord of Lights.

“Well, I’m actually already preparing for your mission, Osiris, a big responsibility!”

Rasta started by ordering Osiris a takeaway called Huestis.

But this takeaway is still being cooked.

This reassured Osiris, and he never mentioned doing anything for the benefit of the other disciples.

Until he noticed the Assassin disciple next to him.

The assassin’s disciple squinted her eyes, and the small persimmon given by the evil god today was also in the concealed weapon bag, staring at Osiris’s soul with her.

Osiris read her thoughts and suddenly felt bad.

“You’re done! You betrayed your brothers and sisters! You scab! I want to tell everyone! It’s time to give up your position as chief disciple to Sister Doan!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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