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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 23 Wiener Civilization = Sacrifice

After losing the sharing of the battleship engines back above, the super warriors of the Vena civilization fell into a strange paralysis. Finally, they were destroyed by the joint attack of the Second Legion led by Leon, the Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence. !

On the ground battlefield, the warriors of the Wiener Civilization who fought against the Second Legion can be said to be the most elite existences in the Wiener Civilization. However, such an amazing existence was defeated by the Second Legion led by Leon. They were losing ground, but Leon did not underestimate his opponents. After all, any civilization that has been rampant in the universe for tens of thousands of years will definitely have a trump card that they have not played!

Aboard the human super battleship Yamato, Leon was talking with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, the captain of the Imperial Guard team and the leader of the Sisters of Silence who came to support.

Leon sat on the chair with his hands flat on the conference table, holding a cigarette unique to this universe in his mouth, took a deep breath, then slowly spit it out and said: ~Thank you for your support. , Captain Kaido and Sister Charlotte Lingling, without your support, we may have to pay some price to deal with the attack of Weiner Civilization~

Kaido, the captain of the Imperial Guard team, held up a glass of special mead from Fenris, the home planet of the Space Wolves, a strong Fenris specialty liquor – strong enough to tear the stomachs of mortals. But for a being like the Imperial Guard who is comparable to the Primarch, it is nothing at all. Then he took a swig.

With a hint of alcohol, he said: ~We are under the emperor’s order and come to support you. No need to thank you~

Charlotte Lingling, the leader of the Sisters of Silence who came to support her, prefers sweets. Although there are sweets in the 40k universe, they are far less diverse than in this universe. Charlotte Lingling, who has always loved sweets, I immediately fell in love with this dessert in the universe

Charlotte Lingling was tasting a piece of nectar candy cake unique to the angelic civilization. This nectar candy cake has a moderate sweetness, but when you bite it, it leaves a fragrant aroma in your mouth. Charlotte Lingling, who has sweets in her mouth, said vaguely:~ I was also ordered by the emperor to come to support. I have to say that the sweets in this piece of fish are really good, more delicious than the desserts made by the pastry masters in the palace! ~

After a lot of chatting and the baptism of delicious food, the two of them had a great time chatting with Leon during the meeting.

On the other hand, the radical elements at the decision-making level in the Wiener Civilization have already regretted it. They regretted declaring war on the empire, thus ruining the most elite legion of the Wiener Civilization! That most elite legion was famous in the Weiner civilization, and the leader of that legion was the legion led by Dadan’s father, Darbin. Fortunately, Darbin was not there. He appeared in this battle, but was hiding among the decision-makers of the Wiener Civilization. After all, the other two factions had been eyeing his throne, and he had to suppress them. However, as this battle progressed, the most elite legion in his hands was completely wiped out, and he also indirectly lost his voice in the decision-making level.

How scary is the angry Darbin? When he returned home, he could no longer bear the anger in his heart and began to smash the vases in his home. Many precious and cherished vases were smashed by him, but others did not feel relieved!

So he yelled: ~Damn the empire! I want you to die badly! If you make me lose my supreme power, then I will destroy your entire empire! ~

Then, Darbin came to his study room and twisted a vase next to the bookshelf. Then the bookshelf slowly moved away, revealing a door that was not too big or too small, one person high. When he walked in slowly, he didn’t expect that there was a vase in it. Behind the bookshelf, there is actually a small secret room

And in this secret room, the most dangerous existence in the universe is stored!

It was a crystal formed from the blood left when the Chaos Evil God was injured. When Darbin was young, he once traveled through the universe and discovered an ancient ruins in a remote place. In this ancient ruins, He discovered this crystal formed from the blood left behind when the Chaos Evil God was unfortunately injured while fighting another Chaos Evil God!

Even a drop of blood from the Chaos Evil God has endless infectious power, but Darbin can’t care so much now. He took out a small dagger from his robe and slashed his wrist hard, drawing blood. It slowly flowed from his wrist, and then he endured the severe pain and sprinkled the blood on the crystal formed from the blood of the Chaos Evil God.

He also muttered words in his mouth: ~Great existence, I know you can sense my existence. Today I will use my people as sacrifices and my blood as a tribute to summon you to come~

At this time, the evil god of Khorne, who was far away in the subspace and sitting on the throne of the brass fortress, seemed to have sensed something, and said somewhat playfully: ~Interesting insect, because you are so sincere, I will help you. A handful~

Then with a wave of his hand, he summoned Kahn, who was called the betrayer.

Kharn, also known as Kharn the Betrayer, was a Chaos Space Marine of the World Eaters Legion. Karn is the greatest of all the warriors of Khorne. Second only to the Demon Prince Angron. Karn is the incarnation of the blood god Khorne, representing the blood god’s all-devouring anger and bloodlust.

During the Great Crusade, Kharn served as Angron’s Squire of the Guard, and often acted as a voice of reason, his words often able to calm the bloodthirsty rages of his Primarch. Like other Space Marines of the World Eaters Legion, he underwent implant surgery, which enhanced his combat capabilities. Now he only gets pleasure from slaughtering his enemies. His love for killing is so deep that he has a kill counter mounted on the eyepiece of his helmet. This kill counter was made of some unknown technology and was a gift from Warmaster Horus himself.

Shortly before the Battle of Istvaan III, Kahn gained a reputation as a brilliant but inconsistent warrior. Nathaniel Garro, who met him aboard the Vengeful Spirit, reported that the rumors surrounding the World Eaters’ atrocities were difficult for even the most battle-hardened Death Guard veterans to hear. accept. Through his dueling tournaments and joint campaigns with other Astartes warriors, Kharn formed friendships with Argyle Tarr, Garviel Loken, Sigismund and Nasir Amit.

During the Purge of Isstvaan III, Kharn was believed to have been killed fighting the Luna Wolves loyalist Gavill Loken. Loken was a loyal Luna Wolf determined to stop Horus. Kahn and Loken engaged in a close-quarters fight, but was thrown into the front blade of a nearby vehicle. The blade penetrated Kahn’s chest. It is believed that the blow was fatal to Kahn. But this turned out to be wrong.

Later, Karn and a team of World Eaters were sent to Prospero to find the “Moon Wolf”, a symbol given to Magnus the Red by Horus to prevent any other psykers from using the device Contact him, just like Magnus did when he was trying to prevent the rebellion from happening. By the way, Kahn also has a personal purpose, which is to locate the Thousand Sons’ “psychic healing device.” On Prospero, Kaan interrogated Captain Menes Calliston, Captain of the Thousand Sons. Captain Menes Calliston admitted that the devices Kaan was looking for had been destroyed, but offered to use his psionic powers to relieve Kaan. The guilt and pain of grace. Believing himself to be in a hopeless situation, Kahn refused Calliston’s offer and, after a brief battle, killed the Thousand Sons captain.

Kharn later participated in the Shadow Crusade and formed a friendship with the Word Bearers Captain Argyll Tarr. Tal even appeared to be able to calm Kahn down, which led Albaris to worry that this would thwart Kahn’s destiny as a traitor. When Abaris killed Taal, an enraged Karn almost killed Albaris as a priest of the Word Bearers. After the events and the ascension of the Primarch Angron to become the Daemon Prince of Khorne, Karn was the first person to speak to the Daemon Primarch. Angron ordered Karn to kill the slaves on the lower deck of the Conqueror and build it for him. A Skull Throne, Karn and later suppressed a rebellion by other World Eaters members who attempted to escape the increasingly corrupt and twisted Conqueror.

With Angron’s ascension, the World Eaters continued their rampage slaughtering any world they passed through. Throughout the march, Karn stayed with Angron, believing that the Primarch was dying. Angron and his World Eaters legions refused any orders from Horus, and instead of gathering at Ullanor, they prepared to march on Terra while Pertrapor and his Iron Warriors attacked the World Eaters. Continuing to track down the World Eaters, they discovered that the atrocities of the World Eaters were everywhere. On a planet, the people there were slaughtered and piled into a huge hill. At the top of the hill was Karn, who asked Petrabo and his troops to leave quickly. Soon, Angron led a group of World Eaters and Bloodletter daemons to attack the Iron Warriors. Eventually an agreement was reached to travel to Ullanor once the Ultramarines arrived there. Karn followed Angron to Ullanor and then to Terra.

Kahn is one of the deadliest, yet most inconsistent melee masters in the galaxy. He may slay his enemies or slash at his allies in a furious rage. He wields a plasma pistol and a chainsaw named “Bloodson”. This chainaxe, along with its twin brother Bloodfather, was wielded by Angron during the Heresy and has an inlaid blade. Equipped with a row of mica dragon teeth, these saw blades can easily tear apart armor, flesh and bones.

As Khorne’s greatest warrior, Kharn enjoys the blessings of the Blood God, making him immune to psionic attacks.

And now that Khorne has sent Kahn to that universe, one can imagine where Leon and the Second Legion will go next.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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