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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 53 Rotten and Dirty

In the Korun region of the planet Cornis, there is a mountain range called Mythril. To the west of the mountain range is a large area with abundant water sources and a barely “fertile” soil.

This place naturally became a typical human settlement in Cornis and was named Laai.

With the settlement as the center, villages were built in this way, but settlements and cities are not the same.

Almost all the cities in Cornis are large religious centers, where they can be said to be truly prosperous. In the final analysis, settlements are just a large number of villages dotted in a general area.

Compared to most worlds in the galaxy, Cornis is simply as beautiful as one of the many legends spread among the Astra Militarum.

The name of a village on the outermost edge of the Laai settlement and farthest from the mountains is Vishels.

It was already winter, and due to the severe weather, there were almost no people outside the village and on the road.

There is an eye-catching building in the village. It has three floors, which is significantly higher than other low-rise houses. It is even a brick-concrete structure, not the wooden houses of other villagers that are not very warm and cannot be ventilated and smoked.


The owner of this house is a middle-aged man who looks older than his age and has gray hair on his temples. His face is extremely haggard, and his skin condition is so bad that he doesn’t look like much of a human being. It gives people the impression that he may close his eyes at any time and not intend to open them again. The feeling of opening.

There are not many furnishings in this home, and even the portrait of his late wife was hand-painted by himself. What’s great is that he painted it very realistically.

Six meters to the right of the portrait, there is a clock. This thing has been with him for thirty-two years. He sent away his grandfather’s grandfather. He also sent away his grandfather when he was a child, and now he is about to send him away.

“It’s time for Erebus to come back.”

Trying to keep his eyes open, cheering himself up, and wiping away the blood coughed up from the corner of his mouth, the middle-aged man took out a plate from the cabinet, wiped it with a thin piece of Cornish’s unique table fat, and then It was sent to the kitchen and stacked with another plate.

After doing all this skillfully, he returned to sit on the armchair that was as decayed as himself, picked up the book his wife had bought for him, and started reading slowly.

In less than ten minutes, the door opened.

The young man, whose face was so covered with tattoos of engraved prayers that it was impossible to tell whether he was a boy or a young man, came in, his footsteps loud and heavy, until he considered that the boards beneath his feet needed maintenance and repair.

The footsteps became softer, and he restrained his movements, but did not hide his excitement.

“Father, I have been given the opportunity to go to the city of Sarrich, where I will become a bishop!”

The young man’s face was filled with smiles and confidence, and his strong desire to share made his father put down the book in his hands.

“Very well, Erebus, my son, I am proud of you. Come, sit here.”

“No, wait! There’s something I need to confirm.”

Erebas put down the heavy parchment and paper scriptures in his hands. He first greeted his mother’s portrait, and then went to the kitchen to take a look.

After confirming that there were only two plates, he began to blame his father.

“As I said, I can already get food at the missionary point in the village, and your body is in very bad shape. You need more nutrition. You should eat at least three meals. There are only two plates in the kitchen…”

Erebas, the legendary child of other people in the entire village and even in the Laai settlement, is always so outstanding in the eyes of many people.

But no one knew about his misfortune.

He lost his mother at the age of seven, and his father suffered from severe psychological trauma. Soon after, he became seriously ill. It was difficult to take care of the family fields. Starting from the age of nine, furniture was taken out piece by piece in exchange for something that could not be called equal. Pricey food.

When he was eleven years old, Erebus didn’t understand very much. He obviously ate as little as possible, but he always felt like someone was stealing from the food cabinet at home.

He regretted breaking his father’s heart so much that he even blamed himself more times than he could remember.

Only when he grew up did he know what it meant to sit back and eat.

“I did eat three meals. I had a stomachache at lunch, so I left half of the bread. In the afternoon I spread the bread with a little Jesus oil and ate it with hot water. Trust me, my child.”

The middle-aged man resisted the urge to cough and patiently explained to him.

Erebas really didn’t believe it, but he had to believe it. He could eat food at the missionary site, but he couldn’t take it away.

After all, there is only so much food at home, and he needs a certain amount of food to go to the city of Salis. The missionary station will not give him this, because going to church on your own is also a test. If you fail, it means you are not qualified and not pious enough. .

The self-deception forced by life soon passed, and the father and son did not communicate much on a daily basis.

When Erebus went to the second floor and fell asleep, the middle-aged man came to a remote room on the third floor and tried his best to suppress the sound of retching. The thick and sticky blood fell from his mouth into the wooden basin.

“So, do you plan to hide it from him until you die?”

A voice sounded behind the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was not panicked. Although he was a believer, he had experienced many hallucinations when he was young.

The blood he coughed up began to freeze quickly, and frost crawled on the damp wooden boards as if alive.

“Don’t be impulsive. Your psychic energy is indeed very powerful, but it is of no use to me.”

The handsome young man holding eight lanterns in his left hand stroked the sharp corners of his head with his right hand, and his smile looked a bit like a fox.

It was Huestis’s favorite deceptive smile, not harmless, only the most subtle cunning.

This will make smart people think that it is a fool who cannot conceal his liar, and then the “smart people” will underestimate the enemy and be fooled, and be hunted by this big devil.

“I didn’t invite guests like you!”

The middle-aged man had killed more than one dozen demons when he was young. After having a family, he tried his best to restrain his psychic powers. He was too rational.

“It’s really heartbreaking. There are not many devils like me who are conscientious and dedicated and like to sell services door-to-door. I was originally going to give you a free service.”

Huestis continues to use what it considers lame rhetoric.

Anyway, now is the time to arouse customers’ disgust, it doesn’t matter how vulgar the words are.

“I’m a dead man with only a few days to live. There’s no need for me.”

The middle-aged man, who was strongly recognized by the lantern in Huestis’s hand, was ready to relive the time of hunting monsters.

Huestis stepped back, even bowed, and prepared to leave.

The middle-aged man quickly reminded it.

“Don’t take any chances with my son!”

“Of course, sir, you impressed me with the reason that you won’t live long. How could I ask for a contract to sell my soul from your son who can only live a few days longer than you?”

Huestis prepared to withdraw his fishing rod, and its figure was gradually fading in the air.

The big fish saw the real bait, and the big fish also knew that this was the hook, this was the fishing rod, and this was the fisherman, but the big fish took the initiative and bit the hook firmly.

“What do you mean…?”

Huestis smiled and materialized again from the air.

“We can find a suitable place to talk slowly. Don’t worry, your son will not hear us and he will have a good dream.”

Huestis took the middle-aged man who fit Abertes’ skull to the fourth floor, which should not exist.

The two of them didn’t notice at all that above their heads, there were two garden babies looking at them.

The highest peak of the Misril Mountains, a mountain of ice and snow in the middle of winter.

The Emperor and Rasta sat on the ground in the snow, with a box between them.

At this moment, the scene in the box is that of Vishers’ village.

The Emperor looked at the scumbag devil holding the skull of a god in his hand, deceiving a human.

“Well, this is called professionalism!”

Guang Yu introduced the temporary workers he had found to the Lord of Humanity.

“Where’s that beast you’re talking about?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t see it.”

The voices of Yigubigu and Wusidixi were sent away in the wind and snow.

The emperor’s gaze moved away from the three-story building and came to a small house.

There is a family of three here, and it looks much warmer than the Erebus home.

There is a warm fire, healthy and open-minded parents, and a pot of stewed potato chips.

“Paul, can you please stop doing such disgusting things before eating?”

The father, the head of the family, frowned as he watched his only son playing with the body tissue of some kind of animal.

Although this situation has started since the other party was two years old, he still can’t stand it.

Even his wife is the same. To be honest, they are very open-minded about their children and have almost no requirements. They just hope that the other person can live and grow up.

They asked Paul to have a very low limit as a human being. Unexpectedly, Paul could have no lower limit.

“No, otherwise I won’t be able to eat.”

Paul took the ear that had been dug out of someone else’s grave and was stained with blood…

Put it in your mouth and chew it.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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