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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 88 Rebirth Embers

The master of mankind does not allow too much personal consideration.

When the Emperor chose to stand up and determined to lead humanity to regain its glory, he regarded himself as a machine.

Just like the God of all opportunities, it is none other than the Om Messiah.

The truth of the empire breaks through the galaxy, and the machines roar to mankind forever.

“I’m not saying this for the emperor. It’s enough that you feel sorry for him. I don’t feel sorry for him at all.

It is your genetic offspring that I care about, Horus.

Your glorious ascension to the throne cost you not only the Emperor’s face, but also at least 40% of the Luna Wolf’s life! “

Rasta didn’t care about the Emperor. In the real universe, the only one who could kill or hurt the Emperor was him, the Lord of Lights.

There is no need to worry about the Emperor’s safety. What Light Desire cares about are the Luna Wolves, whom he calls his good babies.

These Astartes treat him like a master and regard him as the most respected elder figure.

The Luna Wolves can fight for the Empire, they can fight for the Emperor, they can fight for the Wolf Shepherd, or they can fight for material providers.

“what do you mean……”

Horus thought of something, and her expression turned ugly.

Because she was infected by lust for light, her heart was not so hard. In her opinion, every genetic descendant of hers was important.

“That Broken World is an absolute weapon planet composed of countless parts by the orcs. It was created out of thin air by the orcs.

This also means that its level of danger is far greater than that of ordinary battlefields.

The Emperor can come and go freely in it, and even put on a show for his own glory, as if he is about to be strangled to death by an orc warlord.

Your genetic offspring can’t, it’s too dangerous out there.

Within a minute of the Emperor landing with the Custodes and the Luna Wolves, most of the auxiliaries would be reduced in strength, and the Luna Wolves would immediately lose half their company.

Supporting orbital strikes will be isolated by some kind of force field created by the entire Shattered World.

The other orcs in the Draco Star Sector will rely on their messy battleships to come to this world and launch an attack on the Emperor’s Dream and the fleet.

This battle of conquest, which lasts only a few hours, will become extremely long due to its cruelty.

When you finally save the Emperor using one of the Shattered World’s great weapons…

No, it wasn’t you who saved it. Even if you just picked up a stone and threw it at the orc warlord, it would be killed by the Emperor using various means, and the credit would be given to you.

When you gain the glory of the entire empire because of this, it remains to be seen whether there will be only 6,000 Luna Wolves left surrounding you.

Do you think it’s worth it to have four thousand heirs in exchange for a share of glory? Horus. “

Rasta threw a cruel future in front of Horus and forced her to look at it.

“I…I don’t know.”

Four thousand Astartes, their corpses can be piled into mountains, ceramite fragments, and their flesh and blood turned to ashes. Their loyalty to the empire and their trust in the Wolf Shepherd will be fixed at the last moment before they die.

Loken, who was tougher than Horus, gritted his teeth and stood up.

“Every Luna Wolf is prepared to die for the Gene Father.

Even if they know all this in advance, they will move forward bravely regardless of their own safety.

For the glory of the Wolf Shepherd God, they can sacrifice everything at any time! “

Loken knew that this was cruel to the other Sons of Horus, but this was their mission and no one would shirk it.

A glorious death in battle, especially for his genetic father, will inspire everyone’s greatest fighting spirit.

“But I don’t allow it!”

Guangyu’s figure gradually grew taller.

From a small evil god human form, he slowly transformed into a pale god taller than the emperor.

Ferocious, terrifying, elegant, violent, angry, gentle…

Many complex elements appeared paradoxically on the gods in front of Horus and Loken.

“I am their master, and I cannot watch them die like this.

The Emperor does not allow me to intervene. He needs a huge number of sacrifices to prove the cruelty of this battle, to prove that he is indeed choked by the Orc warlord.

Come and prove that the glory of your Horus is real!

I wanted to save them, but that single-minded immortal rejected me on all timelines.

This made me so angry that I almost rushed to the Emperor Dream and actually choked him. “

Countless overlapping sounds form the divine voice of a terrifying thing, ethereal and distant, yet close to my ears.

Horus and Loken just looked at the god in front of them, feeling His anger and grievance.

Those were the children he had taken care of for so long, but the Emperor had to sacrifice so much with just one word. How could he endure it?

His previous explanation of the emperor’s pain might be that he wanted to persuade himself to accept it, but he couldn’t accept it. He was a little broken at this moment.

Horus stood up and touched the pale god’s wings. At this moment, her body lit up with the radiance of pink.


“Your female original body was created using the powder from my body as spores, which is why you can gain an extra piece of knowledge.

Horus, I have no intention of competing with the Emperor for heirs, but in a sense, you are also my child, so when you see me at a certain moment, you will be unconsciously attracted to me.

Just as all Primarchs were shocked when they saw the Emperor for the first time. “

Guang Yu explained a lot, and at the same time, he stepped back and distanced himself from the other party.

Horus stretched out his hand, his fingertips trembling, then retracted it.

She recalled the scene when she first met this arrogant god.

At that time, the Evil God forced her to move bricks and said the following words:

“I came to see you for other reasons, but when I think about you not having many of the qualities I like, I feel that it would be a big disadvantage to give you something, so I have to find something for you to do in exchange for work.”

It can be seen that Guang Yu’s first impression of the Wolf Shepherd God was not good at all, but he still arrogantly provided all kinds of help to the son of the first return, and also gave him various punishments and other titles.

“Okay, my godfather, tell me what I need to do to save my heirs.”

Horus wanted to call him father at this moment, but Rasta made it clear that she would not compete with the Emperor for his sole food, so she simply continued to call him godfather.

Rasta stretched out his hand, and on his claw-like fingers were a large amount of ash-colored gravel.

“This is what I prepared, the ember of rebirth, which contains my power.

The souls of all the Shadow Luna Wolves who died in the Tianlong Star Region will be absorbed by these gravels.

They will rise from the ashes as a can of Chaos.

I will not force them to accept this fate, nor will I include them in my demonic army.

Horus, they still obey your command.

It’s just that, as the mother of genes, you have to lead this pale army that will hide its identity for a long time. “


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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