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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 63 I want a double kill

Matthew just fell to his knees, his body stiff and his mind went blank.

His current state exceeds that of any Gutera lottery winner. Even if the other person wins billions of ecstasies, it cannot be compared with his current mental state.

Over the years, he had been paying attention to accidents, never expecting the possibility of seeing true love again.

The incoherent Sixth Evil God threw a big table directly on the snowy field, making a loud bang without Matthew even reacting.

Rasta jumped on the table, hands on her hips.

“Haha, you were so scared by me! Let me tell you, your soul is my wealth now. Even if you die, your soul will be put in a place by me and enslaved forever.

However, out of humanitarianism, I will allow you to take your wife with you to live there. “

Matthew has never doubted the power of the most powerful Chaos God. In fact, in his opinion, the other party is omnipotent.

Slaughtering the gods, seeing into the future, and resurrecting life were no big deal, but Matthew had never thought of such a luxury.

“What can I do for you?”

When Matthew faced this evil god on the table, he had thousands of things to say. He wanted to thank him, praise him, or ask something.

In the end, he just tried to keep his tone calm.

But everyone could tell that his voice was trembling.

“Come here, come here.”

Raste’s desk began to transform into a giant map.

Matthew came to the table and listened carefully to the instructions.

“You see, here is the north of the mountains. There are one or two plains bordering each other, separated by a shallow swamp. In this swamp, there is a hidden underground cave connected to the Arctic Sea.

When the emperor comes, his subordinates will come here. You can stay here and put a sign saying there is a charge for adding water…

What kind of expression do you have, how dare you look at me like this? “

Guang Yu was still thinking about what price to set, but Matthew could no longer keep up with the evil god’s brain circuits.

“Well, you…”

Matthew really didn’t know how to describe Rasta’s behavior, and he was reluctant to give the emperor even some water.

“Water is an extremely precious resource throughout the galaxy. When the Emperor encounters it, he will use a large water pump to pump some of it onto the battleship.

Holy Terra, the birthplace of humanity, doesn’t even have an ocean!

A custodian once came to see me privately. His name was La Endymion. He told me:

His hometown, Holy Terra, has been suffering from a long-term drought, and a glass of pure water has to be filtered twenty times. There is a rare ocean planet somewhere in the galaxy.

This is what he thought, and he asked me to invest in a hyperspace device like a food security warehouse for him, and then he asked the Emperor for a standard ocean pump.

He calculated that when the subspace is calm, the battleships drive faster. As long as the water quality of the ocean planet is safe, it will take two or three pumps and it will take seventy or eighty years to bring Holy Terra back to life…”

Although it sounded strange, Matthew was still moved by the lofty ideals and ambitions of the Forbidden Army, but he was a little confused about such a good thing. Why did the great light desire not help and still charge him to put it here.

Yes, when Matthew looks at Lust of Light like this, one can already imagine what image this super evil Lord of Chaos has in his mind.

“The ocean of Holy Terra was drained by one of Endymion’s closest friends.

That person also completely angered the Emperor by turning Terra into a planet completely starved of water, and the Emperor killed her.

Endymion’s tribe later gave the child to the Emperor as an apology.

Endymion thought he would die and be executed in public, but the Emperor enrolled him in the Custodes youth training camp.

With his strong will and talent, Endymion eventually became a Custodian.

However, he could not forget the fact that someone close to him turned Holy Terra into a desert hell.

Every time the Emperor’s vehicle descends on a planet tainted by Chaos, Endymion is at the forefront, eager to atone…

But I couldn’t help him. That ocean planet, just like Catachan, the other emerald planet, is some kind of planet with a special will.

They have a corresponding stabilizing effect on the galaxy and can maintain the bottom line of everything.

I can’t drain the water from that ocean planet. It’s not that I can’t do it. Moreover, Holy Terra has been cursed by human darkness. If the water is drained, it will only repeat a process, a process of destruction again.

A destined destruction should not be at the expense of other relatively beautiful planets. This planet is not bad, but just pump water for the Emperor, because the environment will become extremely harsh as a result.

This is your home planet, and I think you should value it more than I do. “

Matthew finally came to his senses – Lust of Light was reminding him not to blindly pump him in Cornis just because of the idol filter of the Emperor of Mankind.

When calculating who has greater interests in this matter, Matthew feels that he has more advantages. Is this considered something I should do?

“Also, there are many large clams brought from the ocean by giant beasts in that swamp. They are quite good. You can take some to the plain east of the swamp.

There, you will meet a son of the Emperor who has not yet climbed out of the incubation chamber. I hope you can educate and protect him.

These clam shells can supplement the child’s normal development with some special substances, otherwise he will be like a piece of cake compared to the other Emperor’s Children when he grows up. “

Raste’s opinion of Luojia was actually okay.

Think about it, the beast Paul who stole Erebus’s life, plus another Kor Phaeron who is just as good or even more beastly than Paul, the poison of the two is already one plus one is greater than ten. .

This kind of childhood torture and brainwashing, coupled with the genetic defect of Luojia’s own obedience to authority, he was able to temporarily break away from the influence of the four gods when he grew up and asked the entire Cornis to worship the emperor while transforming the entire planet to perfection.

Who can do this to Luo Jia? If the emperor had not betrayed the faith that Luojia relied on for his livelihood, Luojia would not have gone to seek employment with the four gods of chaos.

Rasta’s idea was very simple. From childhood, he tried to let Luojia establish his own beliefs.

By scanning the timeline, Rasta could see that Luojia had been adopted by a good family.

But it is a pity that that family does not have the ability to protect Luo Jia.

That’s why He changed Luo Jia’s adoptive father, and it was most suitable for Matthew to be the adoptive father.

“The emperor’s son should be very powerful. Does he need protection?”

“When he is just born, even the child of the Lord of Humanity is very fragile, not to mention that the one targeting him is another beast.”


This word directly inspired Matthew’s desire to attack. In his view, this was equivalent to the born bad guy who was ready to steal everything from his child.

“Yes, a guy even more disgusting than the one you killed, named Kor Phaeron.

This was also the name that would be infamy for eternity along with Erebus in the original timeline. “

“I know what to do.”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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