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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 30 Holy Kesha 18

“Combining Hua Ye’s current situation with the information that Kuhl risked his life to get, Hua Ye’s current situation is somewhat similar to that of Fulgrim of the Third Space Marine Legion! But now I feel a little lucky that , Hua Ye did not become a demon prince like my former brother Fulgen!” Leon said at this meeting about how to conquer angels!

At this time, Kesha raised her hand, and then asked cautiously: “Well, Leon, what is the devil prince you mentioned?”

After listening to everyone in the empire present, they looked at each other and finally decided that Sengoku, the chief think tank of the legion, would explain to Kesha. Sengoku waved his hand, and the servo skull floating aside slowly floated over, and the red electronic laser installed on the right eye The eyes project a terrifying image with a snake tail, four arms and a handsome face!

At this time, the chief think tank of the Legion, Sengoku, said: “Humanity’s power is insignificant compared to the gifts of the subspace; anyone who denies this has no idea of ​​the cruelty and torture they face. This is the price of their blindness.” . I remember that this sentence seemed to be said by Bellefreez, and the demon prince we just talked about is also related to this sentence!”

The chief think tank of the legion, Zeng Guo, adjusted his sitting posture and took off his ferocious and terrifying riveted skull helmet, revealing a pair of vicissitudes and a terrifying wound from the top of his head to his chin. When Zeng Guo saw the angel opposite him, he looked a little confused. Fear laughed, and then said: “The so-called demon princes are human champions who were promoted to demons by those Chaos Evil Gods. They exchanged their humanity for supernatural power and immortal life. In order to attract those traitorous Chaos Evil Gods who work for them, Attention, the Traitors will commit great and terrible deeds to their ambitions, sacrificing enemies and allies alike, risking death by their enemies or the Chaos Gods, while those few who succeed avoid death or death. People who become Chaos Eggs are completely transformed into so-called demon princes. Demon princes have various shapes, most of which are thick, ugly, and have many things such as horns and wings. Derivatives of the class. What is more noteworthy is the supernatural power they use, some of which are related to the Chaos God to which they belong! “

Sengoku paused, then continued: “The most notorious of all the Daemon Princes are the traitor Primarchs who betrayed the Emperor when Horus betrayed the Emperor. These powerful beings are still under threat for thousands of years. They were respected by the former fallen legion, but they rarely personally led their subordinates out of the daemon world where they lived, including some of the primarch’s brothers such as Fulgrim, the primarch of the Emperor’s Children of the Third Legion, and the Fourth Legion. The Iron Warriors Primarch Perturabo, the World Eater Primarch Angron of the Twelfth Legion, Mortarion the Death Guard Primarch of the Fourteenth Legion, Magru the Thousand Sons Primarch of the Fifteenth Legion The primarch of the Seventeenth Legion of the Word Bearers, Lorgar! They were all traitors who turned into demon princes during the rebellion that could destroy the empire!”

At this time, Liang Bing, who had always had a carefree personality, said with some surprise: “Wow, your emperor is really miserable! It took a lot of effort to create twenty of you, but then his Chaos Evil God directly killed you All twenty of us were captured, and then we left you to fend for yourself on those remote planets. When your father, the Emperor, finds you, he will ignore you and just take out a wad of money from his arms and stuff it. After getting into your arms, he kicked you out of the house. In the end, half of them started fucking with their father, your Emperor, and your Emperor’s favorite son, Horus. Then I stabbed your emperor in the waist, and then cut your emperor’s waist blatantly, causing your emperor to suffer from kidney failure and unable to get up from that chair, isn’t it?”

Everyone in the empire who was present burst into flames when they heard Liang Bing’s rebellious remarks, shouting loudly, “Insolent!” “Bold!” “You actually slandered the great emperor!” “You damn traitor, suffer I’ll strike with my sword!” A more radical person pulled out the power sword from his waist, and when he was about to kill Liang Bing who was making such rebellious words, Leon stood up and shouted angrily: “That’s enough, I still don’t think so. Isn’t it chaotic enough!” Everyone in the empire who was present stopped when they heard the roar of their own Primarch!

At this time Leon said: “Kesha! I hope you take care of your sister! If I don’t hold this meeting with you here this time, I think you should know the consequences!”

At this time, Kesha, whose face was pale, stood up and hurriedly walked to her sister on the cold ground. Seeing her sister’s distraught appearance, it seemed that she had been frightened by those people just now, so she made up her mind to slap her in the face. . The loud slaps brought back Liang Bing, who was out of his mind. Liang Bing covered his red face. Water mist slowly began to form in Kazilan’s big eyes, and then Liang Bing said “Wow” He burst into tears, crying, and then threw himself into the arms of his sister Keisha for comfort!

While Kesha comforted Liang Bing who was in her arms, she kept apologizing to Leon and his group!

And this meeting also ended hastily with Liang Bing’s constant crying and everyone’s unhappy mood!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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