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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 80 Son of a Thousand Sores

After Fulgrim took the initiative to ask for the job, he asked why he was the most suitable.

“This ceremony has strict requirements, and not just anyone can be a princess.

The following conditions must be met, otherwise reasonable logic cannot be generated to derive the correct changes in the story, which is a necessary prerequisite for the success of the ceremony.

First, the princess must be the descendant of the ruler of a huge empire.

Second, the princess of the empire must have some kind of symbol, such as noble qualities or outstanding appearance.

Third, the princess must have a tough heart and a strong soul to face any storm calmly.

Fourth, the princess must appear to be a woman. “

Guang Yu’s explanation was very detailed, so detailed that Fulgrim felt a chill on his crotch.

Team Rocket had told him before that his father and Musashi’s father had the same status.

In other words, he, Fulgrim, also qualified as the heir of the ruler of a huge empire.

This made him a little happy, because he and Musashi were a perfect match.

He just didn’t know how big his psychological shadow would be when he discovered that he and Ms. Musashi were directly from the same portal.

“Well, I’m not a woman!”

Fulgrim is still very worried about this.

“It doesn’t matter, we can do the surgery. To be honest, I have 0.00…”

“How many days of clinical experience?”

“No, 0.00 years of surgical clinical experience.”


Fulgrim glanced at Kojiro.

It’s okay if you don’t want this godfather!

Seeing that Fulgrim was about to back down, Rasta had to tell the truth further.

It’s just that what he told the truth was very harsh on Fulgrim’s decision.

“Musashi, she doesn’t like men, she only likes women.”

There is nothing wrong with this. Even if the Wolf Shepherd Goddess comes, she will not refute even a word.

She likes girls…

“I’ll cut it! I’ll cut it now!”

The big licking dog’s eyes are shining, great, he is one step closer to his beloved Ms. Musashi.

“It definitely won’t work here, because the surgery must be done on the planet where the ceremony is performed, so that you can fully meet the requirements of the background.”

“I see!”

Fulgrim, desperate for love, urged his godfather to leave quickly.

“By the way, I have several princess templates here. Which one suits you best?”

“Are there any purple ones?”

“Yes, this one is named Twilight. How about taking a look?”

“Well, forget it.”

“Then I have another one here, which is especially suitable for you! The princess of the fighting nation is very powerful. When she recovers from the brink of death, her strength will be greatly increased. She is proficient in fire coverage…”

After the Ash Gate opened and closed, Fulgrim had appeared on the grasslands of Cornis.

A bunch of Necron are already starting to build a small city-state here using Trazin’s set piece equipment.

After Rasta arrived, the ribs immediately fell to their knees.

After all, Fulgrim is still young and has never been in contact with the Empire. His current strength is better than that of ordinary people. He will definitely not be able to defeat a Necron army brought by the Infinite on patrol.

“From today on, you must obey his orders.”

Rasta ordered.

The Paigu began to reset their permission levels.

Guang Yu walked forward without hesitation, and the tall perfect phoenix followed behind him with a humble posture.

When he arrived at the first operating room, Rasta asked him to lie down on the operating table.

“Your operating room doesn’t seem to be very well-equipped. Where are the surgical searchlights and sterilizing equipment?”

Fulgrim, who had no idea that Unsidisi was evil, looked around and felt extremely uncomfortable.

His genetic defect gave him a desire for perfection like a fish for water. In his view, an operation should be performed perfectly, and no equipment should be missing.

But the godfather he just recognized didn’t even have a nurse to help him!

“I didn’t need a nurse when I had surgery before!”

Rasta, who started treating Fulgrim’s Perfect Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from this moment on, said that he had never had any bad reviews during his surgery.

Fulgrim choked.

He still wanted to find some psychological comfort.

“After I become a princess, what I do must be meaningful!”

“Of course, to tell you the truth, one of Musashi’s brothers is on this planet. After becoming a princess, you can help take care of her brother.”

Guangyu took out the chainsword.

“It’s okay, her brother is my brother, so I should take care of her…

Wait, what is that in your hand? ! “

Fulgrim looked at the scalpel that seemed too big in horror.

Before he fell into coma, he heard the Evil God say this.

“I am your brother, why do you want to take credit for it?”

The captain of Team Rocket, the first force of the Garden Baby Legion, turned around with a chainsword on his shoulder.

Chaos opened the door to the Lord of the End, and He stepped in.

in subspace.

A warship is on a long voyage using a subspace engine.

Time and space confusion, whispers, these subspace characteristics can be considered very dangerous to most mortals and Astartes.

But for some special Astartes, it is no longer just a danger.

Although the warp during the Great Crusade was far less violent than later generations, the calmness of the sea could never be called the calmness of the ancient well.

A battleship carrying a large number of advanced psykers is as dazzling as an entire starry sky in the subspace.

Yes, that’s right, other psykers lit candles or lanterns in the dark.

But for the Thousand Sons, the stars in the sky fell into the sea, and they were constantly washed away by the cold and dark water.

These Astartes, who had been so ostracized by other legions that they even developed an inferiority complex themselves and who were most prone to mutation, even had a chaotic organization.

For a long time, their situation was only slightly better than that of the Ninth Army.

Until twenty-six years ago, the appearance of that light lit up the scarred hearts of these children of psychic powers.

Those dim lights filled their hearts, illuminating the other Thousand Sons through the light of their trauma.

The existence called the Material Provider asks other legions not to exclude them.

The Thousand Sons have gone through difficult years.

The last wound that was torn open was the separation of material providers.

The emperor’s radiance turned into plasma and disappeared before their eyes, and they were sent back to the battleship to survive.

That was a year ago, only a year, but it made the Thousand Sons feel that too long had passed, like a lifetime ago.

The warship soon attracted the malevolence of the Warp.

The pollution of chaos is approaching the battleship, eroding everything.

Whispers began to disturb the nerves of every Thousand Sons. Chaos was the home of the devil, and the Lord of Change was looking at his chosen family.

Just before the first Thousand Sons lost their minds, their body organs became distorted, and various tissues proliferated and became deformed.

The door to subspace and reality opens.

A seemingly ordinary chain sword appeared out of thin air and landed in front of the desperate Thousand Sons.

Yes, it’s despair. There is no other possibility except death for such a degree of mutation.

If only part of the body mutates, there is a possibility that it will be sent to a stasis field and sealed.

But after the chainsword appeared, all the whispers disappeared.

The Lord of Change bowed slightly politely, and then withdrew all his influence.

What did the Thousand Sons think of.

At this moment, they used their psychic powers unscrupulously to gaze into the subspace.

A very contradictory, cold warmth surrounded them.

A pale god, too towering to see the whole thing.

He takes care of this battleship in His hands.

The Thousand Sons could not observe His expression, but…

They could recall His gentle smile.

This battleship sailed out of the subspace in the hands of the evil god and headed for the next battlefield.

Reluctantly, the Thousand Sons, who hated the whispers of Chaos the most, heard a whisper from the evil god before leaving Chaos.

An evil whisper that I never get tired of hearing.

“I am always here.”

After saying these words, the Thousand Sons battleship had left the subspace.

Chaos was silent, and there was no more sound.

The chaotic entities who sensed that their cognitive shielding had been triggered frantically fled from this pale shadow at the expense of a part of themselves.

The demons who had no time to crawl and huddle in the corner turned into ashes.

The being who created all this did not bow his head.

He stretched out his hand, separated the chaotic time and space, reintegrated it in his hand, and created a temporary small subspace.

The manifestation of this small subspace is not a painting like last time, but a mirror.

He took the mirror with him and left the chaos.

In the darkness, those entities were still afraid and did not dare to make any movement for a long time, but remained silent.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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