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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 21 The war between angels and scum 21

Ruoning betrayed everyone as expected and turned to the embrace of chaos!

Kaisha was a little sad, but she understood that the harm of chaos was greater than anything else, and she had to destroy chaos to return a bright universe to everyone

Now, the speed of chaos invading the real universe began to gradually accelerate, and even the report said that Xila. Larlan. Dulaner. Strower. Spielberg, this disgusting guy, appeared in the real universe.

When Leon heard that this guy appeared in the real universe, his face suddenly became a little gloomy, and it seemed that there was another tough battle to fight!

The current angel civilization is no longer the angel civilization ruled by male angels, but a new angel civilization ruled by Kaisha, Liang Bing, and He Xi! Its strength is far stronger than the male angel civilization ruled by Hua Ye when he was in power. The scientific research angels headed by He Xi have developed many super engines against chaos and even against space warriors! And because there are no such fucking things as electronic demons in this universe, the accompanying Mechanicus sages of the Legion have developed many powerful existences called artifacts by the human empire!

For example: ①, the plasma cannon that can be installed on the shoulder armor of the Space Marines, its working principle is similar to the plasma pistol, but unlike the plasma pistol, the loyal plasma pistol will never overheat, while the plasma cannon located at the shoulder blade can fire continuously for more than one minute without overheating and explosion!

②, high-frequency blade, this is a welding tool that is eliminated and not used by male angel civilization, and then after the research and improvement of the sages of the Mechanicus, it has become a kind of power weapon comparable to power weapons (such as power swords, power axes, power hammers and even power gloves). It can easily cut through the power ceramic steel armor worn by Space Marines, and cut through the body of demons like cutting butter. And due to the characteristics of high frequency, the severed body of the demon will not heal, and even grow new limbs.

③ Spear of Tartarus! This is an artifact that mixes multiple alien technologies! After saying the enemy’s name to this spear and throwing it out, this spear will kill the enemy and return to the owner’s hand!

(Ps: Do you think I am making up numbers? That’s right, I am making up numbers! Dog head!)

The many weapons researched and developed by the mechanical sages in the legion have fallen into the hands of every legion soldier in the legion! At the same time, the great sages of the Mechanicus also upgraded the armor worn by the Space Marines in the legion!

The Mk.IV power armor commonly used by all legions during the Great Crusade was replaced with the Skyhawk power armor that is somewhat similar to the one worn by the Imperial Guards in the palace, but all the colors and some highly recognizable costumes of the Imperial Guards were changed to the unique legion emblems and patterns of the Second Legion, which greatly enhanced the defense and mobility of this set of armor!

At the same time, not only the Space Marines in the Legion, but also the heavy mobile tanks called iron coffins by Warhammer fans have been transformed. The Dreadnoughts used in the Legion were originally divided into two models, namely the MKIV Dreadnought Power Mech and the MKV No-Nonsense Power Mech. In fact, both models of these Dreadnoughts belong to the Iron Rampart type. The reason why the Iron Rampart type is the most common is that it uses an adaptable thermal reactor instead of the little-known atomic arc reactor used by the Contemptor type. The Iron Rampart type is very different from the other models. It is shorter than the Contemptor type. The Iron Rampart type was designed to meet a series of tactical challenges, such as frontal assaults, boarding, tunnel combat and underground combat. Its low profile makes the Iron Rampart type Dreadnought stand out in these battles.

The modified Dreadnought was transformed into the Redeemer Dreadnought Mech, which is called a barbecue box or microwave oven! (Yes, plagiarized from Dora Kohr, but it’s a bit of a stretch for me to say that. The Redeemer Dreadnought is a new model of the Astartes’ Dreadnought model. It is specially designed to fight alongside the Primaris Space Marines. As a huge and powerful war machine, the Redeemer Dreadnought can crush the bones of the enemy and launch a deadly rain of bullets into the enemy team. These new Dreadnoughts are taller, wider, and more delicately made than the previous models of Dreadnoughts. The Redeemer Dreadnought is powered by an ultra-high-density plasma reactor and a sophisticated electromagnetic muscle bundle. They can quickly switch from a heavy stomp to a thunderous, long-stride run, shaking the ground and passing through a hail of fire. Although these seriously injured Primaris Space Marines were buried in the sarcophagus of the Dreadnought’s torso, its neural connection design is so amazing that it can be seen that the Redeemer Dreadnought is a new model of the Astartes’ Dreadnought. The Redeemer’s advanced systems are both a blessing and a curse. When Cawl designed the war machine, the Tech-Priests gave little thought to the health of its users, viewing them as mere parts to be buried or replaced. Many Redeemers have had their sarcophagi replaced after sustained combat, their original owners reduced to charcoal by the machine’s destructive power. Sometimes, the horrific surge of energy consumes the life of the user, reducing him to a bag of blackened organs, only to be reburied, this time in a true mausoleum, in recognition of his selfless sacrifice. Hence the name “grill oven” or “microwave oven”.

Although the entire legion has undergone a major change of clothes and its overall strength has been greatly improved, after facing the invasion of Chaos and a series of backstabbings, the entire legion did not trust female angels very much, because after many times During the operation, these female angels showed many very disgusting behaviors (that is, the Virgin). Seeing their former comrades or sisters falling into chaos or falling into the embrace of chaos, they still wanted to persuade their former comrades or sisters to return to the world. Around them, these female angels fell into chaos or fell into the embrace of chaos. Then he took advantage of the weak emotions of these female angels and killed many female angels and kept their bodies. He also used the bodies of these long-dead female angels to sneak attack on the allies of the female angels, namely the Space Marines!

This series of actions undoubtedly chilled these Space Marines. Why would their allies do this?

How can a female angel survive on the battlefield with such weak emotions and such a simple mind? Even though these female angels shouted for the Queen when they went to the battlefield, when they fought for justice, these Space Marines seemed to still have a glimmer of hope for these female angels. At least they would not die so quickly after going to the battlefield! But after going to the battlefield, these space warriors realized that they had overthinking it. Although these female angels shouted to fight for the queen and for justice before going to the battlefield, when they actually went to the battlefield, these female angels basically She could only hide behind and be a wet nurse, constantly using the weapons in her hands to harass these enemies from a distance, but doing so undoubtedly angered the enemies, no matter how powerful the soldiers of the Second Space Marine Legion were, they could no longer control their pig teammates. , after so much effort, many of the positions that had been taken were eventually taken back by the enemy with the help of these pig teammates.

Kesha was also very speechless about this situation. Even if she showed her majesty as a king, in the eyes of these female angels, Kesha’s majesty was worthless!

The most you can do is listen to her and fight! For the former sisters who have become Chaos’ lackeys, these female angels will also lament that they just want to persuade these sisters who have become Chaos’ lackeys to rejoin the camp against Chaos. But what about the female angels who have become Chaos’s lackeys? Will he easily obey the words of these former sisters? They just took advantage of the weak emotions of these former sisters and then took advantage of them to attack the other side, which made them miserable.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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