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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 66 Indescribable

Rasta calculated the time and realized that the Wolf Goddess and Loken, who were not better than mother and daughter, should have finished today’s online class.

So he walked back from this end of the island, eating potato chips as he walked. He walked carefully, for fear of seeing something he shouldn’t have seen.

As for Horus.

When three ten thousandths of the goal was achieved, Horus’s absorption of the god’s spine reached saturation, and she began to be unable to gain power through this method.

With scars all over her body, the internet-addicted girl’s eyes were blurred and she stopped working today while panting.

Loken saw the pain in his eyes and felt in his heart that what he had done before was too unworthy of a human being.

After all, we are all women now.

She hesitated, then handed the god’s spine to Horus.

“How about… you slap me twice to calm down?”

Loken really felt that he had gone too far and wanted to let the other party come back with two hits to relieve his hatred.


Horus refused. She still had the same habitual thinking. She felt that it would definitely hurt her to death if she took this thing.

As for revenge against Loken, she actually wanted to do it. This guy was so obsessed with lust, it was so irritating.

“If you don’t fight me, I won’t feel at ease!”

“I can’t say.”

“No, we must fight!”

Loken’s attitude was extremely resolute. She felt that Horus had to come back twice, otherwise she would be in the same scene as before.

Horus had wanted revenge for a long time. Since Loken asked so, even if it hurt her spine to hold the god, she would endure it. Such an honest opportunity for revenge would be missed if she passed by.

So Horus carefully took the branch.

It doesn’t hurt! The Wolf Goddess was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses.

The reason why she felt pain in the spine of the god was because when she absorbed the power in her spine, this power would forcibly change her secondary god’s essence and soul, giving her more subspace characteristics.

But after her absorption level is temporarily saturated, she will no longer absorb the power of the god’s spine as her own nutrients, so it won’t hurt anymore.

Thinking of this, Horus laughed ferociously, and that moving face showed cruel beauty.

At this time, Loken’s eyes widened, and she finally remembered that the original gene would cause pain when it touched the spine of the lesser god, but! But……

But for her repeated pleas, Gene Mother actually ignored her own pain and wanted to make her Loken feel at ease. It was so touching!

This is why the mother of genes has such a strange expression! It hurt so much that I gritted my teeth!

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Horus’s smile became more and more wanton, for no other reason than that he finally turned over today! I finally became a serious Primarch for once!

Loken took a deep breath and was ready to be beaten. She squatted under the corner where she was just now.

“You can’t even take a beating?” Horus was dissatisfied.

Loken could only raise her buttocks. She was thinking that this stroke must be very painful!

She closed her eyes and bit her lip.

Horus was also worried that this blow would knock the person unconscious, so the first blow she gave was very light.

“Did you…did you smoke just now?” Loken, who had almost no feeling, asked curiously.

Finally realizing that Loken could not absorb the power of the god’s spine at all, Horus would not feel the pain and directly swung the branch in his hand that gradually transformed into a whip, with full attack speed!

So, when Rasta came here, the whole god was stunned.

He looked at Loken, who was on the ground with his eyes closed, his butt sticking out, and his chest heaving heavily.

He looked at the wolf goddess with a crazy expression and was so drunk that she was so drunk that she looked like the chosen one of Slaanesh.

Horus even looked up to the sky and laughed. When the whip stopped, her bare feet were on the ground, and her other foot with a crystal high heel stepped on Loken’s ass.

Are you a filial son today? !

In shock, the potato chips in Raste’s hand fell to the ground and made a sound.

At this time, Loken and Horus turned around and looked at each other. They realized something was wrong with them and wanted to explain.

Uh-huh, Sidisi kept backing away and didn’t want any more potato chips.

“You and you…you continue, I didn’t see anything!”

“It’s not what you think!”

“What does that look like? Can you, Loken, still grow in strength in this way?”

“Godfather, you misunderstood…”

“What did I misunderstand? Tell me where your heels are still grinding now!”


After some confusion, Rasta was reluctantly persuaded by the two, but he opened the distance between the Internet-addicted girl and the network administrator.

The awkward atmosphere was clearly visible to the naked eye, especially the flushing on the faces of the two people, which made it difficult for people to misunderstand something.

Guangyu remained silent, and Loken was waiting for him to make his decision, so Horus had to find a reason to start chatting.

“My father, can he absorb the power of the gods’ spines?”

Horus was indeed filial at the moment. She knew the pressure on the Emperor, so she was thinking about whether she could use this method to allow the Emperor to gain easier capital.

Loken also became nervous when he heard this. The strength of the Lord of Mankind is something that every Astartes is concerned about.

However, Horus’s starting point and intention were good, but in the ears of the Internet cafe owner, it was not the same thing.

He raised his fingers, trembling, trembling, His lips trembled, and His heart was shaken.

“You, you, you…you still want to beat the Emperor?!”

“…” Loken’s eyes widened like bells, and he fell into deep thought.

Horus brainstormed, and she wanted to explain that that was not the case, but…

But it seems that the way she absorbs the power of the god’s spine is by being whipped.

“No…I just want…forget it, as long as you are happy.”

The Wolf Goddess has given up on treatment. It is impossible to win an argument with the Evil God about this matter.

She changed the subject again.

“Have you found a suitable bearer of the god’s spine?”

When it came to business, Rasta became serious and explained his plan for the big devil.

Only then did Horus understand why Raste poured out two Luna Wolves from the lunch box.

During this period, Loken kept his head down, extremely troubled, not knowing what he was thinking.

Rasta mentioned Luojia casually.

“This time, there are nine holders of the gods’ spines, connected with branches. The first one is the big demon, not to mention.

The second one has something to do with you, but it’s hard to tell…”

After Rasta explained the relationship between Luojia, Matthew, Erebas and Paul, he emphasized it.

“Luojia is the real reason for your betrayal. Now that his future has changed, you probably won’t betray him, but you still have to prepare these things for now, and everything has to continue.

Because this is the trump card I give you. “

“I understand!” Horus nodded and then asked about Luojia.

Just as Team Rocket was having a heated discussion about internal affairs, Musashi hinted that Kojiro would remember to take him out to play next time.

Loken abruptly interrupted the conversation.

“Um, sir, the person you mentioned earlier who has a factory at home is…”

Loken was still a little angry at the guy who dared to hook up with the Gene Mother.

“That is Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Third Legion…”

“…” Loken fell into deep thought again.

Horus felt that the more Rasta explained, the more confused she became, so she decided to enlighten Loken herself.

“That was all a misunderstanding!”

“I don’t know whether I misunderstood or not. Fulgrim said that for your Internet addiction, even the Emperor would…”

Guang Yu feels that the most important thing now is how to resolve this chaotic relationship.

“Rastraite!” the Wolf Shepherd roared.

The scene fell silent again, and everyone’s expressions were complicated.

After being silent for a while, Guang Yu said something more.

“Actually, as long as the Third Legion doesn’t call you mom because of this…”

Horus picked up the whip and stood up, looking at Guang Yu with an unkind expression.

She couldn’t bear it anymore!

“You won’t even let me go?!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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