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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 76 Company Commander Matthew

Osiris knew that the Lord of Lights never let him down.

At this moment, He once again showed His tenderness to the chief disciple.

“How do I do it.”

Osiris didn’t have much experience in taking care of children, and he even thought that perhaps Hain would be better suited to do it.

“Hain is not suitable for this position. He and Luo Jia’s adoptive father, whom I selected, overlap in positioning. No, Hain is not even qualified enough for that person.

Osiris, you are the perfect person for this role. “

Rasta directly expressed the first disciple’s thoughts.

Then he reminded: “If you dare to talk nonsense about my deep-sea phobia, I will send you to the emperor as a Liting diplomat!”

Osiris had a bitter look on his face, and it turned out that the Lord really could read minds.

His Master became curious again: “You seem to care too much about a certain disciple.”

Rasta refers to the Assassin’s disciple. Osiris’s concern for the Assassin’s disciple is a bit unusual. The pink bracelet was found for her by Osiris.


Osiris is helping her conquer lust for light.

“She…is my daughter.”

Osiris began to explain a genetic experiment project. He and some people had their blood taken for genetic experiments in their youth.

Thus was born the Assassin’s Disciple, the daughter of Osiris.

Feeling guilty, Osiris often tried his best to help his Assassin disciples.

Rasta first felt a little disappointed with the first disciple’s failure as a father, and then he seemed to think of something.

He pulled out the branch: “Run! Otherwise, I’m afraid I will beat you to death!”

Osiris was really obedient. He got up and ran away in the opposite direction to Rasta.

The little evil god was cursing and chasing after him with a branch.

“I regard you as my chief disciple, and you want me to be your son-in-law! You are so filial to me!”

Osiris felt guilty. After being hit by four branches, Light Desire let him go.

Just when the first disciple thought he had escaped, Rasta remembered another thing that was missing a great virtue.

He was so angry that he raised the branches again.

“How dare you steal your daughter’s cake at the last dinner party! Come on, come on, tell me!”

Osiris held his head in pain.

“Stop talking! Lord, stop talking! I think it’s too beastly…”

Osiris had a lot of bad habits when he was a child and loved to play pranks, otherwise he wouldn’t have let his brother become Superman in underpants.

“Osiris, I think with your intelligence you should have figured out what to do.

But you are too smart and have too many ideas, and you are worried about not doing well.

In addition, you worry that your pursuit of perfection will lead you to Slaanesh.

Well, let me tell you. “

Guangyu began to teach his first disciple how to make up fairy tales.

He said: “Everyone was once a child, Osiris.

Everyone will recall the pain of childhood. Those tortures and dark memories can make people lose the goal of life.

It’s as if his life is a curse, his heart and lungs are torn apart and rotten with maggots.

What I want you to do is the exact opposite.

Memories of childhood should not be those of being gloomy, being scolded for no reason, being reviled and misinterpreted.

I hope it’s a country road that I can run on, and I hope it’s a country road I can run on, and that I can use my electronic device to look for La Luras in the grass in the game in the afternoon.

The fairy tale I want to give Luo Jia is a true romance and a colorful world in the eyes of children.

This will be a memory worth remembering throughout his life. When he thinks of everything he experienced as a child, he will smile from the bottom of his heart.

He would experience his childhood like a game.

You will create setbacks for him, just like the setbacks in the game. Only after overcoming those setbacks will he grow.

I never need you to do too well, I just need you to keep a heart that lets him get the fairy tale.

Just follow your heart and do it. That’s enough. This is what I ask of you. “

The end of the Misril Mountains.

This is the south side of the Black Swamp, and the air is humid, making people susceptible to rheumatism.

Matthew was taking a break at a house.

“In the past few days, snowstorms will come and people can’t even see.

The Black Swamp has swallowed up countless lives. It is the water burial shrine of the Meira Cult. You should not go there alone. “

The male owner of this family was persuading the traveler in front of him who seemed to only exist in myths.

Matthew came last night, in the extreme cold where humans cannot survive.

Carrying a giant bear on his shoulders, he knocked on the door in the heavy snow that drowned the world. After introducing himself politely and humbly, he entered the house and rested for the night.

That giant bear is at the top of the food chain in the Misril Mountains.

Even the name of the giant bear is Mythril, and it has been regarded as a legend and a mythical creature.

Because the legend of the giant bear of Misril has lasted for more than 800 years.

Matthew responded with a smile to this concern, and then he set off again.

The giant bear, which was taller than their house, froze to death on the ground, and Matthew did not take it away.

This matter was quickly brought to the missionary by the people in the village.

The preacher stood up excitedly. He firmly believed that this was God’s guidance.

He named a few devout believers and asked them to follow him together with the one who was suspected of being favored by God.

Although they started a little late, these people finally caught up with Matthew at the edge of the swamp.

Due to an unknown force, the saltwater swamp did not freeze into ice. The surrounding black vegetation was lush, making it look like hell.

The natural fear makes these mortals look towards the center of the swamp, where there is a bottomless darkness, like a big mouth, trying to swallow everything!

Matthew stood at the edge of the swamp, watching all this.

It would be a lie to say that you are not afraid. Human survival instinct will tell you where there is danger.

After taking a deep breath, Matthew began to wade into the water. He was going to fish for clams and prepare suitable food for the Emperor’s son and the adopted son he had never met.

Matthew did not walk on the water, he was really swimming in the swamp. This scene made the followers a little disappointed.

Matthew dives into freezing waters, searching for clams.

“Mortals, this is a forbidden place.”

In the darkness, a voice sounded.

This caught Matthew off guard.

The next moment, a faint light lit up at the bottom of the black swamp, and Matthew seemed to see a tall figure.

Around that figure, there were “fish” of various sizes.

When the tall figure raised his head and pointed at Matthew to accuse him verbally, those “fish” began to notice Matthew.

They make a strange growling sound that can be carried through the water.

Matthew was not panicked. The Lord of Lights protected him. His soul was the property of the Lord of Chaos, and he would not die here.

Outside the swamp, those people who had not waited for Matthew to surface for a long time were ready to disperse.

Until a strange roar sounded.

Then they witnessed the myth.

Naked to the waist and holding a spear taller than himself, Matthew stood above several giant monsters rushing out of the water.

He wielded the sharp weapon, tearing apart the bodies of these giant monsters in the downpour of water.

His surging power, so far away, made these mortals feel as shocked as if they were right in front of them.

A small hero, a sea monster as big as a mountain, a one-sided massacre.

This was the beginning of the legend of Matthew, later First Captain of the Word Bearers Legion.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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