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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 56 Mortal Perspective

Matthew truly realized what “a majestic existence beyond your imagination” means.

In his poor imagination and knowledge, any god enshrined and believed in by Cornis is powerful enough to easily destroy the world.

Even though he was conceited about his innate power, he did not dare to challenge the gods, or even challenge any of the gods’ demons that could be considered powerful.

Invincible, invincible, this was his impression of the gods.

And now, in front of him, a mysterious and absolutely powerful demon told him.

There was such a being who leveled the entire God Realm, killed all the Chaos Gods, and killed the four main gods more than once.

Matthew swallowed hard and then asked.

“So, the Lord God cannot be killed, right?”

The faith of Cornis continued, and the influence of the gods remained.

“That’s right, what you think of as the divine world is called Chaos, also known as subspace.

The Chaos Gods have terrifying immortality. Even if they are killed briefly, they will be resurrected quickly. Not only them, but also other gods who were killed will return again after a period of time.

Maybe those gods are no longer the same group, but the difference is not big. “

Huestis revealed to Matthew the greatest truth in the universe, which was a divine war that should be called massacre.

This is the second divine war!

This was something Matthew thought he could never get involved in. He had never even thought about it before, but now, he seemed to have become a pawn in this war.

“You don’t have to worry too much. The Chaos Gods cannot come to the mortal world. They can only sit on the throne of the Chaos Realm, and then throw their demons and beliefs into the world to poison the creatures in the world.”

Huestis felt that it was necessary to deepen Matthew’s bad impression of the Chaos Gods, otherwise it would not be good if the other party had a favorable impression of the Chaos Gods because of Cornis’s beliefs and customs.

“There is no need to persuade me like this. I know what you mean. If the god my son is going to devote his life to doesn’t care about his life or death at all, I have no good impression of that disgusting god.”

Matthew originally thought that believing in God would allow Erebas to live a good life, but the devil in front of him told him that all this was in vain.

After Matthew took a deep breath, he began to ask Huestis what other worlds were like.

“how to say?”

Huestis rarely appeared on the frontal battlefield, and he rarely took personal risks.

It recalled for a while and said: “There are many civilizations in the entire galaxy. The most powerful one now is the Human Empire, and you are a member of the human race.

Secondly, there is the Ada Eldar, the former overlord of the galaxy. There may be some sleeping civilizations that have not yet awakened, but it is true that these two civilizations are currently the most powerful.

Of course, there is also an orc civilization, but I don’t really like those fungus-hybrid animal-like creatures.

Don’t be complacent just because you belong to the most powerful human empire.

Among countless worlds, the environment of Cornis can be said to transcend too many worlds.

On other planets, a sip of clean water and a sip of soft bread are unimaginable luxuries for ordinary people.

And in more worlds, terrible wars are taking place that can wipe out half or even 90% or more of the life on the entire planet.

The leader of the human empire, a being named the Emperor, and his angels will arrive from space using a special vehicle called a drop pod.

Those airborne pods cut through the starry sky, penetrated the atmosphere, fell into the sea of ​​clouds with gorgeous and beautiful tail flames generated by high-speed landing, and then appeared in the sight of you mortals who are looking up.

There is no safe landing for the airborne pod. Wherever the enemies are the most ferocious, the airborne pod will land.

When the hatch is opened, the Astartes organized into small groups will pour out, using weapons with roaring machine souls and casings to greet as many enemies as possible in front of them.

They are wrapped in a whole armor made of ceramic steel, with two hearts and three lungs, and possess terrible vitality. You can’t see their expressions, you can only feel the coldness of death.

In every bloody and smoky place they fought, the whole world, from the ground to the sky, seemed to be filled with ashes.

The burning ashes are still glowing, the dim ashes have been extinguished, and the ashes are extinguishing. No one knows the color of these ashes before this, or their original appearance.

The fragile earth cannot withstand the waves of demons and non-human civilizations fighting against the Emperor’s demonic armies.

The whole world is often shrouded in flying dry dust. You only need one breath to fill your lungs with dust. This pain will often accompany you throughout your life.

As such, most Astra Militarum personnel composed of ordinary humans are equipped with breathing masks.

In fact, this is a relatively ideal situation among many wars. On the worse battlefield, there is a crueler hunting ground that you can’t imagine. Only the winner knows who the prey is. “

The horror of the world Huestis describes to Matthew once again makes him clearly aware of a class division.

Those terrible demons that destroyed the world were just handfuls of dust scattered by the Chaos Gods, but there were great terrifying beings that slaughtered the Gods.

“Mr. Huestis, what I want to know is, what can a person like me do? I am just an ordinary member of countless lives. I guess you know better than me what little power I have.

I’m not irreplaceable. “

Matthew was wide awake.

“You are indeed unimportant, but any time in the hands of the mighty Him is precious. Wasting His time is an unforgivable sin.

I don’t want to commit a crime, so I have the patience to tell you this here.

Because in the past, even when I destroyed a world, I only had a playful attitude. “

Huestis was reminding Matthew that he was not the ordinary demon commanding an army of demons as he thought.

The tone used by the other party when he said “destroy a world” was too relaxed and ordinary, which made Matthew realize that the existence in front of him had caused more than one world to fall into the destruction of order.

“Are you a god too?”

“No, some of the top existences among demons are called big demons, and I am the most powerful one among the big demons. After receiving the bones of gods given by the stalwart existence, I have a The power of a small number of gods.”


At this moment, Matthew felt a desire for the authority of the gods. He felt that in this way he could reverse the fate of his children.

But he suppressed this desire and returned to the basic problem.

“When will my son, Erebus, die?”

He remembered being told that Erebus would die a few days after his death.

“Tomorrow, Mr. Matthew.”

Huestis gave an incredible answer.

Matthew slapped the table angrily and stood up. He no longer cared whether the devil in front of him was a world-destroying demon or a divine being with the authority of a god.

“Didn’t you say that he would wait a few days after my death…”

“Mr. Matthew.”

Huestis’s expression became intriguing.

It frowned and pointed at the corpse spots on Matthew’s forearm that were exposed because his sleeves were pulled up after he stood up.

“What makes you feel that you are still alive? Although you are still conscious, breathing, and even thinking, you are still suffering from the torture of cancer. Your body’s nutrients are robbed by the proliferation of cancer cells and you are extremely hungry.

But your body died six days ago.

Now, you are just a corpse burning your last spiritual energy, supporting your broken body with self-deceptive madness, waiting for your child to start traveling far away. “


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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