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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 99 Kidnapping an Angel

Nusgreen, who has a good father, has very strong capital.

He can definitely beat or even kill Skarbrand, who is no longer as good as he used to be.

He even has a way to lift Skarbrand’s cognitive shield.

Then all he had to do was throw out a photo of a family member.

Tzeentch would be shocked if he got the photo, and the places where he had been struck by lust for light would be injured again, let alone Skarbrand.

Skarbrand was about to fight against the suddenly powerful opponent. The next moment, a sense of horror enveloped it, as if it was about to face Khorne, even more terrifying than facing Khorne.

This made it honestly give up challenging Nusgreen and instead looked at Sanguinius.

Sanguinius first bowed humbly and friendly to the helper who suddenly appeared. Then, as if he had no memory of the pain just now, he transformed into a golden god again, burning himself fiercely and rushing towards the helper who was weakened because of his timidity. Skarbrand.

The fluctuations caused by the battle between the demon and the archangel distorted the light and temperature.

The ground was riddled with holes, the yellow sand was turned into glass, and was frozen and cracked again by the low temperature caused by powerful spiritual energy.

Nussgreen took out his paintbrush and began to trace on the painting.

His close combat ability is actually not weak, but because of his hobby, he prefers to use psychic powers to carry out regular strikes through paintings.


A demon carrier suddenly disintegrated, and the living weapons on its body withered rapidly. This withering spread rapidly along with a kind of pale ashes turning into its body surface.

The shrill screams and unspeakable pain made this demon carrier a source of fear for other demons.

The second demon soon met the same fate.

The world and the demonic army behind Skarbrand, which were originally burning with blood, are being swallowed up by paleness.

Skarbrand became a little flustered. It didn’t care about the life and death of those demons at all. They were just consumables anyway.

What it cares about is why such a powerful existence appears.

It recognized that the other party was also a great demon, a great devil who was deeply loved by the other party’s main god of chaos.

This makes it a little jealous and even more frightening.

It couldn’t tell from the paleness which power of the Chaos Lord it belonged to.

What it fears most is that it made a mistake in the face of force majeure despite clearly promising not to let the Lord of the Skull down again.

The fury finally overwhelmed Skarbrand, and it could no longer hold back. Instead, it stretched out its hand and recalled two weapons.

Slaughter and murder are at the mercy of the fearless Emperor’s Children.

In the chaos, Khorne and Tzeentch are watching the battle. Everyone wants to see this good show, but Slaanesh and Nurgle don’t know it.

A fact that made Skarbrand extremely sad occurred.

The Lord of Skulls was pleasantly surprised by two of the three men.

Whether it’s Sanguinius’s courage in the face of the strong and death, or his battle mastery that squeezes every ounce of strength out of himself.

Or to Nusgreen, an alternative mature version of Sanguinius.

He thought it was too excellent.

As for Skarbrand, it’s actually not bad, but in comparison, there is a slight gap of hundreds of millions of points.

Sanguinius was soon wounded again, and he met the inevitable carnage with his bare hands.

The golden psychic energy was dissipated by the heavy blow of the battle ax, and Sanguinius’s palm was instantly eroded and began to turn black and red.

This is Khorne’s handiwork. Every injury to Sanguinius will become a transformation. Khorne is making the Archangel’s blood thirst flaw worse through Skarbrand’s damage.

Sanguinius soon came to an embarrassing state where his body was half black and red.

His psychic powers became confused, laced with elements of Khorne.

“Don’t forget the blessing you received in the first place.”

Nusgreen was a little dissatisfied with the angel because he had forgotten his father’s power.

Sanguinius barely managed to find the energy to understand those words during the battle.

When the battle came to thirty-two breaths, most of his body was already a “dark angel”.


Sanguinius muttered, finally recalling a small memory.

He had never seen Him before, when Sanguinius was still sleeping in the training chamber.

But he had heard His voice.

He was sure that the other party had not been to Baoer, and that the other party had come to his heart through another way.

It seems to be the connection between blood and genes.

“I’m telling you, if you want to listen to stories, eat well and let me see how happy you are. When I’m happy, I’ll take you on a trip one day.

Where to go? Let me take a look, go here, this is called Babar Star, and there are people from Babar Star on it.

What? Are there any aliens? Yes, it has two big wings!

You can’t say that, what if the person is a good person?

What? If nothing else happens, you two will be extremely filial to me…”

These words were heard through the foresight of Sanguinius coupled with the connection of blessing and the thoughts of the genetic offspring.

In the past, he always thought this was a dream talk.

But now it seems that there is indeed a less serious existence that has protected his birth.

The reading of Sanguinius’s memories inspired the remaining blessings in him.

The power of light lust quickly ignited in him, and he effortlessly banished the influence of Khorne’s curse on him.

This invincible frame was captured by Skarbrand, a master of single combat. Seeing Sanguinius freeze and stiffen, he thought it was a good opportunity.

The next moment, it dropped its axe, and then regretted it.

It felt like the time when he was scraping the paint off Khorne’s armor was similar to now.

Regardless of massacre or murder, the two tomahawks didn’t even have a chance to get close before they were knocked away by the force of the counter-shock. Skarbrand himself flew backwards like rags and couldn’t get up.

Khorne’s card draw had failed, and his coin now fell to the ground in a state of disgrace.

Tzeentch laughed loudly. As long as Khorne was deflated, he felt happy. Although it was not big, it was good to relieve his loneliness.

Sanguinius didn’t understand why the monster that he had been suppressing before was suddenly half-dead.

But he is not like his two brothers or sisters.

Horus and Fulgrim were used to opportunities that could be lost and come back again.

He had never been tricked by the evil god before, so he decided to seize the opportunity.

Just as Sanguinius expelled the black and red body, he was once again enveloped in the golden holy light, passing over the ground, and was about to kill Skarbrand with the blade of light formed by his spiritual energy in conjunction with his own wings.

Behind the abandoned son of Khorne, a subspace crack appeared, swallowing it up and bringing it back to the subspace.

Sanguinius threw himself into the air with all his strength, hit the ground, turned somersaults seven or eight times, then got up, shaking his wings in disgrace.

Then he came to Nusgreen, ready to say thanks.

The painter didn’t give him a chance to speak.

“One family does not speak two languages, I am your eldest brother…”

Sanguinius glanced at his eldest brother, who was obviously much shorter than him.

Nussgreen is only 2.3 meters tall, which makes him a lot shorter. His friendliness plays a role.

Brother, you are a bit stunted…

“Let’s go home with me. I’ll take you to see Father. He will definitely like you.”

Nusgreen was determined not to give Sanguinius any room to react.

He fully learned his father’s characteristic vices and first abducted the Emperor’s Son.

What he was doing now was similar to what Skarbrand was doing.

It’s just that Skarbrand’s methods are not as good as his. When he robs the angel, he is a direct brother-in-law.

Angelmon was very confused. In his precognition, he clearly remembered that his father seemed to be a big golden guy surrounded by a lot of corn guards.

There are still two chapters left tonight, I’m in good condition tonight, maybe four chapters


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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