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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 8 The only luck

Rasta picked his ears.

The guy from Khorne roared so loudly that the people listening in the corner were startled.

It’s not that it’s scary, it’s like “Why are you yelling so loudly?”

Osiris had no idea what the Lord was doing.

He turned out to be the bishop of the Martian Mechanicum and knew something about subspace.

Rasta mentioned Khorne when muttering to himself, which made Osiris vaguely guess that his main god was scanning the four false gods in the warp.

What? You mean eavesdropping? Peeping? heresy! Be judged!

“The Emperor’s most beloved, most powerful, and most perfect son was born, on the second moon of a planet called Baal.

Khorne saw him, and then proposed a deal with the Emperor. As long as the Emperor was willing to give this son to Khorne, Khorne was willing to stand on the side of the real universe and complete a three-on-three confrontation with the Emperor and me. “

Rasta was a bit disgusted by Khorne’s lack of brains.

“I’m afraid there is more than one false god who covets the Emperor’s son.”

Osiris vaguely guessed from the Lord’s description that it was a life that would satisfy the four gods of chaos and the Emperor.

“Yes, Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch are all satisfied with his wisdom, strong vitality and the beautiful image he represents.

The deal proposed by Khorne seemed very attractive, but the Emperor had thought clearly that the possibility of this deal was zero.

First, the Emperor’s attitude towards the Four Gods is one of extreme hatred. He will not become a god, does not admit that he is a god, and even hates the evil gods of the subspace.

Secondly, the Emperor is even more wary of me than Khorne. He does not think that he and I can fully cooperate. In addition, Khorne and I cannot cooperate. I am even hostile to the priests of Khorne and Slaanesh. My hatred for these two evil gods is indescribable.

Thirdly, that child was of great significance to the Emperor’s destiny, and was the most powerful of the Primarchs whom the Emperor was certain would never betray him.

The last thing is that he will never set a precedent and make a deal with the evil god. As long as he starts a deal, even if he will not have any subsequent actions, the humans who worship him may be extremely disappointed with his behavior.

There will even be people who imitate him, make deals with the evil god of subspace, and eventually fall into the arms of the evil god. “

From the beginning to the end, Light Desire never believed that Khorne could obtain an angel. Angels were born with the ability to foresee, and their independent judgment and philanthropic heart made him extremely hate Khorne.

“Then, Lord, as a true god, do you have no idea of ​​that perfect life?”

Osiris wanted to recruit that powerful being for the Lord and make him the second heir of Lust of Light.

“No, Osiris, I have never had that idea. Everyone has an indispensable position. In fact, compared to the other children of the Emperor, the angel with small wings who is loved by the four gods of Chaos …

For now, he doesn’t need me, and I won’t help him, let alone take him as my heir.

Osiris, I once had a life, in another 2k era, and in that life, I was never lucky.

Even if insignificant little luck comes to me, it is difficult for me to hold on to it. No matter how difficult the situation is, I will miss it.

When I was very young in that period of my life, about ten or eleven years old, I picked up a stone by the river. It didn’t look like much, but I always felt that it was different.

When I feel sad, I will put it against my face, and my tears will soak the yellow-white stone layer on its surface…”

When Guang Yu said this, his expression was quite lonely.

That’s a holy thing! Osiris thought so.

Guangyu continued: “But during that period of my life, my emotions were different from ordinary people, I had a lot of stereotyped behaviors, and I would fall into excitement or mania for no reason.

Out of curiosity, I dropped the stone from a high place and repeated this operation dozens of times.

I thought it might hate me for letting me down. When it cracked and became two halves, inside the thin stone skin was the most magnificent deep blue and purple. It was a kind of jade or gemstone that I still don’t know. , it has no broken lines inside, like a piece of crystal clear fruit pulp.

A child in his early ten years began to regret breaking it open from that day on. Later, after it was mysteriously lost, the child began to realize what he had missed.

That was the greatest luck in my life, Osiris, but I still missed it because of my stupidity and ignorance.

Although this kind of thing happened again and again in later life, it was not as memorable as that time.

Luck has never been related to me, so I have no expectations for any lottery or anything like that.

The kid who had a few other oldies staring at me, first of all, I didn’t need to be close to, and secondly, I didn’t think I could get him. “


Osiris’ face was ugly, and his lips were white and trembling.

“But in this life, I was pleasantly surprised.”

Guang Lu’s contemplation stopped, and now, He smiled.

Osiris’s mood also eased as he changed.

“Because I have been lucky in my life, even if it is just the only luck.”

The words of Light Desire made Osiris determined to get the luck he said for the Lord. He might be assigning a task to the disciples. He saw a certain treasure in the universe, which surprised him.

“Lord, I will bring you that luck! The disciples composed of your holy number will do whatever it takes!”

Guang Yu smiled.

“No, Osiris, I got that luck twenty-six years ago, I’ve got it.”

Osiris’s mind went blank. He raised his head blankly, and finally looked into his Lord’s eyes that gave him affirmation.

“I feel that not one of you, forty-five, is worse than the Emperor’s winged child.”

In the light, Osiris knelt down, and the first disciple, who had always shown a calm and steady image, cried bitterly.

In the shadows, the guardian disciple’s heartbeat quickened as he looked like a dead thing, and he stroked his head again.

Outside the door, Empress Li Ting, who was about to become independent, raised her hand in mid-air and failed to knock on the door. Instead, her already open heart was filled with something.

Behind her are the other disciples.

They had just discussed that Li Ting’s independence could be independent of other things, but one thing was necessary.

That is, Li Ting will never have a second belief after becoming independent, even if that belief is the emperor.

They wanted to declare to the galaxy that the Dawn Court had its own god, the greatest god.

In order to show their determination, the disciples came together and wanted to say to Rasta: “Lord, it’s cold, it’s time to put on more clothes.”

But now, the Lord directly gave each of them a small cotton-padded jacket.

And said: I already have people to keep me warm.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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