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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 93 Dutiful Son and Daughter

Fortunately, Luojia had not been exposed to the cruelty of the galaxy, so he did not have much empathy for Fulgrim’s description.

“What about here?”

“This is the world of Pokémon. There are no fancy magics, just all kinds of Pokémon!”

Her voice was extremely solemn and sacred against the backdrop of Fulgrim’s glorious figure.

“What is a Pokémon?”

The attention of the curious baby Luojia was brought over.

Fulgrim took out a Poké Ball.

A ray of light lit up in the elf ball, and then a figure flew out of it.

It was a figure with white wings and golden armor. He had blond hair, was too perfect to be human, and had a gentle and approachable smile.

“This is Angelmon in Pokémon! Using the Poké Ball, you can capture Angelmon, and then you can use him to fight!”

Luojia looked at Sanguinius, whom he still didn’t recognize, and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t explain it.

“You must be curious, this is obviously a human with wings, how could it be a Pokémon.

In fact, I am also a Pokémon, and there are a considerable proportion of human-shaped Pokémon in this world.

Let’s take the analogy of angel beasts.

Angelmon’s force is quite powerful, and he is particularly good at giving birth to children, although he doesn’t…”

Fulgrim frowned, and her description stopped abruptly, staying at the place where although it was not as capable as the Phoenix and the Luna Wolf.

Wait a minute, I will be the Phoenix!

Luojia, on the other hand, was still trying to open his golden eyes wide and his ears perked, waiting for what was to come.

“Although there are no Luna Wolves that can give birth to 10,000 babies in a lifetime, the cubs of the Angel Beast are all very ferocious, but the Angel Beast itself has a gentle personality.

Once you catch Angelmon, you can have a lot of little Angel Pokémon. There is a trainer who is paralyzed and has a dark face, and he has been trying to catch Angelmon.

It’s a pity that Angelmon dislikes that trainer and has been avoiding him. “

The big licking dog Fulgrim had no idea that she mentioned his most beloved Ms. Musashi.

“Okay…it seems very powerful.”

In this way, Luojia and the third princess discussed the topic of how to use the elf ball to capture the other Primarch Sanguinius.

He also compared the Chaos God on the Brass Throne to a paralyzed man squatting at home who has no future.

At this moment, Luojia is just a piece of white paper, and the desire of light is smearing it wantonly with the purple pen.

Fulgrim took the script book and continued to introduce.

“Luojia, it seems that you have understood the preliminary concept of Pokémon.

In the outer universe, several of the most powerful trainers have launched an endless and cruel war to compete for the twenty-one rarest Pokémon.

Angelmon is the most sought-after Pokémon among the twenty-one.

Our space-time realm has not yet been affected, but that day is not far away. “

“Pokémon, so magical…”

Luojia was immediately fascinated by those Pokémon.

“So, Luojia, are you willing to become a Pokémon training master in order to protect our space-time realm?”

The Phoenix God took out a few more elf balls.

She opened the Poke Balls one by one.

“Here is the ultimate evolved form of the Charmander, the Fire Dragon, also called Wokan.”

I saw a blacksmith wearing green power armor flying out of the elf ball and falling to the ground, forming a strong contrast with the angel beast.

“This is the initial form of Gardevoir, also called the juvenile form. You can’t distinguish between male and female Macaron.”

From the elf ball, the Prime Minister of the Empire flew out without any disguise. He wore a small blue and white tutu and a serious face with a strong contrast.

This seems very good!

Luojia, who looked a bit like an emperor in many places, but also looked like an emperor in places where he shouldn’t have, was thinking like this.

“Angelmon is a light-type Pokémon, Charmander is a fire-type Pokémon, and Macaron is mostly a grass-type Pokémon.

Different Pokémon have attribute restraint effects, but if the difference in strength is too great, the restraint effect will disappear.

This needs to be explored by yourself. “

Fulgrim glanced at the script, and she seemed to have guessed why the Evil God didn’t write a more detailed tutorial. He was too lazy to compile it!

Luo Jia’s eyes were shining. He wished he had an angel beast in his left hand, a large fire dragon in his right hand, and a young Gardevoir in his pocket.

How could his newly born child resist the temptation of Pokémon full of dreamy colors.

“Luojia, have you ever thought about why I tell you this?”

The Phoenix God’s tone became a little lower.

“Why… why?”

Luo Jia still doesn’t understand that when you encounter this kind of opportunity, you basically encounter a big pit, and responsibilities that don’t belong to you are imposed on you.

Just like passing by the swamp, the banshee said that as long as you defeat me, I will be yours.

“Luojia, the realm of time and space, is now under threat from evil Pokémon trainers.

They are eager to destroy the beauty and peace in the realm of time and space.

There are such evil trainers not only within the realm of time and space, but also outside the realm of time and space. “

Fulgrim began to face the script, and she began to realize that there seemed to be some real information hidden in it.

“Then, you will protect us, right, great Phoenix God!”

Luo Jia’s genetic defect prevents him from being the one to stand up. Even if he wants to stand up, he must have a powerful being who can be his boss.

“No, Luojia, on the contrary, I need you to protect me! Because I am one of the twenty-one rarest Pokémon…”

Fulgrim’s thoughts were fragmented here, and some fragmented information touched his memory as the original body.

The script of “Light Desire” not only lays out a fairy tale for Luo Jia, but also hints at something for her.

Faced with a responsibility in which she must be the protagonist, Luo Jia began to shrink.

For him, his philosophy of life has been to find a strong thigh to hug him since he was born!

He had no confidence in starting a career as an unprotected leader.

After being lost for a moment, Fulgrim returned to the state of the Phoenix God, the enlightened teacher of Luojia.

“Luojia, you have to believe in yourself, you are a Pokémon Hero, and you are destined to become a Pokémon trainer!

You are gifted, you are better than anyone in the realm of time and space, you are a born leader!

Courage, strength, wisdom, you possess these qualities, so I chose you as the one who saves the common people.

Luojia, no one can be a Pokémon Champion but you, you were born for this. “

Luojia was slightly inspired by the praise in the lines. The spine characteristics of the gods he absorbed noticed this and immediately broke out from the dormant state to stimulate Luojia’s high fighting spirit.

Luo Jia was immediately pumped with blood.

“I want to become the strongest Pokémon trainer!”

“Then go and catch the most powerful Pokémon! With him, you can do anything! However, please remember to hit him in the face with the Poké Ball! Otherwise you won’t be able to conquer him!”

“What’s the name of the most powerful Pokémon?”

“His name is Igubigu!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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