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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 82 Oyster Demon

Just changing the appearance won’t waste much time.

The Necrons are notoriously efficient at doing things.

In less than ten seconds after Rasta made the request, a Poké Ball that was completely in line with the comfort level of the Sixth Evil God’s hand was sent to him.

At this moment, the momentum is overwhelming! tumultuous! The perfect Phoenix came out of the “operating room” and wanted to question what it meant to produce and sell by oneself.

Fortunately, Fulgrim has obtained the authority given by Rasta, otherwise the Death Marks hiding in the dark would have begun to protect the Lord.

Although Rasta was in the wrong, he could outshine Fulgrim, and he was not afraid of criticism at all.


Why do you want to say it?

The Evil God raised the elf ball in his hand and threw it out.

Zi Phoenix was wary of the ball thrown by this god, so she stretched out her hand to block it.

Then she turned into a stream of light and was sucked into the elf ball.

Rasta walked over and picked up the elf ball.

He is probably the only one who can use the elf ball to subdue the original body. This thing is actually of limited use.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with the Poke Ball developers.

“Where’s the sound effect? ​​Where’s the sound effect? ​​Do you understand biubiubiu? Without biubiubiu, chirp, chirp, chirp will do. Develop a sound effect for me, and after conquering it, this ball had better swing left and right twice! Otherwise, it will have no soul.”

The hierarchy of Pai Gu is very strict and obedience is very high.

After confirming that these Necrons have listened.

Rasta held up the Poké Ball.

“The decision is yours! Fulgrim!”

The elf ball was thrown, and the purple phoenix, which had been subdued once, fell to the ground with a chirp.

Well, the ground shook and the mountains shook.

The third princess did not forget her original intention and still wanted to seek justice from her godfather.

Unfortunately, she only got one Poké Ball.

“The decision is yours! Perfect Phoenix!”

Fulgrim once again experienced being subdued and released.

She was so angry that she almost rushed to scratch the evil god, but in the end, she was met with the original body ball that she could not avoid.

This small primordial ball bumped into two larger primordial balls, and bounced a bit before subduing the purple phoenix.

This process was repeated until Guang Yu captured Fulgrim seven times and ended.

After being released and giving up his revenge on the evil god, Fulgrim sat on the ground and cried unable to get up.

It’s so bullying, how can it be like this?

Rasta quickly handed over the Purple Phoenix’s exclusive pacifier, the Boots of Horus, before coaxing this guy who was much taller than him even when he was sitting.

Alas, this kid is hopeless, but it’s still okay, much better than Fulgrim in the original timeline.

After the third princess was completely relieved, Guangyu began to explain to her what to do.

“Over Chemos, I will let the Necrons help manage it in your name for a period of time. Chemos will get enough supplies, so you don’t have to worry.

The banana fan is given to you, you can slowly absorb it. As for who Musashi’s brother is, you will know it when you see him for the first time.

This Phoenix City belongs to you. You are now the Phoenix Princess, a level one god in Pokémon.

Fulgrim, be patient and don’t be too strict with yourself and others. It will make you regret your life. “

After giving some guidance to another of his goddaughters, Rasta transformed into a small evil god form and prepared to see how well Osiris and Matthew got to know each other.

Unexpectedly, just when he turned around, behind him, a pair of purple eyes suddenly opened extremely wide.

Fulgrim had forgotten that the person in front of him was a god, and that he was her godfather.

All she could think about now was – what is this cute thing?

Before he could cross the space, Light Desire was captured by two super-large primordial balls!

“Ah! Why is it like this again? You learned it from Horus, right?”

Black swamp.

Matthew had been fighting with the guys under the swamp for four days and nights, but he was not tired at all, but rather relieved.

During this period of time, the figure at the bottom of the swamp would release forty-four sea monsters every day, four of them appearing at the same time every time.

This is no longer a hint.

Therefore, when the four days and nights were over, he felt that he had completed some kind of ritual prayer to the Lord and put away the spear in his hand.

In the past four days, people have arrived from the two grasslands and even the human settlements near the huge mountains.

They came here on a pilgrimage despite the cold winter and heavy snow.

Every mortal who witnessed Matthew’s battle regarded him as a god after seeing the spear pierce the beast!

There are preachers who are already writing hymns for Matthew. They have developed an unstoppable admiration for this god who fought tirelessly for four days and four nights and flew into the sky and escaped to the earth as if he were omnipotent.

Matthew already possesses the divine power of Abates, and the faith of these mortals received some kind of feedback at such a close distance, which made them even more convinced that they had met a real god walking on earth.

After Matthew stopped, he soon received a request from Osiris.

He plunged into the black swamp.

All the way down, the divine pattern of Abertes’s bones prevented him from being affected by the coldness of the swamp.

Arriving at the bottom of the water, Osiris had been waiting in an underwater space for a long time.

Matthew fell from the water into the space separated by water, and the water droplets on his body naturally separated from his body and floated upward.

Abates’ knowledge was Matthew’s knowledge, and he probably guessed the identity of the person in front of him.

“Hello! I am Matthew, a slave of the Lord of Lights.”

“Osiris, the Grand Inquisitor of the Dawn Court, the first disciple of the great Lord of Chaos, and the weaver of fairy tales!”

Osiris motioned for Matthew to sit down.

The skeleton of Abates has always known who is his final host, so that Matthew has little power to fight back against Osiris.

“Let’s talk about our division of labor first. You are responsible for being his adoptive father, his family education, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and his guide when he is confused.

And I am responsible for creating various setbacks for him, allowing him to face some innocuous difficulties, so that he can build a belief in himself as he grows up.

This is the task the Lord has given us. After I have said this, do you agree or disagree? “

Osiris symbolically asked Matthew for his opinion.

“I don’t have any opinion.”

Matthew would never disobey the command of the Lord of Lights.

“I object!”

A small hand clapped on the table.

Then He stretched out his hands and climbed onto the table.

Osiris knelt down, as did Matthew.

“Of course, whatever you say is what it is.”

“Don’t you have to ask me why?”

“Why is that?”

“Because it’s part of the plan! You have to get used to it, Osiris, this is how change works.”

Rasta took out a new script and handed it to Osiris.

Osiris took it and began to read it solemnly.

This script is called:

“The evil devil, who monopolizes all the best oysters in the world, the outrageous Jules”!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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