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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 20 Reinforcements Arrive

The Emperor’s Praetorian Guard rides on this super battleship, the Yamato, which has survived from the golden age. It relies on its special engine to sail freely and safely in the subspace, and the battleship also has the holy remains of the saint (also Blessed by Macarius (former Sun Lord)

The battleship sails in the subspace, turning a blind eye to the demons around it. Of course, if the demons in the subspace want to break into the battleship and destroy it, they have to ask the macho men wearing golden armor and those who are specialized in the battleship. The Sisters of Silence face the empire’s nihilistic enemy, do they agree or not?

The Sisters of Silence are not very powerful, but their bodies, to be precise, should be very special. Their physiques belong to the kind of “untouchables” who are a very rare special mutant population in the human population;

These people are different from all other soulful beings in the universe. They have no soul projection in the subspace, and it is an abyss in the eyes of psykers. This makes them almost completely immune to any type of psychic power;

In the eyes of those who use psychic powers, these living hollow abyss are even more disastrous. Even just being close to the untouchables is enough to make the psychic feel extremely painful and uncomfortable, and even cause their psychic powers to weaken. Difficult to use.

And in the eyes of psykers or demons, they are the most terrifying existences. Even if they are unique to orcs~I think about it~if they face Sister Silence, there is only a dead end!

With the blessing of the saint, the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence can sail safely in the subspace. Of course, even without the blessing of the saint’s bones, the unique engine on this battleship can keep the demons in the subspace at bay.

There is no concept of time and space in the subspace. They rode the super battleship named Yamato and arrived at the emperor’s subspace projection, which was the unique cold star in the subspace. sun!

This icy sun is the soul projection of the Emperor in the subspace. This icy sun opened up a crack with the help of the unique energy of the subspace. At the same time, the appearance of this crack attracted the attention of some guys.

On the other hand, on Leon’s side, the Wiener civilization was preparing for war at this moment. The conservatives were ultimately unable to withstand the attack of the radicals. Most of the conservatives were imprisoned by the radicals, and a small number of conservatives were imprisoned. Execution, and a small number of conservatives escaped from Wiener Civilization!

And these few conservatives of the Wiener Civilization went through all kinds of difficulties and came to the snack base where Leon is now, and met the envoy of the Human Empire, the original body of Chi You’s Wrath, the Second Legion of the Human Empire. , Leon!

Among them, the name of the conservative leader is: Dadan! He was one of the few conservative members of the civilization who escaped. His father was one of the top decision-makers and a member of the radical faction. However, the father and son once turned against each other due to something, and they became enemies of each other. existence, this radical action against conservatives was planned by his father!

Dadan told the people of the Human Empire: The power of the Wiener civilization is not shown on the surface but secretly. On the surface, the Wiener civilization behaves very peacefully, but secretly it is tit-for-tat. Now the entire Wiener civilization has been unified by the radicals. But these radicals are different from what they are, so the human empire can be divided and attacked! ~

~Now the radicals are divided into three parties. The leader of the party is governed by my father Darbin. He is also the most brutal existence among the radicals. Many radicals cannot look down on him, but because of his Because of his strong strength, the other radicals had nothing to do with him. The second party was governed by Gucci Ming. He was my father’s mortal enemy. He was also a very good politician and a selfish guy. He usually launched something that suited him and them. This faction is very advantageous in the war to expand his power, well, against my father! The people of the third party can be said to be the most special beings among the radicals. This party has a relatively small number of people, but it is second only to my father Darbin in strength among the three parties, and may even surpass my father. Therefore, the other two parties are very afraid of this faction and want to join their own faction to increase the power of their own faction. However, this faction has always remained neutral among the radical factions. It can be said to be a breath of fresh air among the radical factions~

At the same time, the Imperial Guards and Sisters of Silence, who were far away in the subspace, relied on their own powerful strength and the powerful power given by the Emperor to successfully eliminate all the evil heretics surrounding the rift and preparing to break out of the subspace. When they After rushing out of the subspace, he opened his eyes and saw that the destination of his trip was right in front of him.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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