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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 54 Born Bad

There is no lower limit to being a human being and no upper limit to being a beast.

This is Paul who was born bad.

When he was just born, Paul and the entire village of children under one year old were sent to the missionary site to be baptized and blessed.

There, Paul, who was just three days old, crawled from where he lay to where other children were sleeping, trying to stop the other children from breathing.

For a month, because of the cold weather, it used a neighbor’s house to keep warm.

When he was three months old, he began to teach himself anatomy lessons, and he was not happy with those small reptiles.

Before Paul was three years old, he did countless evil things.

After the age of three, in order to prevent being suspected, it begins to converge, because children under the age of three are not very likely to be suspected of being villains.

When he was four and a half years old, there was no one else in this galaxy or even in the chaos who could surpass him. He gave his uncle from far away a piece of Cornis iena intestine as a scarf.

Although its uncle repeatedly refused, he could not refuse his kindness and left this world in the warmth of this special scarf.

Does Paul need a reason to do such a thing? unnecessary!

Doing evil without any psychological burden is its animal creed.

The reason why it didn’t attack its parents is because it needs someone to support it, and these enlightened parents are really good to it. They regard their parents as powerful pets.

Paul is born with some special abilities. He can use other people’s skin to stick to his own body and integrate it perfectly into one body.

If the Necron Skin Thief finds out, be sure to humbly ask it how this beast masters this passive skill.

Paul is not afraid of most spoiled foods, so he often goes to the cemetery to replenish his nutrition.

There was not a single complete body or even a complete skeleton in the entire cemetery.

Paul would do some pretty nasty things to those bones.

Originally Paul planned to spend his whole life in the village like this, but starting tonight, he changed his mind.

The parents did not tell it about the outstanding child Erebas, but just chatted about themselves, the “excellent religious student” who was directly admitted to a cathedral in a central city.

“Erebus, that’s really good. According to what Missionary Miduli said, he may not be able to emerge from the entire settlement within a hundred years…

How to say that word? It’s too difficult to pronounce. I can’t say it. “

Paul’s father had almost no education. He spent his whole life eating in the soil and occasionally followed hunters to hunt in the woods or mountains.

After knowing that Paul liked the Cornish iena, he went to great lengths to get one for his only son.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know that this beast just needed the intestines of a hyena and a snake.

It is also very simple to destroy the carcass and eliminate traces. After cooking it with Thusidian leaves, the hyena intestines will soften and become edible.

“He should leave tomorrow. It’s not easy for this child. His father is seriously ill. In order to save food for the family, he worked hard to receive discipline at the missionary site and endured the pain of tattooing himself with the most profound holy words and prayers. pain.”

It was hard for Paul’s mother to imagine how much perseverance it took to endure that kind of pain.

“I was wondering if I should send him some food. He doesn’t have much food at home. If he goes to the central city in other seasons, he might have enough food to survive.

But now is the depth of winter, and the food consumption will only double. I don’t want this child to die on the road because of freezing and starvation. “

Paul’s father is a truly good man. To be honest, even in Gutera, he is an absolutely competent and good father.

“Okay, but we need to plan the portion. After all, Paul needs to eat much more than us…”

The parents did not accuse Paul of anything wrong, but Paul was extremely dissatisfied with this.

When Erebus’s share of food was divided, Paul made his proposal.

“I want to help you deliver these things, Father.”

The beast figured out what to do without even thinking.

“If you guarantee that it won’t be stolen before it gets into Erebus’s hands.”

Paul’s father solemnly placed the package in the hands of his only son.

“I promise, it will only be eaten by Erebus.”

Paul looked at the package in his arms, but the vicious thoughts in his heart were like the plastic garbage that kept turning up in the cesspool.

What it is thinking at the moment is – starting from tomorrow, I will be Erebus.

On the mountain of ice and snow, the emperor was in no hurry to make any move.

“I have shown you what this beast did in the past timeline. How about it, Lord of Mankind?”

Rasta yawned, stretched out his fingers, and fiddled with the box.

Time began to go backwards, and Rasta turned the entire village back to the previous night and even the previous night like a book.

The emperor finally saw the shadows of four “old friends” in the beast.

“A congenital bad species, with no human soul at all, and the inside is full of disgusting and chaotic excrement.”

The evaluation given by the Emperor was not even fully worthy of the other party.

Pulling time back to the present moment, Guangyu began to explain the future.

“It will find one of your children who is particularly susceptible to brainwashing due to a genetic defect, and that child will gradually surrender to false authority due to torture and pain.

This beast and the other beast will do their best to control the child who adores you so much but whom you have used as a tool and failed over and over again.

Then, of course, your child betrayed you, and I actually felt that the primarch’s betrayal was justified, because you deserved it. “

Rasta used this moment to start criticizing the Emperor.

The emperor didn’t care about this criticism at all. As long as Guang Yu didn’t do something cruel that would make his eyes darken, he didn’t bother to react.

After recounting the Emperor’s ten sins, the Sixth Evil God finally revealed Erebus’s beastly goal.

“Its goal is to become the new Lord of Humanity. Really, you may find it ridiculous, but when it becomes the Emperor’s Astartes, it racks its brains for this goal every moment.

So, Yigubigu, even though it failed, you also failed. Can you now reflect on what you did? “

“No, I have already learned this, and I will take precautions.”

He is stubborn and has a tough mouth. The two characteristics of the Emperor are really obvious.

“I won’t show it to you!”

The more she persuaded, the more angry Rasta was. With a swipe of her hand, the box containing the village turned into wind and snow, falling down the mountain.

When the emperor heard this, he just turned his head and looked towards the north of the mountain range.

There is a vast expanse of grassland.

There, there was a life that he could sense remotely.

The other party has his genes and the subspace secondary god essence that he bestows.

The Emperor wanted to retrieve the child directly, but he knew very well that Rasta, who was very dissatisfied with his family education, would not allow it.

If he insists on picking it up, the other party will probably just throw it here for him instead of sending it back to the Emperor’s Dream.

“He will have a nice family initially until he is mentally and physically enslaved by another beast who is also trying to overthrow you.

I will change his childhood and life trajectory…”

“I can give him to you.”

“Okay, let’s pay the tutoring fee first!”


The emperor thought that he would just give in, but he didn’t expect that light would go even further.

After thinking for a while, he learned from Rasta’s shamelessness.

“I can give you a few more Custodes, all painted pink.”

“No, I don’t want it, I’m too tired.”

Knowing that the emperor was openly asking for the blessing of force, Rasta refused on the spot.

“Then what do you want?”

“A letter of understanding.”

“What letter of understanding?”

When Fulgrim takes out the glass slipper and tells you that he is in love with someone, and you find out that person is your favorite son Horus, you will not blame my letter of understanding!

I have been very restrained in writing this detritus, but it has still been harmonized. This modified version should be viewed as a weakened and then weakened version.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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