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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 11 Tianhe Battle ④

The sound of explosive gunfire like a storm was endless! The explosive bombs like raindrops instantly tore apart all the invading enemies!

How powerless the troops of the Taotie civilization were when facing the Space Marines!

Even if they sent out the Void Warriors equipped with Void Engines, facing the powerful Space Marines, these Void Warriors equipped with Void Engines seemed to be slaughtered like lambs to be slaughtered!

The two of them, the Bucks and Feng Lei, were equipped with Void Engines and had undergone special modifications, which is what the Mechanicus called Mechanical Ascension! There was no trace of flesh and blood on their bodies! For those crazy people in the Mechanicus, these Void Warriors who were mechanically modified all over their bodies were the most ideal mechanical ascension state in their eyes!

But as Space Marines, they disdained this so-called mechanical ascension. In their eyes, they didn’t care about mechanical ascension, psychic ascension, etc. What they cared about was whether they could complete the tasks assigned to them by the Emperor!

The fierce firepower instantly suppressed the two Void Warriors, beating them so hard that they couldn’t raise their heads!

A void warrior, the Buck, said: “Who are they! How dare they stop the Taotie troops from bringing the generosity of my god Carl to this planet!”

So the Buck started the loaded void engine and used the void engine’s ability to modify reality to define the power of the bomb to 0!

The power of the bomb gun defined as zero plummeted, just like the firearms in the hands of those Chinese soldiers who fought desperately, unable to cause any harm to them.

However, even without using hot weapons such as bomb guns, it would be a little troublesome for the Space Marines at most!

With the powerful thrust of the power backpack behind him, a Space Marine flew up and hit the Buck, who was about 3m tall, and directly knocked the Buck, a void warrior, to the ground. The Space Marine pressed the Buck and beat him up, while another void warrior Feng Lei was suppressed by several other Space Marines and a dreadnought mecha. Although the power of the bomb gun was defined as zero, the powerful melee ability of the Space Marines and the powerful combat power of the dreadnought mecha made them extremely powerful!

Close combat is a must-practice course for a Space Marine or a Dreadnought. It can be said that Space Marines are masters of close combat, and every move and every style is aimed at the opponent’s weak parts.

In an instant, Feng Lei, the void warrior, was torn into pieces. There was no intact place on his body, and the blue and white paint was rubbed off a lot during the fight.

Leon stood on a high tower, and every shot of the shoulder cannon on his shoulder would take away the Taotie warriors flying at high altitudes with aircraft. Being shot down at an altitude of hundreds of meters, and then falling to the ground, even Space Marines would feel uncomfortable, not to mention these Taotie warriors who only wore exquisite exoskeletons

Occasionally, some Taotie warriors who wanted to sneak attack Leon were also taken away by Leon with a sword, and those Taotie warriors also regarded Leon as the biggest threat, so they all rushed up, but Leon, as the original gene, would not be afraid of these!

Even when facing the Tyranid Zerg, Leon never flinched. With these Taotie warriors wearing exquisite exoskeletons, Leon used the energy weapons in his hands and the recast Chiyou Fang to kill gods and Buddhas!

As for the warriors of the Xiongbing Company, although they are still fighting on the front line against the Taotie warriors, they can’t cause much damage to the Taotie warriors with their efficiency!

However, the goddess of the Fiery Sun Star, Reina, used her Fiery Sun Shield to withstand the fierce tide launched by the Taotie warship. However, it was not an easy task for Reina, who was only the third generation of the divine body and had most of her abilities sealed, to withstand the fierce tide launched by the Taotie. Moreover, when supporting Tianhe City, she accidentally received a killing halberd from the Taotie that was specially used for killing gods. Although this killing halberd could not cause much damage to Reina, the god-killing power contained in it that specifically destroyed the genes of gods made Reina suffer!

Now Reina was hit by a killing halberd containing the power of killing gods. Even now, the genes in her body have not been fully restored, and she is stubbornly resisting another fierce tide launched by the Taotie.

Exhausted, Reina had to lean on her knees and gasp for breath! This also gave the Taotie warriors an opportunity.

Just like piranhas seeing blood, they swarmed around Reina, but fortunately, she had Sun Wukong by her side to protect her. He pulled out a bunch of monkey hair and blew it, and a group of monkeys and their descendants took sticks and fought against the Taotie warriors who surrounded them!

And these Taotie warriors were not vegetarians. Although they could not beat a god, they could deal with these clones of only third-generation super warriors, although it was quite difficult, they could still deal with it!

But Sun Wukong, this impatient guy, didn’t care about these. He directly made his golden hoop longer and thicker, and then swept away all the Taotie warriors who were entangled with the monkeys and their descendants.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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