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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 30 Angron①

Angron roared: ~Leon! Where is your best brother Guilliman? Where is that guy who talks so much about glory? The wound he left on me is still aching! I want to give him back the wound he gave me! ~

Leon ignored him, and the Chiyou Fang in his hand was wielded with great force, but Angron was not a vegetarian. Although his weapon, the black blade, was given to him by the armor-clad psyker named Hyperion. It was broken, but the great Blood God Khorne gave himself another battle ax!

A double-edged battle ax called the Bloodthirsty. This was a weapon forged by the great Blood God Khorne himself. This weapon contained a terrifying warp demon, which was captured by Khorne himself. A subspace demon, and then forced it into the weapon with great force when forging it!

Although the Fang of Chiyou in Leon’s hand can kill demons, the double-edged battle ax in Angron’s hand, forged and given by Khorne himself, is no worse than the Fang of Chiyou in Leon’s hand. !

The two have been fighting for a long time, but Angron’s natural strength as a demon prince who has already been promoted cannot be underestimated. Of course, Angron, who was once the Primarch of the Plant Gene, is also very powerful! But Angron, who was promoted to the Demon Prince, became even more powerful!

Angron’s strength was far greater than that of Leon. The double-edged battle ax named Bloodthirsty kept swinging in his hand, making Leon unable to breathe at all.

But as a Primarch who commands hundreds of thousands of people, Leon naturally has real abilities. When Angron showed a slight flaw, the Chiyou Fang in Leon’s hand hit an upward kick and then a left spin. The slash directly caused Angron to suffer 10,000 points of damage. The slash left a sword mark on his breastplate and left a wound on his chest that made Angron feel very shameful!

Angron held the double-edged battle ax tightly in his hand, and his body was shaking slightly. He was not shaking with anger, but because of the double-edged battle ax in his hand.

Because this double-edged battle ax named Bloodthirsty has a subspace demon lodged in it. Now this subspace demon is very thirsty for fresh flesh and hot blood. It has already become hungry and unbearable, but because of the safety of Gronn has been fighting with Leon without hurting or killing any living beings, and he has already become hungry and thirsty!

Now it is resisting Angron and wants to seize Angron’s body. Just like Fulgrim, the satanic demon inhabiting the Blade of Rava took the opportunity to seize the body when Fulgrim was defeated by Fenus. Behead Fenus!

But who is Angron? He is the great demon of Khorne, and he believes in Khorne. How could Angron, who believes in the great blood god, be taken away by this little subspace demon, but Leon will not care about this.

Leon saw that something was wrong with Angron at this time, so he struck at Angron with his sword, hoping to take the opportunity to behead Angron.

But just as Angron was confronting the subspace demon residing in the double-edged battle axe, Angron suddenly looked back and used his broad palm to hold Chi You’s fang that was slashing towards his neck.

It seemed that Angron had gotten rid of the interference of the subspace demon residing in the double-edged battle axe. He grinned at Leon, and then the double-edged battle ax in his hand immediately rewarded Leon with a disembowelment, and This directly broke a huge hole in the armor worn by Leon, directly losing its defensive capabilities.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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