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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 3 Thirty thousand years later

After the original body slept for 30,000 years, the universe has undergone earth-shaking changes!

The Super Seminary founded by Kiran, the main god of the Gokami River Civilization, was expelled by the angels, and finally settled on the planet Terra. However, only half of the planet was left in the Sun Civilization. As for the Deno Civilization, it was in the war. In the interstellar war caused by the madman Kaa, the sun was detonated by Hongkun, the main god of the Lieyang civilization. In the end, the Deno civilization was reduced to ashes in the supernova explosion caused by the exploding sun, and the Lieyang civilization was also destroyed by the Noxian God of War. The ax thrown with all his strength was split in half!

As for the war madman Kaa, he spent tens of thousands of years in repentance. Finally, under the guidance of Kiran, the main god of the post-Kamigawa civilization, he came to the planet of Terra, and settled on the planet of Terra, and later Under the guidance of Kieran, the Super Seminary was founded!

And 3,000 years ago, when Kaa came to Terra, he sown the super gene seeds that originally belonged to the Deno civilization. These super gene seeds took root in the bodies of the indigenous people of Terra, and finally after thousands of years, Evolved and became the current super gene!

And now, the Primarch is about to awaken!

On a very remote planet, a woman wearing a black leather coat, a deep V collar revealing two snow-white hemispheres, and heavy makeup was walking on the extremely cold land of this remote planet with cat steps!

The one-inch high heels creaked as she walked on the extremely cold ground. She looked around and saw that there were no buildings around. She thought to herself: “Where is the sleeping place of the Second Army? I’ve found it.” I haven’t been able to find it for so long, I’m almost numb from the cold!”

On the boundless snowfield, Morgana walked alone on this cold and windy snowfield. The biting cold wind blew across her cheeks, and the small ice particles carried by the cold wind were among her beautiful face. There were blood stains left one after another on the body, but these small blood stains recovered in an instant thanks to the super self-healing ability of the third-generation divine body!

After a long search, Morgana’s body was almost frozen, and she still couldn’t find the damn church!

In the end, swept by the absolute cold wind of minus 273 degrees, Morgana was finally unable to withstand the extreme cold and finally fainted!

At this time, a man wearing a fur jacket made of the fur of a unique long-haired creature on this planet walked over not far away. He walked slowly step by step. Judging from his height, he must be more than two meters tall. !

He was wearing heavy armor and a fur coat made of the fur of some kind of long-haired creature. He was holding a tall scepter and walked slowly towards the unconscious Morgana step by step!

When he walked up to Morgana, he checked her body temperature with his hand and found that her body temperature had dropped to freezing point. But what made him feel very strange was that this person was not dead? He just fainted. In this freezing environment, wearing so few clothes and exposed to such a cold environment, what on earth did this person want to do?

The man didn’t think much, he just lifted it up like an adult lifting a kitten’s neck, and slowly walked in a certain direction!

One light-year away from this planet, there is a huge spaceship that looks like bat wings parked here. Several weird-looking people wearing armors and helmets are constantly operating on the console!

The display shows the physical condition of the woman, Morgana. This time she came to find the legendary Second Legion that shined in the exorcism battle 30,000 years ago! Although there are rumors in this universe that there are derivatives of the Second Legion operating in this universe, who knows if this is true! Where can we find the descendants of the Second Legion in such a vast universe?

A little devil wearing a helmet and working continuously on the console. It must be a demon, right? But according to the empire’s settings, he does not belong to the devil, at most he belongs to a cult! Never mind him, never mind him, never mind that he is a cult or a devil, forget it, it’s unclear, it’s unclear!

This should be Artest, yes, it should be Artest!

Artest was constantly operating on the console, watching their queen’s body signals on the screen to avoid any accidents!

On the screen, their queen’s body signal was still very normal, but her body temperature was very low, reaching an astonishing 0 degrees!

But Artest is accustomed to it. After all, if he wants to enter this planet, he must adjust his body temperature to 0 degrees, otherwise he will eventually faint due to hypothermia!

But despite all his calculations, he still failed to calculate how low the temperature of this planet was! On the surface, it looks like it’s only 20 to 30 degrees below zero at most, but after entering, I find that it’s almost absolute 0 degrees!

No wonder Morgana fainted not long after searching on this planet!

When Morgana opened her eyes again, she found that she was lying on a bed, and there was a bowl of warm soup not far away. Morgana didn’t think much, picked it up and put it on the table. I drank the hot soup gurglingly!

The hot soup entered her throat, and the energy contained in the soup quickly filled her whole body, making her body full of strength. After drinking the hot soup, Morgana groaned in comfort! The sound is very seductive! But no one heard her seductive voice!

At this time, the door in front of Morgana was opened, and a head floating in mid-air was filled with various instruments, and the lower part of the cervical spine was replaced by a robotic hand! This thing is called a servo skull in the empire, but in Morgana’s eyes, this thing is quite scary!

After all, would you feel scared if any modified skull floated in front of you?

At this time, the electronic eye installed in the right eye of the servo skull emitted a red laser. The red laser formed a figure in front of Morgana. The red figure said: “Follow me, please don’t be clever, every move you make is In my eyes!”

Morgana pursed her lips and didn’t say anything. She just followed the skull floating in front of her and walked slowly.

This huge corridor is filled with various statues and some runes are pasted on them, making this huge corridor full of mystery. Morgana walks in this huge corridor like a child. I looked left and right at the carved stone statues on both sides of the corridor. What was going on in my mind?

The Servo Skull led Morgana to a door made of fine gold. What shocked Morgana was that there was a person embedded in the door. Yes, it was a person embedded in it. A person was embedded in the door. A person whose brainstem and mechanical components have been removed is embedded in this door.

A small machine on the chin of the servo skull in front of Morgana came in handy. With a beeping sound, the small machine on the chin of the servo skull in front of Morgana opened like petals, revealing a golden transparent crystal. The same small stone. When the manipulator under the servo skull took out the golden transparent crystal from the small machine, it installed the golden transparent crystal on the forehead of the machine servant embedded in the door.

The servitor began to move his hands, pushing the levers and various switches in front of the door, and then a whistle sounded.

This door made of fine gold slowly opens!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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