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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 97 Sanguinius

When you are born on the sun, you take it for granted that the sun is the center of the world.

When you are born on Terra, even if you know that the sun is the center of the world, you still think that Terra is the center of the world.

When you are born on the moon, then the sun and Terra will be reduced to foils, and our moon is the center of the world.

This is a fallacy that a certain Imperial Guard once heard from Guang Yu.

But in fact, this is correct.

The environment in which a person is born will create his unique thoughts and perspective on things.

Baal is an ecologically almost extinct planet, where it is difficult for humans to survive. During the Dark Ages, no one wanted to settle in this world of deserts and beasts.

Perhaps it is possible to input massive amounts of material resources and manpower through technological means to reverse the ecological environment of the entire planet, but now the entire Baal Galaxy does not have that ability.

Compared with Baal, its two satellites are considered paradise.

Unfortunately, during the Dark Ages when the two satellites were at their most prosperous, a war broke out between them.

At the end of the war, the civilizations on the two satellites that both believed themselves to be the center of the world entered a state of destruction, and the only survivors were mutants with varying degrees of mutation.

Now, there is indeed a real center of the world here, because Baobao, or the moon called Babar by the lust of light, has ushered in a savior.

Sanguinius, the Babarian, is also having a busy day today.

As a satellite that had been destroyed in a nuclear explosion, Babar Planet obviously did not have much supplies.

From the time he climbed out of the training chamber and was adopted by his own mutant tribe to becoming the spiritual leader and even the actual leader of the mutant tribe, it only took Sanguinius four weeks, which was four to ten times faster than the original timeline.

Perhaps, this was a blessing from a certain wicked evil god. He claimed not to care about this guy, but he finally gave him something.

A month ago, Sanguinius was tearing apart mutant beasts with his hands like a child.

A month later, Angel, who was taller than anyone in the mutant tribe, was already throwing alloy blocks to snipe the Moon Sand Iguanas from a distance.

The Moon Sand Iguana is a typical desert creature with eight legs and is extremely large and fierce.

It feeds on all mutant beasts and even mutants and even its own kind.

The cost of raising a child on Babar is very high, so no mutant will try to hunt the Moon Sand Iguana, and the effort is not proportional to the reward.

But when Sanguinius appeared, this mutant tribe gradually became the top of the food chain in this satellite ecosystem.

Entire hordes of mutants are deifying Sanguinius.

“Thank you for your gift, great God of angels.”

A child who received iguana meat came to Sanguinius suspended in the sky and bowed to him.

Sanguinius was helpless. He had already stopped him, otherwise he would have received a prostration instead of a bow.

His extraordinary growth rate, size and strength, as well as his wings, flight and terrifying physical and spiritual powers, all made these mutants worship him even more.

Coupled with the myths and legends of Babar, he became a god in the minds of these people.

Sanguinius frowned, because his passive precognition ability told him that a golden figure would be waiting for him in a few decades.

That figure was God, but the only sentence he heard from that figure was “I am not a god.”

After many precognitions, he determined that the other party hated mythology, so Sanguinius did not want to be called a god.

But he had to do it now.

He must act like a god and gradually integrate all the mutant tribes of Babar Planet in order to unify the entire satellite into a period of rapid development.

The archangel flying in the sky landed, and the tribe leader came over wearing heavy protective clothing.

“We await your instructions, great angel.”

As he approached the light of the angel, the number on his Geiger index was dropping, even if it wasn’t much.

The myths and legends of Babar are related to angels.

According to legend, the Angels of Darkness and Light once opened up the entire galaxy from Chaos.

Afterwards, they fought a battle, and one of the angels lost, but declared to the winner that he would eventually return and rule the world again as the king who rules the world, taking charge of all things in the world that belong to him.

But there is not only one legend. There are versions about the war between the Dark Angel and the Light Angel on both satellites, with the number reaching three digits.

Among the more recognized legends, the one with the highest support is this one, and the one in which the two angels are one.

Sanguinius’s Pure Blood of the Horde favors the latter one.

When this angel of light falls into a killing state, he will massacre the enemy with high efficiency. When the blood smears the angel wings in the blood-thirsty state, he turns into an angel of darkness.

“The wandering mutants on the other side of the plain are contacting other people. They feel my presence, feel that their survival status is threatened, and are ready to besiege us.”

Sanguinius’s passive prophecy ability allowed him to see some of the future.

From the perspective of people outside the Baal Galaxy, the entire people on Baal Moon are mutants, but the degree of mutation varies.

But from the perspective of people such as the Pure Blood Tribe who wear heavy protective clothing, they are definitely human beings, and those whose skin is exposed to the air and become more and more like beasts are mutants.

But from the perspective of the Emperor or an ancient Terran human, these prejudices are pure fart.

Over the course of tens of thousands of years, everyone in the empire was a mutant, and none of them had pure human genes at all, because the immortals were not counted among them.

Finding a pure human was too difficult, it was like looking for proof that the Emperor had no dark history.

“Those wild dogs can never imagine your greatness. They do not accept myths, they do not accept that you are a god, and you are a symbol of light and darkness. Then, they have proven their ignorance.”

The tribe leader’s worship of the Primarch comes from the character of Sanguinius.

Sanguinius was silent for a moment. He was completely confused about the legend. He passively became the god among these people.

It’s exactly the same as the Emperor. The difference is that the Emperor has a higher level of evolution and has a tougher mouth.

Angel is a fledgling, soft-hearted and soft-spoken. At least for now, he cannot say firm and hard words.

At this moment, Sanguinius felt intense uneasiness in his heart.

He raised his head suddenly and looked towards the end of the distant horizon.

There is the tribe trying to attack Pure Blood.

Sanguinius was very confident about killing all these mutants, but what he wasn’t sure about was whether he could suppress his blood thirst in the process.

Not long after he was born, he still couldn’t completely control this terrible instinct-like genetic disease.

Sanguinius’s gaffe made the Pure Blood tribe follow his gaze and look in the same direction.

There, the sun and Baal appeared in the world at the same time.

A streak of blood is rising from the end of the horizon, carrying endless violence and cruelty.

This blood color is actually not very high, but from the perspective of the Pure Blood tribe, the blood color seems to connect the sun and the planet Baal.

Sanguinius gave orders to the entire tribe before the blood turned into substance and formed a warp rift.

“Go! Everyone! Everyone go! Stay away from here!”

Under the terrible pressure, the Archangel did not retreat. He did not want a battle that would be a disaster for Pure Blood to affect these people.

He will bring the battlefield to where the enemy will descend.

Two chapters are updated now, two more chapters at noon, and two more chapters in the afternoon


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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