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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 75 Luojia’s Fairy Tale

Rasta, who stuffed the “Emperor’s Purple Mooncake” back into the emperor’s drawer with his backhand, looked extremely confused at this moment.

Wait a minute, what did he see in that drawer just now?

What’s in the other box? Secret photo of light desire?

Osiris felt the confusion of the Lord, and he came to the Lord of Lights.

“What are you thinking about?”

“My photo album…”


Brainstorming time for the Chief Disciple.

Then he roughly understood what the Lord meant.

He said: “Are you planning to give benefits to Duo An and the others? One copy each?”

“What a mess, the Emperor painted an oil painting of me when I was born in the subspace, named it a photo album, and put it in his drawer. The old thing didn’t hold it in well.”

Rasta thought that he had to give the emperor something to do, otherwise it would not be enough to appease the god’s anger.

“That’s a sacred object!” Osiris felt it was necessary to welcome it back to the Court of Dawn.

“If you dare to welcome me back, I will tell everyone in Liting that you stole the underwear of a female bishop and put it on your sleeping brother when you were a child.”

“Ahem, I wasn’t sensible at that time, I wasn’t sensible…”

The first disciple looked back at that dark history and couldn’t bear to look directly at it.

He added: “Erda wants to see you.”

“Let her go!”

Rasta replied, and then the space around him began to peel off like ashes.

After the first disciple passed this news to Elsa, he followed Rasta into the Ashes Gate.

Deep inside the space station, in the garden space.

“He does not intend to forgive you on behalf of Horus.”

Elsa was walking in this real garden created by the Lord of Lights. Behind her was a woman with a complicated expression.

“I know I’m not qualified to see them…”

The woman had blond hair, and the golden armor and high-spiritedness of an imperial researcher had left her.

“No, Erda, what He hates and cannot forgive is that you did something wrong. You didn’t dare to apologize to your sons in person, but instead asked Him to convey it to you. This makes Him hate you so much now.”

Elsa turned and looked at the mother of the Primarchs.

Erda closed her eyes in pain, recalling the scene when she heard the whispers of the four gods and used the subspace storm to banish all her sons to various parts of the galaxy.

When everything left her, she finally woke up from a dream and realized that she had done something wrong.

Even though her intentions were good, she just didn’t want her newborn child to suffer the same fate as the Thunder Warriors.

Used as a tool, and then abandoned by the Emperor, whom she considered a heartless man, when it was no longer useful.

The mental struggle ended quickly, but Erda still did not have the courage to see Horus.

She said: “With Him taking care of those children, I feel relieved. I am not qualified to be the mother of the original body. I am just a homeless person that you, the goddess, are willing to take in.”

Cornis, the marsh of the abyss.

Rastra stepped out of the Gate of Pale Ashes, Osiris following close behind.

The two of them walked on the black water in the middle of the swamp.

Osiris looked down at the bottomless water beneath his feet.

“Is there anything down here that you need me to get for you?”

“Not at all. There are only some shells, a few big fish and a few small shrimps down there.”

The expression of the little evil god was still serious.

“Then why is your expression a little solemn…”

Osiris didn’t understand at all.

“I have a phobia of the deep.”

Guang Yu said something nonsense that would make the Chaos Gods hate him.

Osiris fell silent.

Then he recorded this item in the disciples’ welfare manual. He would tell the female disciples about it, and it was none of Osiris’s business how they used it.

Rasta wanted to continue making wild remarks about how he was a fruit-powered person and wanted to be so-and-so’s man.

But under the water, the big fish in his mouth had found what it thought was its prey, interrupting his performance.

The sea monster quickly dived from hundreds of meters under the water, causing waves with terrifying power.

The water surface exploded, and the water mist poured out a rainbow. The thirty-seven-meter-long sea monster unfolded multiple fine fin-like biological weapons around its body, trying to kill the two prey.

Rasta didn’t move at all.

Osiris stood there and looked at the little guy who was called a big fish by the Lord.


The first disciple, who covered his past name with Osiris, announced the death of the sea monster.

From beginning to end, not a drop of water came even close to the evil god and his disciples.

The sea monster in the water began to be rejected by the rules of physics, and its surrounding structure began to collapse. It was like a mirror that fell to the ground, shattering into millions of pieces.

The sea monster’s body slid down to the depths of the sea.

The most indispensable thing in the galaxy is giant monsters. On Ferus’ planet, the land-based giants were regarded as mythical by the people on that planet. Ferus killed those giant monsters one by one and turned himself into a monster. A true myth.

The trolls in Cornis are all sea creatures. Their mutations come from the pollution of Chaos, or they may be a drop of medicinal soup dropped by Nurgle into the ocean of Cornis.

“This is Cornis, the market of the four gods. Everyone here worships the Chaos Gods.

Under our feet is an underground cave connected to the sea in the north of Cornis.

A saltwater swamp with a center more terrifying than the deep sea. “

Rasta introduced the situation here.

Then he looked up to the right, where there was a grassland, a grassland where a cultivation cabin was sleeping.

“I have chosen an adoptive father for Luojia. He is almost here to catch clams for his adopted son.”

Guang Lu’s introduction made Osiris’ heart start to beat wildly.

He knew that he had finally received his mission from the Lord.

Osiris looked forward to whatever responsibility the Lord of Lights gave him with eyes filled with anticipation.

“Luojia is actually a good child, he just doesn’t have anyone to teach him well.

He was born with a genetic defect that made him unable to stand on his own feet, and he had to rely on authority and faith to find the meaning of life.

The adoptive father I found for him can only ensure that he grows up healthy and has correct outlook on life, but cannot repair his genetic defects.

This is the first task I give you. “

Guangyu turned around and looked at his first disciple.

Osiris knelt down on one knee. This was not his task, this was his reward.

Being able to serve the Lord of Lights is the reward that all disciples look forward to the most.

The reward given to Osiris by the Sixth Evil God was far more than Osiris thought.

“Osiris, I entrust you with the responsibility and identity of the fairy tale weaver.

As a child grows up, he must face difficulties. I think Luo Jia needs to experience these.

As the final villain of the fairy tale, you will accompany Luojia’s growth.

Let him face the difficulties you create, overcome those difficulties, and ultimately face himself.

He will eventually grow up in the process and learn how to lead his genetic offspring.

Then he will become his own god. “

The compassionate Lord of Chaos finally put his little hand on Osiris’s shoulder.

“This is your growth too, Osiris.

Let me see the fairy tale you weave.

Let me believe that you can carry…

All the power I stole from Tzeentch! “


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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