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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 10 Battle of Tianhe③

The drop-shaped drop pod fell from space, and when it fell into the atmosphere, the flames caused by friction made it look like a meteor streaking across the sky!

On the battlefield of Tianhe, the Taotie Civilization is beating up the Xiongbing Company, but there are also some extremely powerful beings in the Xiongbing Company, such as Liu Chuang, Qiangwei, Reina and others. On the battlefield, they are like It feels like returning home. Liu Chuang himself is the God of War of Nuoxing. Now as Great Wall One, he could even split a planet with an ax at his peak. Qiangwei is the tactical center and relies on micro-wormhole tactics. He is elusive and extremely good at it. Behead the enemy general!

As for Lena, she can be said to be a fire support unit on the battlefield. She has plenty of energy. She is an energy baby. The energy in her body can never be used up!

At this moment, the fire and noise caused by the friction of the water drop-shaped airborne capsule in the atmosphere attracted the battlefield. Everyone pays attention, and then only listens to the sound of “bang bang. bang. bang. bang.”

The airdrop pod landed successfully and made big holes on the ground. There were also some extremely unlucky soldiers from the Taotie Civilization who were unfortunately killed by the airdrop pod. So this incident tells us not to stay at high altitudes where possible. A place where objects fall, otherwise you will go to heaven or the Hall of Hell!

On the battlefield, everyone was paying attention to those metal creations that looked like flower buds!

In the smoke, the warehouse door opened, and then there was only the deafening sound of bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. The sound of gunfire was still endless!

In the surprised eyes of the Xiongbing Company, those soldiers of the gluttonous civilization burst into bright and howling fireworks in mid-air!

The firepower like a storm instantly destroyed all the little monkeys of the gluttonous civilization. Even the anti-gravity motorcycles they sat on were shattered into pieces, leaving no possibility of recycling them!

The stunned Xiongbing Company froze on the spot, even if Dukao shouted in the headset, they didn’t come back to their senses!

Several Dreadnought mechas came out of the airborne pods and used their super powerful rotating heavy machine guns to dominate the battlefield. In fact, what I don’t understand is what is going on with the ammunition supply system of the Dreadnought mechs. If I order a large ammunition box, I think it will only take a minute or two before I run out of bullets. But the problem is that some Dauntless guns are firing on all cylinders, and they have been firing for nearly half an hour, and the ammunition has not been exhausted yet! It’s really an amazing question!

The fearless firepower is fierce. On the battlefield, especially against these gluttonous warriors who only wear fine carapace armor, it can be said that one shot can penetrate several of them. If they are interrupted, it is not a problem!

The firepower produced by these Dreadnoughts alone is more terrifying than the performance of the Xiongbing Company in a whole morning!

And the warriors of the Taotie Civilization can’t stand it if this continues! My own people are almost gone. Where did these people come from? The firepower is so terrifying. The company of soldiers who have been fighting with us all morning is not so troublesome, but when they come back, our casualties have skyrocketed!

So the people of the Taotie Civilization sent out a void engine carefully handcrafted by the God of Death, Karl, and a void warrior with a full metal body and a machine soul!

One is the Buck and the other is Leo (actually I can’t find the name of the other one, so I just made it up). They are both equipped with the void engine carefully handcrafted by Karl. The operating frequency is only about two frequencies, but I’m sorry, Earth. The technology is enough, but it is too difficult to deal with space warriors!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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