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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 67 Main Course Remains

“You won’t even let me go?!”

Rasta’s aggrieved expression matched his current childish posture.

At this moment, it seems that the Wolf Goddess has become extremely evil!

But everyone knows that the real culprit is this underage evil god.

“I’m not even as high as your knees! How can you bear to do it?” Guangyu said while wiping away non-existent tears.

Forget it, don’t argue with Him, Horus thought, and lowered his body to help him pick up potato chips.

“You even snatched the children’s potato chips to eat!”


After picking up the bag of potato chips, Horus held his forehead. He felt so angry that he had a headache. It was true.

She simply poured some out of a big bag of potato chips for Loken, poured some for herself, divided them and finished eating.

When this seemingly small amount of food entered their mouths, both Horus and Loken had visions at this moment.

They saw a strange and strange scene at the same time, which was a world submerged in a sea of ​​gray fog, with towering mountains and peaks, and creepy and strange sounds coming from the fog…

They were almost lost in this increasingly terrifying vision, until an evil god jumped up and hit them on the knee.

“What exactly is this……”

Horus looked at the empty potato chip bag and felt a little embarrassed. It was obviously a good thing, but he had shared it with Loken.

“How should I say, I haven’t named it yet.”

Rasta couldn’t explain the origin of this bag of potato chips.

“We ate your…” Loken saw from the lustful attitude that this was something transcendent that was more precious than the spine of a lesser god.

Horus shared her guilt.

“No, this was originally prepared for you.”

Rasta licked her lips and smiled sheepishly.

Horus squatted down and looked at the little evil god in front of him.

“This bag of potato chips is transformed from something I left behind, because you can’t eat that thing, and if you just touch it, you will die.

That’s… let’s just say it’s the remnants of the main dish I once had.

Originally, the whole bag of potato chips was for you, but I couldn’t help it, hey, hey, I ate some. “

Guangyu touched his head sheepishly.

“So, you ate the leftovers again before giving them to us?” The Wolf Goddess deliberately pretended to be angry.

Loken was silent. She knew the material provider’s thoughts, and so did Horus.

The two of them would definitely be embarrassed if they ate such a precious thing.

Rasta found an excuse like “It was originally given to you” to make them feel at ease.

The little bit Loken and Horus had just eaten nearly caused them to get lost in a strange place. If they had eaten the entire bag of potato chips, the result could be imagined.

After the other party arrived, everything was calculated, including how much was left, the potato chips dropped, Horus picked up the potato chips, and was so angry that he shared the potato chips. It was all part of the calculation.

Horus squatted down and looked at this little evil god. For some reason, he suddenly felt a bit maternal…

“I can understand if you spank your son, and I can accept if you spank your father! But I’m just a child! You actually spanked me with your chest muscles!”

The grief-stricken Sixth Evil God broke free from the embrace of the original body of Internet Addict and fled far away in an instant.

“Is this just a simple hug, from godson to godfather, or do you dislike me?” Horus’ explanation was perfect.

She looked at her feet again, and then asked curiously.

“Why do I only have one shoe?”

“you guess!”

“…If you want it, I can give it to you directly. There is no need…”

“Haha, I don’t want it. Let me tell you, when you were painting, your clothes were also made in subspace. They were an entity, attached to your soul.

Of course, these crystal boots are no exception. When you took off your boots, one was lost and the other was in the subspace.

When you come to the Internet, the thing in the subspace is just an ownerless thing, so it will reappear with your soul. The other one has been picked up by others, and of course it cannot appear here. “

The evil table god directly explained why the other party was disheveled.

Fulgrim’s strong desire caused his lesser god essence to firmly lock Horus’s boots. Of course, they couldn’t take them back from such a long distance.

“Then why didn’t you remind me?”

“I thought you were leaving a love token for Fulgrim!”

Another classic evil god’s violent theory.

“Guang Yu, I know you’re planning it, you’d better tell me what’s the use of keeping that boot!”

Horus felt that his blood pressure was really high after seeing Loken transform into the Thinker again.

“Don’t worry about my use. Aren’t you curious about how Fulgrim uses it?”

“…” Horus felt that the world was so dark and suffocating at this moment.

She hid her face: “Gu, you can kill me!”

“He just uses it as a pillow…”


“He also praised it very much…”

Horus’s future has been ruined by the evil god and is no longer bright at all.

She turned around and gave instructions to Loken.

“If these things come out one day, you and I will speak out on the same page!”

She looked at Rasta again.

“Let’s just say that when we experience these things, we actually experience more with light desire.”

“Okay, okay, that crystal boot has a small part of your extra subspace characteristics, which can be used to detect whether Fulgrim is approached by demons and whether it is contaminated by subspace.

When this happens, the boot will erupt with a special frequency, awakening Fulgrim.

It can even be used as a remote communication tool. “

Rasta would not tell him that Fulgrim already wanted to use the communication tool as a teapot.

As for the protection from the pollution of other chaos gods, it is true, because it has been dyed by the breath of the Wolf Goddess.

As Rasta continued to train him, Horus was no longer on the same level as the other primarchs.

“I believe in my brother. He must be using my… my subspace characteristics to do some serious things. My trust in him is no less than that of Loken!”

Horus still trusted Loken, especially after he was willing to take a beating from him to help him regain his original dignity.

Hearing this, Loken felt guilty, really guilty.

The Internet cafe owner was ready to end this online class, but he had to ask Horus to say hello to the emperor.

“Actually, it’s not difficult to gain power.”

The topic was serious and the tone was serious. Horus and Loken both listened attentively.

“During the ancient Terra period, there was once an ordinary person who was bitten by a special spider and gained the power of over fifty tons with a single punch!

Moreover, his genes are very stable. Except for the occasional power failure when his will is not firm, it can be said that there are no flaws.

Strength, agility, flexibility, and neural prediction reactions are all extraordinary.

Even without power armor, he can still fight against powerful aliens. “

Is the Luna Wolf weak in will? impossible! Horus was very excited about this special power.

She asked: “That kind of spider still exists in Gutera?”

“No, it’s gone, but maybe we can find another way.

Anyone bitten by a spider is called Spider-Man.

But as far as I know, there is another kind of power with a similar title, but more powerful, with the will of the universe, which may be obtained through the same method.

You just need to let the corresponding guy bite you and that’s it.

Don’t ask me. I’ve given you enough. I think you should ask the emperor. “

The will of the universe? It sounds very powerful, does the Emperor know? But why didn’t he get this power?

In confusion, Horus and Loken went offline.

When he woke up, Horus was already on the battleship.

Acton explained carefully beside him.

“The Ultramarines asked to stay there, so we returned first. We saw the reminder from the master next to you. It must be him looking for you, so we did not wake you up, but gently carried you to the battleship. “

“Well, you guessed it right. I did receive a call from the Godfather.” Horus called Light Desire the Godfather. No explanation was needed, and the Luna Wolves could understand it.

“Call the Astropath. I have something to ask my father.”

Horus was particularly eager for the power that was like the will of the universe.

In subspace, next to the Well of Eternity.

The Lord of Change is also filled with joy today, for He has tapped a Warp phone call.

“Father, Guangyu told me that there was once a man named Spider-Man who gained extremely powerful power just because he was bitten by a spider.

He also told me that another kind of universal will power can be obtained in this way. Can you tell me who I am going to be bitten by? “

The emperor was silent for a long time. In the end, he hung up the subspace psychic phone without even being able to say “Light lust is evil and you are also evil”.


Tzeenthir is crazy!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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