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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 91 Juicy Phoenix

After Lust jumped off the tank, the new Pokémon Charmander swung forward and back with joy because he had a name.

“I’m going to take Charmander away for a while.”

Rasta pointed at the fire-breathing fire-breathing tank of the Cerberus with the full attributes of both a hunk and a licking dog.

Captain Power Hammer had no objection at all. Anyway, before arriving at the next planet as a battlefield, this licking dog tank was of no use until it was licked to the point of sadness.

Leave it to the master, and you can save money on appeasing the machine soul. This product requires four calcium tablets and a large amount of engine oil for maintenance every time, which just saves money.

“Master, are you leaving again?”

After just one meal, the lust was about to leave, and the Chain Sword Master’s face dropped. He was also planning to let Unsidixi appreciate the saxophone music he composed for his genetic father.

Yes, whenever Guilliman comes back, he will play it to Papa Smurf.

“Don’t act like a left-behind child, I have something to do.”

Rasta looked at the large circle of Smurfs surrounding him and felt quite headache.

Before leaving, He hesitated for a moment, and finally came to the freckled female star warrior.

After all, Light Desire can directly read the thoughts of people who are equivalent to his followers, and this does not even require special reading.

The freckled female Astra Militarum soldier’s feelings towards him are rather complicated, with respect for Master Astartes mixed with some strange admiration.

Reach out and touch your head.

“what’s your name?”

Guang wanted to know the other person’s name, but he asked anyway.

“Xue Liu.”

The freckled female Astra Militarum soldier was embarrassed by this head touching.

“My name is Rastraite.”

While saying this, Guang Yu threw the elf ball in his hand directly back.

The Charmander who was having fun turned into a stream of light and flew into the elf ball.

The Chainsaw Sword Master relied on his better statistics than the Power Hammer Captain in all aspects, so he ran over and picked it up, looked around, and then brought it to the master.

The Ash Gate formed around Rasta. When he took the elf ball, the Ash Gate automatically closed in and took him away from here.

The Ash Gate disappeared, and Xue Liu’s face was obviously slightly rosy.

“Damn it! How did you let me touch your head? Please teach me!”

The chain saw sword master was still fierce in the first half of the sentence, but in the second half, he almost knelt down without shame.

Cornish, Phoenix City.

The Necrons came here and knelt down collectively the moment the Ash Gate appeared.

Rasta walked out of the Ash Gate and did not see Fulgrim.

He didn’t dare to look blindly, because looking back on the timeline, Fulgrim went to take a bath three minutes ago.

Chemos lacks water resources, so even Purple Phoenix has to be extra economical when taking a bath. After all, the original body uses too much water due to its size.

Therefore, Fulgrim used to take a towel dipped in water and wipe it carefully.

Now in Cornis, where there is no shortage of water, she can’t wait to soak in the bathtub all day long, coveting this rare enjoyment.

Rasta needed her help, so he just waited.

The wait lasted for two hours, which made Guang Yu wonder if he had raised the perfect phoenix to death.

Fulgrim whistled and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a purple bath towel with a teapot in his left hand and a teacup in his right hand. He was obviously in a good mood after taking a bath.

But when she passed through the two doors and saw the Evil God, it was obviously not so…

Rasta looked at the Horus teacup and teapot. Although it was expected, it was still a little shocking every time he saw it.

“As expected of you!”

Anyway, he was discovered. Fulgrim drank the tea on the spot, and then went to change his clothes.

“…No one will compete with you!”

Light desire and anger.

When Fulgrim came out again, he was already wearing a gorgeous female armor that combined Necron technology and the style of human empire power armor.

She first apologized for not saying hello to her godfather right away.

“Sorry, I didn’t say hello to you. Just now, the banana fan was in the bath towel. I was speechless.”

“Oh, so that’s the reason. Wait, what did you say?!”

Guang Yu, who was frightened by Zi Phoenix’s special gameplay, took several steps back.

It’s only been a few days? Are you, Fulgrim, accustomed to absorbing the pain of a god’s spine?

Rasta frowned and finally persuaded her: “If you act like this, you may go astray.”

“No, you misunderstood, Godfather, I just discovered some special powers that do not exist in the real universe. After I dug them out, I found that I could erase some of my shortcomings.

I reduced my pain to a point where it was completely bearable, something I learned from the knowledge gained from being in this body. “

Purple Phoenix has begun to clearly understand the nature of its own subspace, or in other words, the nature of the subspace that has mutated due to lust for light.

Rasta tried to believe her words, but after feeling and thinking, he remained silent because the child was having so much fun.

Zi Phoenix did reduce the pain to a certain level, but she also discovered other things.

“Also, Godfather, please tell me, why do I have the inference that you are probably my father in my knowledge?”

Perfect Phoenix’s knowledge mastery is significantly higher than that of Horus.

She is gifted because her perception is much stronger than that of other Primarchs, and the complement of the body of another Primarch allows her to see more secrets and power.

“Because your body was created with my power and a little bit of my tissue. I am just the creator of your body.

As for your father, there is someone else. “

Rasta didn’t hide it anymore, the difference was not big.

“Oh? I want to ask, Godfather, you can create this powerful body with just a little bit of broken nails.

Are you really just an ordinary god? “

After initially understanding the nature of his lesser god, Fulgrim became a wise man with certain abilities.

Although she enjoyed the sensory stimulation this time, it was within the normal range. This was a mockery of the Lord of Pleasure.

Unlike the original timeline where the essence of a lesser god was eaten by Slaanesh, nor was he immersed in the abyss of lust that could be called evil, Fulgrim’s position has changed a lot.

Guang Yu knew that the other party suspected that he had lied to her to become a princess.

But He didn’t panic at all.

“I never lied to you.”

“Then are you hiding something? I need your apology.”

“What an apology.”

“Become a child again and let me hug you~”

Fulgrim clasped his hands together and placed them on his cheeks, looking quite expectant.

“No, it’s you who should apologize to me. I mentioned you to Musashi and fought for your formal right to make tea. She has no objection to this and her favorability towards you has increased.”

Lust doesn’t want to get up close and personal with the juicy phoenix.

“Okay, what do you want me to do for you?”

“Our time is very tight and there is simply not enough time, so I need to encircle this piece of grassland and cover it with a special space-time quality similar to the inner space of a painting or a mirror.

I need to speed up the time of the entire grassland so that Musashi’s younger brother can grow up quickly.

I can’t show my face, you have to play a double act with me, and I do need to use the warp power inside your mirror. “


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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