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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 24 Holy Kesha 12

After Kesha saw that what they were about to face was a more terrifying existence than Hua Ye’s army, she was worried all day long. The pride in her heart made her unable to let go of her own face and went to the so-called Human Empire for help.

She couldn’t help but get drunk all day long. On this day, Liang Bing slowly walked into Kesha’s boudoir. As soon as she opened the door, a very heady smell of alcohol rushed straight into Liang Bing’s nose. Liang’s face was red and her ears were red from the smell of alcohol. Bing, after waving her little hand to clear away the smell of alcohol lingering on the tip of her nose, slowly approached Kesha who was lying on the table and fell asleep due to the alcohol, and then continued to tease Kesha with her silk-like hair. The tip of Sarah’s nose

“Hello, hello.” Kesha, who sneezed twice in a row, slowly opened her eyes and looked at Liang Bing, who was a little guilty in front of her. She pointed at Liang Bing’s jade-white forehead with her jade. He said angrily: “You, you, you have never let me sleep peacefully since I was a child!”

Liang Bing frowned slightly, and then said angrily: “Humph, who told you to sleep in and let your subordinates do nothing, causing your subordinates to pester me and He Xi all day long, especially asking questions? It’s that Ruoning who’s been shouting all day, whether Kesha has abandoned them and is hiding in a remote corner alone, selling drunkenness.”

Kesha snorted and did not take what Liang Bing said. She stood up alone, walked slowly to the window, took the cloak on the hanger, and then put it on herself, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window and In the blue sky, she said with some worry: “Liang Bing, you know? I am very worried now. Even if we rely on external forces to defeat Hua Ye and Chaos, how will those so-called human empires treat us angels? After all, , forget it, I think you should know what I want to say! “

Liang Bing walked slowly behind Kesha, then hugged her waist with his hands, put his head on Kesha’s shoulder, and then said in a soft voice: “Oh, I don’t know what you are thinking. Yeah! But if we don’t rely on those people from the Human Empire, how can we defeat Hua Ye and those chaotic creatures! And from what the person from the Human Empire said, it’s not difficult for me to deduce that Hua Ye has become a lackey of Chaos. Otherwise, how could those chaotic creatures invade this universe?”

Kesha continued: “Yes, you are right, Hua Ye may have become Chaos’ lackey, but now it is He Xi who makes me a little worried!”

“He Xi?” Liang Bing said with some confusion?

“That’s right, it’s He Xi! I found that He Xi has been a little absent-minded recently. When I talk to her, I always find her avoiding my eyes.” Kesha said slowly

At this time, Liang Bing said with some surprise: “Is He Xi betraying us?”

Kesha sighed, and then said: “Oh, it is possible, but I can’t punish her without absolute evidence!”

Liang Bing gritted his teeth, and then, as if he had made some decision, he felt relieved and said: “If He Xi is really a traitor, I hope you won’t let many sisters know, especially those He Xi’s original subordinates. You know, King Tianji is actually a traitor!”

At this time, Kesha turned around and looked at her sister Liang Bing in front of her. She reached out and touched her satin-like face, then sighed and said: “I will! After all, He Xi is the supervisor now. She is an important figure in the scientific research of our female angels. Without her, it would be almost impossible for us female angels to defeat Hua Ye’s army of scum. I will not punish her in public for reasons or reasons! “

At this time, Liang Bing slowly walked to the table, picked up the wine that had been opened for a long time from the table, and then poured himself a glass and drank it down. Liang Bing, who had never drank alcohol, was attracted by the hot taste when he drank for the first time. The sting caused tears to flow and the coughing continued, but it still did not stop Liang Bing from continuing to drink, one cup after another.

Until Kesha couldn’t stand it anymore, she strode forward and grabbed the wine bottle from Liang Bing’s hand who was about to pour another drink. Her eyes were full of pain. She didn’t know whether she felt sorry for the wine she had treasured for a long time, or she felt sorry for herself. sister

Kesha looked at Liang Bing who was already drunk and couldn’t help but sigh. Alas, after all, this kind of thing is really sad! It is indeed chilling that sisters who have been together for centuries betrayed them one day!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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