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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 65: Too Slutty

Xu Shangsivir, an imperial civilian born in the Oz-Ilai sector.

Her grandmother was of mixed race, and Sivir was not her last name but her grandmother’s first name.

Sivir played a key role in the multi-planetary wars between Oz and Lai, and was a true legend for a long time.

After Sivir’s death, her descendants were allowed to bear her name as a special mark of honor, becoming a pseudo-surname.

A name like Xu Shang is relatively rare. She should actually appear in the White Scars Army.

Before being lost in the subspace, the Tenth Company of the Luna Wolves collected tithes when they docked on a planet beyond Oz to replenish their auxiliary army, and Xu Shang was among them.

But most of the time, because of her special appearance, that is, black hair, black eyes, and a mixed blood that is so thin that not much can be seen, the Shadow Moon Wolves of the Tenth Company subconsciously do not want her to go to the battlefield. Jean Xu Shang is often placed in the rear.

Her job, just like it is now, is responsible for carrying food and other things, or maintaining facilities in the battleship.

For this reason, Xu Shang has never seen the [Legendary Material Provider], but I heard that he is a very beautiful young man.

Therefore, when she saw a child with black hair and eyes like herself, she couldn’t help but ran over and hugged him, without even thinking about the Emperor’s Glory.

So Xu Shang got the treatment of pinching his ears and listening to the roar of the auxiliary army commander.

“That’s the glory of the Emperor! The most respected master among the Astartes! Ah! How dare you? Touching the head doesn’t count, but hugging him? Do you think you are crowning the Lion King? Damn it, I thought too hug……”

The veteran female auxiliary army captain who had followed the Luna Wolves and heard the material provider tell the story of the Lion King pretended to reprimand her soldiers and asked her in a low voice how she felt.

Xu Shang’s eyes narrowed and he showed his little tiger fangs. He also extended a thumbs up: It’s very cute, and it becomes even more cute after being meowed.

On the other side, Rasta gritted his teeth, thinking that he must find a chance to take revenge.

It’s so embarrassing, the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

“She didn’t mean it…”

Loken whispered comforting words,

It doesn’t matter if she didn’t mean it!

Light Desire is really angry. He is the sixth evil god, punching the Chaos Nursing Home and kicking the Galaxy Kindergarten. When the Star God saw it, he ran away in the spaceship overnight with the ribs on his back. The Emperor lost his gold when he looked at the paint bucket.

Unexpectedly, the boat capsized here.

Rasta looked sideways, Xu Shang quickly pretended to lower his head and admit his mistake, but after the child’s growth period, he could not see his shoes no matter how much he lowered his head.

You pretend to be like this, do you think I can’t tell? Even if you have big breasts! Horus is older than you. Didn’t I just say that I was cheating?

One day I will lift you up and let you know the revenge from the evil god!

“I’ll give you three minutes. I’ll be online in three minutes!”

After reminding Loken, the material provider turned into snowflakes and drifted away without wind.

“How is it? How does it feel?”

The Astral Militarum and the Luna Wolves, who were still pretending just now, started asking the only experiencer various questions…

Planet Slark.

After the last Slark alien wilderness fortress was bulldozed, Horus stood on a hill.

The terrain here is very similar to that of Holy Terra, a place called Iran. Horus had read the history of Holy Terra.

Putting the Worldbreaker warhammer in Acton’s hand, Horus waved his hand, and Acton stepped back knowingly. He knew that this was the Gene Father reviewing his mistakes and gains in this war of conquest.

The moonlight is like water, the clear tide is shining, and small pieces of cirrocumulus clouds are densely covered in the sky like scales.

Horus sat down, poured out a calcium tablet, and put it into his mouth.

His extraordinary vision allowed him to see something out of the corner of his eye.

He lowered his head and looked at a mixed metal rock on the right.

There are two lines of text on it.

“I just want to come here…”

Very good, it’s the style of an evil god.

And the other sentence is – young man, it’s time to pay your Internet fee!

Court of Dawn, Far North.

It’s still that world of ice and snow, with long strips of stone piled on the isolated islands in the ocean.

Loken held the branch in his hand with anticipation and fear.

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Wolf came online a minute after his arrival, but what came was…


Loken was shocked! He thought it was the Wolf Shepherd God who came, how could it be the Wolf Shepherd Goddess? Now I can’t do anything anymore!

Horus had not yet realized what state she was in. Her eyes were fixed on the spine of the lesser god, which was the branch in Loken’s eyes, revealing her desire for the power of the god.

This is just a hunger for power, so Horus is blatant and unabashed, but in Loken’s eyes…

After Rasta arrived, he looked at this strange scene and fell into deep thought for no reason.


Whether the Wolf Shepherd God or the Wolf Shepherd Goddess comes here mainly depends on Horus’s own psychological state. After all, what comes here is the soul containing the essence of Horus’s secondary god.

The Wolf Goddess also looked down and realized something was wrong. She roared angrily: “Light Desire?!”

“Don’t blame me. Which way you look when you come here can only mean that you like that way more!”

“I just think this body is more powerful!”

Ah, yes, yes!

Loken looked at the branch in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and finally begged the two of them.

“I think it’s better not to smoke. If you don’t smoke, you can concentrate on covering…”

“No! Must be drawn!” Horus was anxious. This is my chance to absorb the power of the secondary gods. What do you mean, kid?

She immediately told Locke the truth about the tree branch, which shocked the filial son. No wonder this thing could hurt the powerful wolf goddess.

“Actually, I have a way to make you less resentful.”

Light Desire also felt that it was not appropriate. Locke drew Horus. The picture was too beautiful. The evil god didn’t dare to watch it. As for Slaanesh? He couldn’t see it. It was blocked here.

“What way?”

Locke finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his most beloved material provider must have a way to solve the problem.

Three minutes later…

“Light Desire! Come back!”

The wolf goddess shouted at the evil god of the table who ran to the other end of the island.

“No! I won’t!”

Rast avoided this flood beast and didn’t dare to look! Don’t dare to look!

“Then turn around and take a look. Is this reasonable?”

Horus pointed at Locke, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

Loken’s face has lost its highlights. She has never felt life so dark. She finally understands Horus’s pain.

This is a super exquisite waistline, wheat-colored skin, a scar on his face, and a heroic captain of the Tenth Company of the Moon Wolf, with a figure like Akali.

“You are the same gender, so you are not afraid, right?”

Light Desire is still stubborn.

“Then you look!” Horus jumped in anger.

The instigator has a strong argument for this.

“Men and women should not touch each other. I won’t look. It’s too lustful!”

Some comments will be deleted by the system recently, because several of mine have been deleted. The reason is unknown, probably because of the river crabs.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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