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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 55 Unimaginable

The Emperor discovered that Horus had changed from his son to his daughter, and the Emperor might be able to accept that.

The Emperor found out that the Luna Wolves called Horus mother, and he might have tolerated it.

Even if Fulgrim really came to him with a glass slipper and told him that he would not marry anyone other than Horus, he would probably be able to suppress the matter through gritted teeth.

But the Astartes of the Third Legion call the original body of the Luna Wolves “Mom”. He will definitely bring up the Emperor’s Sword and fight with Rasta, the misguided guy. It doesn’t matter whether he can win or not. , the important thing is that he has never encountered such an outrageous thing in tens of thousands of years.

This is why Rasta and the Emperor asked for a letter of understanding. After all, he didn’t mean to do this, it was purely a misunderstanding.

The emperor had been waiting for Rasta to reply to what letter of understanding he wanted. However, he waited for a long time, but did not wait for the other party to speak.

He froze.

What kind of deception could make this outrageously wicked evil god so ashamed that he dared not speak out? Is it possible that he can cheat his father twice?

He didn’t know that his idea was quite different, but it was no longer as simple as a double, but a two-in-one super double.

“Just tell me whether you will give it or not!”

Rasta stopped the emperor from continuing to think about it. If he continued to think about it, the other party would have realized something was wrong.

“It’s just this son on this planet…”

“No, all of them!”

The Emperor suddenly felt that the entire human empire was suffering from lust.

He held his forehead with a dark face and was silent for a long time.

Then he asked: “Okay, I promise you, what letter of understanding do you want?”

“Just agree. You don’t need to write a letter of understanding.”

As Rasta spoke, the sound of pages turning was heard in his hand.

The Lord of Humanity was attracted by the sound. He raised his head and saw Guang Yu holding an extra-thick book in his hands. Behind him, there was a mountain of books.

He glanced at the spine of the book, and there was a strange title written on it in Chinese and Gothic:

“The Complete Black History of the Emperor, Part 1, Volume 1, Volume 1″…

The emperor did the math, there were about forty-four volumes, each volume had forty-four volumes, each volume had forty-four volumes, and each volume was as thick as the opponent’s hand.

For the first time, he felt that his long-lost humanity was so clear that his lips trembled.

“You…what are you doing?!”

Vishels Village, Erebus House.

That doesn’t exist on the fourth floor of reality.

“Now, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Huestis. I am a great demon in Chaos. I am currently running in the world for a great being that you cannot imagine.”

Zha Da Mo’s eight lanterns floated in the air like balloons, acting as the lighting device for this room.

An unimaginably great existence…

Based on his past life, this middle-aged man seemed to have guessed the answer.

Yes, he had confirmed a long time ago that the gods believed in in this world drive endless demons.

“Matthew.” Erebus’s father simply introduced himself.

Then, Matthew tried to verify his conjecture and asked a question.

“The unimaginably great existences you are talking about are the gods believed in by the entire Cornis?”

Matthew tried to convince himself with the reason that his son Erebus had always believed in the gods devoutly, so that both father and son had a chance to be saved at this moment.

“how could be?”

Huestis waved his hand and denied Matthew’s remarks.

This made Matthew’s face look ugly.

The other party’s words “great beings that you can’t imagine” made him immediately think of the gods, which were the highest point of worship in the entire world of Cornis.

He began to wonder if he had been deceived by the demon in front of him.

Huestis dispelled his doubts with his next words.

“I’ve said it before, it’s a great existence that you can’t imagine. It’s true that the planet Cornis believes in gods, but didn’t you think of this?”

Matthew raised his hand as he tried to argue.

Because the gods are supreme, the four most fanatical gods of Cornis are claimed to have unparalleled power. They look down on the mortal world from the highest divine realm that cannot be limited by time and space. They can see Everyone’s piety.

Although Matthew is an unbeliever and has no interest in the gods because of his hatred of demons, these are generally accepted common sense in the entire Cornisian world and no one can deny it.

“I know what you are thinking, Mr. Matthew. You are thinking that your son is so pious to the gods, and he deserves to be rewarded by the gods, so this salvation will be given to you by the gods.”

“Is not it?”

A father like Matthew doesn’t want to see his son’s efforts in vain.

“Of course not. They have more than trillions of believers in millions of worlds, and under their own feet are an endless army of demons. Your child, in front of this huge base, There is no advantage at all.

When they look down at the human world, your child is even smaller than a grain of sand. Your child’s life and death are not at all in their consideration. “

Huestis used a kind of cruelty to destroy Matthew’s imagination of a bright future for Erebus.

Millions of worlds, tens of trillions of believers, the power of the gods is beyond Matthew’s imagination.

Cornis is somewhat similar to the monastery.

Cornis was a world where technology flourished a long time ago. After the Iron Man rebellion and the emergence of electronic demons, humans were forced to give up most of their technology.

When the most powerful power in their hands is lost, mankind will be confused, and Cornis fell into chaos.

How long this chaos lasted is unknown. When the chaos ended, a world supported by faith was born.

All the cities in Cornis arranged their tallest buildings into churches and temples, and began to worship their respective gods.

From this moment on, human history began to be abandoned. People who originally knew the Milky Way forgot their knowledge and became frogs in the well.

All common sense that is not about belief in the gods has become unimportant, so much so that the whole of Cornis does not even know that there is a world other than its own.

“Do you think such terrifying gods are powerful? Especially the four main gods, who hold terrible authority. With a single order, they can make countless worlds burn in death, fear, laughter and plague. “

Huestis is still a little afraid of his four regular patrons, even though they now have some of Abates’ power.


Matthew wanted to say something, but he found that he was not qualified to describe such an existence.

He once thought that he had defeated several demons with his innate powerful ability, and he felt that he was already a rare strong man in the world.

Now it seems that he just killed a few insignificant little things.

So he shook his head, which meant that he didn’t know, not that the gods were not powerful.

Huestis finally brought the conversation to a climax.

“Then, what about a majestic being who broke into the world of the gods and slaughtered all the gods by himself, and killed the four main gods more than once?”


It takes 4,000 words a day to last until there are recommendations for the new book issue, but I am going behind my back and adding updates for you (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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