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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 64 The evil god’s words

With the temple pagoda and Shuan Bailu.

Huangbailu is located in the southern hemisphere of Yousier Pagoda. There are tall luminous cypress trees here, and they remain evergreen in the seven seasons of Yousier Pagoda.

Mu En’s butt has healed and she is now chewing cypress seeds. This high-yielding crop rich in oil has been reported by the entire 10th Company.

The reply the Astropath received was that after Yoshierta unearths all the relics of the Golden Age, they will decide whether to transform the planet into an agricultural world based on the soil composition.

The conquest of this world was too simple. The entire 10th Company did not sacrifice a single person, not even a single mortal as an Astra Militarum died.

In a regular battle in the 30th millennium, the Astra Militarum, as an auxiliary army, often needed to achieve a victory with a sharp reduction in numbers.

Loken is waiting for the arrival of the Imperial warship.

Distribution is a common colonial method used by the empire. It takes civilians and even officials who have made mistakes to open up wasteland in the newly discovered world.

This has already formed a process.

There are no human aboriginal people who can manage this place on behalf of the empire, and there is no one who can pay the tithe.

The empire will support a civilization on the temple tower, form a society here in a few decades, and receive a steady stream of rewards.

The Astra Militarum enjoyed a peaceful moment.

The entire Sier Pagoda has a high yield of scorching carbon converted from Shuang cypress, and the Shuang Bailu area is even more productive. Now, everyone is sitting around the stove.

While the warm and slightly choking heat was breathed into the lungs, someone was pulling sweet potatoes out of the fire, which made the Astartes and the mortals feel at ease.

“Company commander, why don’t you tell me a story.”

A certain poor Luna Wolf who had been bullied many times missed the time when his master told them the story of stealing mango beans.

“You all know the story I know. I also heard it from the master.”

Loken was a little distracted. To be honest, he was a little uneasy now.

why? Because the special house of his father-mother Primarch was only one ten thousandth built.

The house must continue to be built, which means that Loken’s network management work must continue and be done well.

But since meeting Horus, even if the other person comes back in the form of Horus, he can’t guarantee that he can still smoke with the same minimal psychological burden as before.

This creates unwarranted associations and is very wrong.

There were sweet potatoes roasted, and Loken was preoccupied with two tasks. After calculating, it seemed that it was his turn. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a small Astra Militarum took away the sweet potatoes.

Loken didn’t care, since there would be new ones baked soon.

When another extra large sweet potato was ripe, his eyes lit up.

To be honest, everyone is greedy for these sweet potatoes. After all, bigger is better and more is more beautiful. Of course Astartes must eat big sweet potatoes.

Loken was wary of being robbed by Mu En and other Luna Wolves. After all, at this time, it was a battle in another sense.

Unfortunately, the other Luna Wolves didn’t seem to have this idea at all, and Loken stretched out his hand to get the sweet potato.

The cute Astra Militarum who had just taken his sweet potato ate it in his hand, grabbed the ones in the nest, and took away the huge sweet potato.

OK OK! When the leader eats the food, you turn the tables; when the leader makes a toast, you decide whether to drink; when the leader dresses up as a woman, you live broadcast, right?

Loken endured it. After all, he felt that his tolerance as a company commander was very important.

When another sweet potato was ripe, Loken reached out and grabbed it.

Humph, what is your identity? Are you trying to grab the same sweet potato as me? I am the commander of the 10th company, I am so powerful that you cannot underestimate me.

When Loken was looking proud of himself while holding the sweet potatoes with yellow hearts, the tiny Astra Militarum took off his Shadow Moon helmet, revealing his black hair.

He looked unkind and stared at the filial son.

“…” Loken looked around at the unloyal fighting brothers.

Him: Don’t remind me?

Mu En: We didn’t grab it. Company commander, you haven’t reacted yet?

This eye contact ended quickly.

“I’m going to help you remove the sweet potato skin!”

Loken gave in directly without any hesitation.

The Emperor is the Lord of Mankind, Horus is the Father of Genes, and Lust is the Provider of Materials.

The five words “material provider” are equivalent to the closest elders to the Luna Wolves.

Only then did Loken realize something was wrong.

The reason why he didn’t recognize his master was because the current Rasta was a child version, looking about six or seven years old.

“What are you doing?”

Loken asked with the doubts common to all Luna Wolves.

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask. Asking too much will not do you any good.”

In order to prevent him from being played with again, the Sixth Evil God planned to show himself as a child during this period.

Taking the sweet potato from Loken, Rasta handed the big sweet potato that was half the size of himself to Loken.

Loken continued to peel it honestly, in front of the tool man, and threw the sweet potato skin directly into his mouth.

The mini-master could not take his eyes off the Luna Wolves around him, and the Astra Militarum were also quite moved.

Realizing that these guys seemed to be plotting against him, the Sixth Evil God raised his head and looked around.

“What did you come for?”

Loken raised his hand to drive away those who wanted to destroy the evil god.

“Horus’ side is almost finished, and he doesn’t need to do the remaining finishing work himself.

So I plan to continue that project. You are an incompetent network administrator. Why haven’t you applied to go online? “

When Rast mentioned the network administrator, the Sons of Horus around him pricked up their ears.

Sure enough, the network administrator was related to the master!

Mu En hurried to see the Moon Wolf who would not be taken with him next time he boarded the ship. He was looking forward to another heroic performance by the first bird.

Unfortunately, this guy failed him.

So Mu En finally couldn’t help it and had the intention to offend his superior.

“Master, the company commander is too tired recently. He doesn’t want to be a network administrator, but I do! Please let me do it!”

“The deputy company commander and the company commander are both very hard-working and have heavy responsibilities. If they are too busy, we can do it too…”

A group of Moon Wolves who were looking forward to being filial sons were not happy. We are all sons of Horus. Just because you are the company commander and the deputy company commander, you should be the most filial?

Just when Mu En was about to deal with other competitors, Locke’s shadow enveloped him.

This handsome man with short blond hair and scarred face looked at Mu En with an extremely dangerous smile and gritted his teeth.

“Say it again?”

That’s right, Locke was jealous.

He and Horus are somewhat similar after all.

Horus: The Emperor should look at me more. He can look at other brothers, but he must look at me more!

Loken: The filial son stepped forward to enter the Internet cafe. There can only be one real network administrator!

Muen tried to ask Rast for help, but unfortunately Guangyu had no intention of entrusting these secrets to more people.


“Captain! I was wrong! Captain! I won’t dare to do it next time! Don’t fight…”

“Next time?! Do you want a next time?!”

In the firelight, the Astartes raised their arms and shouted, asking the deputy captain not to be so weak.

At this time, the Astra Militarum responsible for carrying sweet potatoes and juice came over from the transport ship with two boxes each.

After putting down the boxes, one of the Astra Militarum found the little “colleague”.

She also heard the cheers of others cheering for Loken and Muen.

She put down the box she was carrying, while everyone’s attention was on Loken’s battle to control the captain.

She sneaked over, approached the little Astra Militarum, and then touched the other’s head.

Rast turned around and glanced at the Star Army soldier who had never seen him.

He tolerated this offensive act for the time being.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, the Star Army soldier’s motherly love overflowed, and his eyes sparkled.

She lifted the Sixth Evil God up like a cat.

She even found an excuse for her behavior.

“I’ll hold you, higher, so I can see more clearly!”

The Astartes, who were watching and listening in all directions, were stunned, and all looked at their material providers whose faces were black.

Even Muen and Locke stopped fighting. Looking at this side, they had a common question-whose general is this? !

And in full view of the public…

The Sixth Evil God, who had lost his dignity, felt wronged, and was angry, swam in the air and struggled!

“Ah! No! Put me down!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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