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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 9 You Are Not Faithful

Salicina Nkowedu, a young ruler.

He is the governor of Neixing, and this planet exists as a large hub in this star region.

One of Naixing’s two airports is built on the back of Naixing’s satellite, and the other is in space and consists of mechanical mountains with life.

During the 30th millennium, the rule of the Empire was quite chaotic, and the Emperor, the Lord of Mankind, was busy with the Great Crusade.

He didn’t do a very good job of making peace with the outside world first.

Every time a planet is conquered, the empire will not interfere too much, and will even retain the political power of this world.

As long as these worlds do the following things, no matter how cruel their rule is, the empire under the leadership of the Emperor will not care.

Believe in the Imperial Truth.

Abnormalities and heresies will not be tolerated.

Pay a tithe to the empire.

The empire has the right to decide what role your world is based on the strategic map.

This turned many planets into hub stars, many planets into agricultural worlds, and more worlds into hives.

This also made Rasta dislike the Emperor.

Life is so cruel that for an ordinary person there is no difference between living in the empire and living in hell.

People at different levels have different views on this.

The civilians of the hive city will be very busy, busy with electricity bills, food, and medical expenses for their families. Only when the Astra Militarum comes to the world to recuperate temporarily, the workers who are lucky enough to be the city that hosts the Astra Militarum are lucky enough to take a break and pay homage to the warriors of the Empire. .

The empire has a strict hierarchy. Astra Militarum and civilians are two classes, even if the former is used as a consumable for a shorter period of time than the latter.

They looked eagerly in the crowd, bustling with people, and saw the army with standard weapons and handsome uniforms walking through the streets with all kinds of heavy weapons, as if they still had the scorched earth atmosphere of the previous world.

It is in this kind of envy that many children succeed in becoming a member of the Astra Militarum.

There are not many civilians in agricultural worlds that are suitable for transformation into plains where the entire planet is, while there are not many civilians in other agricultural worlds that are not suitable for transformation into plains, and the civilians there are miserable.

Only 10% of what they plant belongs to them. They will be reprimanded by the nobles of the empire as being disloyal to the empire and dishonest to the emperor because they are unable to work due to illness, fatigue, or any natural or man-made disaster.

In order to ensure this cruel class rule, those who could not farm would be fed to the dogs by the nobles after or even before their death.

The most disgusting thing is that these nobles will let all the family members of the deceased and the dying come together to watch this “funeral”.

The empire’s high-pressure rule is mostly like this, using generations of cruelty to make the newly born feel “normal” and that they should be born this way.

Even if someone awakens their consciousness, they will still be unable to fight against the empire due to their own weakness.

This is also why some people choose to throw themselves into the arms of the evil god of subspace in exchange for power.

Living in the Empire, as a civilian, you have only two choices.

Believe in the Emperor, and use your faith to keep you alive in suffering.

Fall to the evil god and let him turn you into an inhuman thing with his full anger, and then die under the decomposition force field of the chainsword.

The Emperor didn’t care, and therefore, the rulers of the worlds he ruled cared even less.

Salic is such a person. He does not feel anything wrong with the suffering of civilians. At the same time, he is also a loyalist of the Empire and a staunch supporter of the Emperor.

“Lord Governor, today is September 9th. Your schedule today is to receive an emperor’s envoy and go to another sub-sector within this sector, where there is a world called Liting…”

In the morning, Salic’s housekeeper was holding the new order issued by the empire and was in a daze. He did not say the next words.

“What are you going there for? Do you want them to pay a sacred tax to support the war, or are you going there to clean up heretics?”

Salic was quite gentle with the housekeeper.

The main reason was that his father died early and the housekeeper had performed his father’s responsibilities. However, after his mother also died, his housekeeper could perform less than half of his father’s responsibilities.

At that time, Salic was still a child under seven years old. The housekeeper felt guilty for some reason and raised Salic as his own son, eliminating all political enemies for him.

Salic has no feelings for his parents, so he mostly turns a blind eye to the insults the housekeeper adds to him. Anyway, Nai Xing is his world, who dares to chew his tongue and start reincarnation on the spot?

Moreover, his family’s situation is already normal and even good among the entire Naixing rulers and nobles.

All in all, the Naixing aristocratic circle is very chaotic.

“No, I may be out of sight. I saw that the order copied by the Astropath was…

There is a world called Liting. With the approval of the Emperor, the Empire and Lord Malcador, it will declare its independence. As the emperor’s envoy, you will go there to declare the absolute friendship between the Empire and Liting. “

The housekeeper looked over and over again, his eyes widened and he didn’t understand what was going on.

Salic snatched the document written in Gothic from the butler’s hand and repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of it.

At this moment, his shock was even greater than when he witnessed the butler performing his duties.

The Empire’s Great Crusade was aimed at shining the entire galaxy under the Emperor’s glory, and now the Emperor personally issued an order to declare the independence of a world?

Salic found the Empire’s Aquila logo under the ninth word on the ninth line of the document, which was the final layer of security.

“What the hell…”

When he looked up and sighed, he didn’t notice that the Eagle Salute logo moved.

“Do you want to leave immediately to convey the Emperor’s…”

The butler had a deep psychological shadow on Malcador, who was dressed like a prisoner or an ascetic. The other party was swift and decisive, and had killed many imperial dignitaries whose status far exceeded that of the Governor of Nai Star.

“Let me think about it…”

Saliqi began to think. As a ruler, he was not a complete fool.

But this incident had a great impact on him. He had been imitating the Emperor’s style of doing things. He always believed that any world should belong to the Emperor. He asked every human on Nai Star to praise the Emperor every day. He even felt that the ordinary double eagle salute was not enough to express his loyalty to the Empire.

He had to change some details when he did the Eagle Salute in private in front of the mirror. The repeated changes over the years made the Eagle Salute very different from the original.

But he felt very satisfied for some reason.

“But Governor, the order requires immediate…”

“Shut up, don’t disturb me. If it weren’t for the fact that you have worked for me for so many years, I would kill you right now if you disturbed my meditation on loyalty to the Empire!”

Saliqi glared at the butler and then walked to the bathroom.

The butler muttered behind him: If you were not my child, do you think I would have a conscience and help you keep the hereditary governor, while killing all your eight brothers and sisters, and finally give you all my power?

Saliqi quickly sobered up with the water from the garden world. He finally got over the shock. The emperor was right. He should honestly express the friendship of the Empire to Li Ting.

But when he looked up, his face was reflected in the mirror, as well as the magic double-headed eagle logo on the wall behind him.

“Are you really willing?”

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but he began to mutter to himself in the mirror.

“No, I am unwilling, but this is the order of the Emperor, he can’t be wrong…”

“You are not loyal! If you are loyal, you should fight for everything for the Emperor!”

“No one is more loyal than me, Salichinenkovi, I pray to the Emperor nine times a day!”

“No, you are not loyal, words are meaningless, you should put your loyalty into action.”

“What can I do? It seems that I am a representative of friendship for the Empire, but in fact I am just a tool for passing messages, and everyone knows this.”

“No, the operating space of this friendship agreement can be very large! Very large! Verbal friendship is not enough. Isn’t friendship enough? Slavery and rule will not end just like that. Every world in the Empire is highly autonomous, and it is not difficult to give them verbal friendship. “

“Wait, I can’t think it through…”

“Are you a fool? Do you need to think about this? Think about it! Think about it! How much internal defense force does an ordinary hive world have when there is no rebellion?

Even if there are Astra Militarum troops stationed, do Astra Militarum obey the messenger who conveys the order for the Emperor, or the governor of that planet?

Don’t you have the instinct of a ruler to use force to coerce? “

It’s not the first time that Salic has quarreled with “himself”, so he thinks this is normal.

Even in the past, this kind of quarrel made him profit from different choices every time and become a winner.

Now, he thinks this quarrel is also useful, and he will not fail because of the advice of “himself” in the mirror.

His dependence on “himself” is like breathing, indispensable.

Could it be that the “self” in the mirror has helped him so many times, just to give him a failure and play with himself?

Every time he failed in the past, he would change because of quarreling with “himself”, thus becoming a success.

There’s no reason to go wrong this time.

He finally made up his mind.

The “him” in the mirror reminded him.

“Wait, don’t forget to prepare a gift.”

“Where is the gift?”

“You put it in your personal vault when you sleepwalked last night, it’s the purple box, did you forget?”

“I didn’t forget! I’ve always been ready for the most knowledgeable and wise emperor!”

Salic refuted “himself” and walked out the door.

He cursed as he walked.

After he left, there was still his reflection in the mirror.

Next to his reflection, the two-headed eagle came to life.

“He drew me so ugly.”

One head of the two-headed bird said.

“He can draw me an uglier one in the future.”

The other head of the two-headed bird added.

And Salic’s reflection was laughing in a low voice.

“As a return gift for your provocative conspiracy, I hope you like it, Light Desire.”

The reflection gave up a toy that it was tired of playing with.

Salic’s successful transformation has become a normal state, which makes Him feel meaningless.

“I’m really looking forward to your expression when you open the gift box.”

After writing this chapter, I even lost nine collections


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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