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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 11 The War Between Angels and Scum

PS: I took a day off yesterday and worked overtime too late. I won’t update yesterday’s update today.

The hidden wounds Leon suffered during his previous expedition to the subspace caused him to suffer from the effects of the hidden wounds when he fought against the Great Demon of Slaanesh. When Leon faced the storm-like attack of Silla Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg, he could only endure the severe pain caused by the hidden injury and constantly defend. Cila Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg’s attack.

Leon, who was stabbed to the waist by Abaddon, was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Sila Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg, even though he had a weapon in his hand that could easily kill the demon. Chiyou’s Fang, but the Abimos poison in the hands of Silla Larlan Duraner Strow Spielberg is very similar to the Magnus Blade used by Magnus. The blade houses the original subspace demon Bidis, who was defeated by Slaanesh himself and sealed within it. Its strength is comparable to that of a demon primarch such as Fulgrim, who fell and became the demon prince of Slaanesh. Quite.

How strong is Fulgrim who became the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh? Before he became the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, Fulgrim, who was completely replaced by the Daemon of Slaanesh, beheaded Faenus, the original body of the Iron Hands, with one sword, and dedicated his head to the former war of the Human Empire. Horus, the first-generation Chaos Warmaster, showed his loyalty, and even handed over the Hammer of the Forge built by Fulgrim for Ferrus to the fallen Iron Warrior Primarch Perturabo, and was fighting with Kiri In Man’s duel, Fulgrim was even more ferocious, and even sealed Guilliman’s throat with one sword. If those blue and blue grandsons hadn’t risked their lives to rescue Guilliman, it would have been very difficult. Maybe this last Primarch of the Human Empire will be completely forgotten by the Human Empire!

And the Abymos Blade in the hands of Sila. Larlan. Duran. Strow. Spielberg, which houses the original demon Bedis, is even more powerful than the demon prince of Slaanesh. Fulgrim, although Leon is the second-ranked Primarch among the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind, his strength cannot be underestimated, but in the face of it, his strength is comparable to that of the Primarch who has degenerated into a demon. Fulgrim’s Abimos Poison Blade, coupled with the fact that Leon was always affected by hidden injuries, also led to Leon’s relationship with Silla, Larlan, Duran, Strow, and Spielberg. During the confrontation, a look of pain would appear on his face from time to time. But as a Slaanesh demon, Sila Larlan Duraner Strow Spielberg naturally enjoys killing his enemies. Spielberg seems to be a cat that has already eaten enough. After seeing Leon who has become a mouse, he doesn’t care if his stomach can eat another dessert. Of course, before eating dessert, he must do Some movements to digest a meal are like a cat playing with a mouse. To Leon, Silla, Larlan, Duran, Stella, and Spielberg’s attack seemed like a cat playing with a mouse without Just like eating a mouse, I want to play the mouse to death!

Leon doesn’t want to be that mouse, but wants to be that cat. Even though the cat has injuries on its body, it still can’t stop the cat from catching mice!

As for Sila Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg, the great demon of Slaanesh, it only takes an instant for him to change from a prey to a hunter, and it also takes an instant for him to change from a prey to a hunter. Then it depends on how this great demon of Slaanesh decides whether to become a hunter or a prey! Leon is also facing the same choice, to become a hunter or a prey?

Of course, the answer to this question has not yet appeared, but I think the answer will appear soon!

Although Leon had a hidden injury on his body and had a faint attack, which made him unable to fight against Silla Larlan Duraner Strow Spielberg, but as a primarch, he would not Just give up!

After all, the Emperor sent him to this universe to spread the Emperor’s truth and glory in this universe! Therefore, for the important task given to him by the Emperor, he cannot lose! If it loses, it means that the empire will not be able to lead mankind back to the golden age of mankind! One can only watch helplessly as the subspace swallows up the galaxy and swallows up the entire universe. The galaxy even comes from the entire universe, and all living things will become part of the subspace!

Leon shouted: “For the emperor!!!” The high-pitched voice even woke up the lost Kesha. Caesar, who had returned to his soul, looked at Leon who was struggling to resist in front of him, and his heart couldn’t help but twitch, but in When she looked at the Slaanesh Demon opposite Leon, whose posture was very distorted but exuded an elegant aura, Keisha was immediately frightened, as if she was like a mouse seeing a cat, evading.

And Silla Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg seemed to have also discovered the little mouse hiding behind Leon. He smiled ferociously and kept imitating Kesha’s long-dead character. Mother’s voice: “Child, come here, I am your mother! Kesha, my child! Don’t you recognize me? I am your mother Qiu Ya! Come here, child, and let your mother hug you.”

Kesha, who heard this voice that was deeply ingrained in her memory, slowly walked forward in a daze, tears streaming from her eyes, and she kept mumbling: “Is mom really you? Mom? Xiaosha misses her so much. You!”

As Kesha slowly walked forward, a very bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Silla Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg’s mouth, and Leon seemed to have discovered Kesha’s Something was wrong, and then she shouted loudly: “Wake up, Kesha! That’s not your mother. Open your eyes and see clearly! Kesha sees clearly that the person opposite you is not the most important person in your heart at all! Hurry up Open your eyes, Kesha!” Leon kept calling Kesha, and even in the process of shouting, every sound contained psychic impact, which kept impacting Kesha’s soul, which was already confused!

Kesha, who was hit by waves of psychic energy, which shocked her soul, instantly woke up from her state of dementia, and Silla Larlan Duran Strow Spielberg saw herself The prey was scared away by Leon, and he couldn’t help but said angrily: “You bastard, you actually scared away my prey. However, the original demon residing in the Abimos poison blade in my hand is better than the original demon.” Si is very thirsty now. He keeps telling me his request in my ear, and he wants to drink the blood of the Primarch! Do you think I should agree to it? Well, my dear little one. baby!”

After Leon heard these words, he couldn’t help but said: “Bah, if you want to drink my blood and eat my flesh, it depends on whether you have such teeth! Watch the move!” Then he struck with a powerful move. Huashan was forced out by Leon with Chiyou’s Fang in his hand, and Silla Larlan Duraner Strow Spielberg saw that this move was difficult to deal with, so he used the tooth that contained the original demon Bedis in his hand. Abimos’ poisonous blade blocked Leon’s cross block and split Huashan with this move! But this powerful and powerful move to split Huashan directly made a gap appear in the Abimos Poison Blade in the hands of Silla Larlan Duraner Strow Spielberg!

The Abimos Poison Blade, which had a gap in it, instantly erupted with a powerful psychic impact. Leon, who was unable to dodge and defend in time, was knocked several meters away by this powerful psychic impact. , and Kesha was also stunned by this powerful psychic impact! At this time, Silla Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg looked at the Abimos Poison Blade in his hand with a gloomy face, and heard the sound of the Abimos Poison Blade lodged in his ears. The very hungry voice of Thebes, the original demon in the blade: “Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I want blood, I want flesh and blood, I am so hungry, what does this smell like? It smells so good! I really want to eat it. I can’t help it anymore. I’m so hungry. This tastes so fragrant and delicious, いただきます (this Japanese sentence is purely foreign fart, it’s probably the original demon Thebes) I learned this from a female teacher who was serving the master while he was having dinner.

Immediately, many spiked tentacles suddenly grew out of the hilt of the sword. Then before Silla, Larlan, Duran, Stur, and Spielberg could react, these spiked tentacles suddenly appeared. The tentacles penetrated into the wrist of Silla Larlan Duraner Stur Spielberg at an extremely fast speed. Then, these spiked tentacles penetrated Silla Larlan Duraner Stur Spielberg’s wrist. The blood vessels in Laner Stella Spielberg’s arms continue to grow and spread, and then absorb blood and flesh. The pain of being sucked out blood, even for Silla Larlan Duran Spielberg Even a very powerful Slaanesh demon like Spielberg could not hold back his expression of indifference as if the mountain was about to collapse.

This pain made Silla Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg cry out in pain, and finally had to bear the pain and rip off the arm holding the Abimos poison blade. !

The pain of a broken arm was heartbreaking. The tentacles in the arm holding the Abimos Poison Blade began to go crazy because they did not absorb more blood and flesh. They actually controlled the broken arm and attacked the owner of the broken arm. !

The owner of the broken arm, Sila Larland Duraner Sturro Spielberg, grabbed the broken arm holding the Abimos poison blade, and the broken arm in the other hand was constantly being Winding and twisting, Silla Larlan Duran Stur Spielberg looked at the severed arm in his hand with a gloomy expression, then smiled sinisterly and then a burst of energy suddenly burst out from the other hand. The powerful purple psychic flame, and the original demon residing in the poisonous blade of Abimos held in the hand of the severed arm was also continuously burned by this powerful purple psychic flame, and then let out a painful wail. !

This painful wailing sound even made the Primarch Leon, who was half a subspace creature, feel very sharp and harsh!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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