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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 23 The war between angels and scum 23

Morax, the champion of the Second Legion and known as the Imperial God of War, discovered Chaos’s shocking conspiracy during the battle with Chaos. After trying his best to eliminate the enemy, Morax returned to the Legion with a seriously injured body and told the conspiracy he discovered to the Primarch who was handling military affairs in the Legion!

When Leon learned of the news, he immediately convened a meeting, at which Leon informed everyone at the meeting of the Chaos conspiracy discovered by Morax!

But the reactions of the crowd were different, which caught Leon’s attention and he asked: “Gentlemen! After hearing this news, no one expressed their opinions?”

At this time, the chief think tank of the Legion, Zhan Guo, stood up and said: “Great Primarch, you don’t know! The invasion of Chaos has never stopped in these years, and the news that Morax got is exactly the same as the news we have heard from many sources, so we are not very surprised by the Chaos conspiracy that Morax said! On the contrary, in my opinion, this should be a smoke bomb thrown by the enemy to confuse us!”

At the meeting, everyone nodded, indicating that what the chief think tank, Zhan Guo, said was not wrong, but Leon was a little surprised that he was the last person to get the news!

Then I heard Leon say: “Since it is a smoke bomb thrown by the enemy, we naturally cannot be fooled! But the enemy has his own reasons for throwing smoke bombs! But any conspiracy of Chaos will be crushed by us!”

At this time, the commander of the first company, Sakaski, who was sitting on the first seat on the left, had a cigar in his mouth. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled and said: “Humph, I don’t care what conspiracy Chaos has set up, but in my opinion, it’s just a bunch of shit!” After that, he punched the conference table fiercely!

At this time, the captain of the second company, Borsalino, was holding a cup of special strong tea produced by a certain agricultural world. He slowly blew away the mist on the cup, then took a sip and said: “Well, I think what the captain of the first company, Sakaski, said is right. Any conspiracy of Chaos is nothing in front of us! But we don’t know what kind of gluttonous feast Chaos has prepared for us!” The captain of the third company, Kuzan, opened his eyes sleepily, then picked up a cup of coffee from the table, drank it all, and then took out a special cigar from his pocket and smoked it. The match ignited the flame when it was rubbed, and then placed it on the front of the cigar, puffing and smoking it by himself, and then exhaled a puff of smoke as comfortable as if he had smoked opium, and then said: “The conspiracy that Chaos has laid in order to invade this new universe is naturally not to be underestimated! But our Second Legion is stationed near the Eye of Terror all year round, fighting against the enemies in the Eye of Terror. I am afraid that among all the legions loyal to the Empire, no legion can be compared with our Second Legion! Chaos is hated by everyone in the Empire! Under the leadership of the Emperor on the Golden Throne, I believe that mankind will one day return to the prosperous Golden Age!” As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the conference hall stood up, raised their right hands to the sky, and then shouted together: “Live up to the mission and return to the Golden Age of Humanity!” All the people present are devoted to the struggle against Chaos for the great cause of the Empire! For many years, there has never been a day of peace, even if there is, it is only temporary! How many years have these people struggled to help mankind return to the Golden Age? Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, they have never forgotten the hard work and the mission in their hearts! Even though their bodies were broken and buried in cold steel coffins, they never complained for the great cause of the empire! They fought against Chaos for the great cause of the empire, and they had not really rested for so many days and months!

They gave up everything just to give the universe a bright and clear world!

In the following days, the conspiracy of Chaos gradually surfaced, and the Second Legion fought side by side with the angels, and countless heroes slept in this strange universe!

Some worlds set up by the legion for conscription can provide millions of people who can become space warriors every year. Among them, only three or two big cats and kittens can become space warrior recruits. These space warriors who became recruits washed away their lead in the cruel elimination competition and finally transformed into the sharpest blade in the hands of the Emperor!

Perhaps because the selection conditions were too harsh, the number of casualties of some people who wanted to become space warriors far exceeded the imagination of some angels full of saintly hearts! Some female angels criticized these space warriors for not being so indifferent to life! The result was naturally that they were exiled to the forefront of the war by Kaisha, so that they could see the horror of the enemy!

Time flies, a hundred years have passed, and the enemies from Chaos have become more and more numerous. This has also led to the Space Marines and Angels often cleaning up a battlefield and going to another battlefield to deal with the enemy without taking a rest!

When each Space Marine was fighting against Chaos, when they were captured by Chaos or even seriously injured, they shouted “For the Emperor” and then detonated the micro-nuclear fusion computer installed on their wrists! Die together with the enemy!

And this behavior also attracted some female angels who were not afraid of sacrifice and full of justice in their hearts. Although both sides understood that neither of them could accept this kind of love! But the two sides would complement each other in battle!

Kesha and Leon were also happy to see it happen, and did not stop this behavior. Even Sakaski, the most stringent among the legion, turned a blind eye to this kind of thing, as long as he did not do it Something too outrageous!

In an unnamed galaxy called wr.43/2, a group of Space Marines who have passed the recruit trial are being baptized in this unnamed galaxy!

Only recruits who pass baptism are qualified to become a true Space Marine! But this kind of baptism is often accompanied by death! There are very few people who can survive the baptism and become a true Space Marine from the early days of the Legion. But at the same time, as long as he survives the baptism, he will become a member of the big family of the Second Legion!

In the process of undergoing baptism, many Space Marine recruits did not survive the baptism and ended up in coma or even suspended animation. The pharmacists in these legions generally did not care about it, because in the Second Legion, everyone Every Space Marine is a qualified pharmacist, or even a technical sergeant. During the recruit trial process, if you want to become a soldier of the Second Legion, you must master these two skills!

Some Space Marines who were in a coma or even suspended animation were able to wake up through autosuggestion or drug stimulation!

Space warriors who wake up from suspended animation or coma will be baptized again. Only those who truly survive the baptism can become a real space warrior!

During the baptism process, there are three opportunities in total. If the three opportunities are not passed, then this person will be ruthlessly abandoned or even completely killed by his colleagues! Because the process of baptism will be very cruel! There will even be a direct battle with Chaos!

The Second Legion is stationed near the Eye of Terror all year round and lives closely with the people of Cadia. If Cadia falls, it means that the entire Second Legion will completely disappear from the empire!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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