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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 32 32

The Imperium, a super-human empire that spans the entire galaxy, is composed of one Emperor starting from Terra and adding trillions of Astra Militarum and millions of Space Marines on top of the corpses. established.

And after the current empire experienced a horrific disaster that could be called a catastrophe, the empire has become extremely dangerous and is in danger of collapse at any time!

Even the Emperor, the ruler of mankind who established this great empire, was seriously injured in this disaster. In the end, he had to sit on the cold seat called the Golden Throne to maintain the operation of the Star Torch. To ensure that the empire can still exist, the price is to endure the pain of soul tearing when the spiritual energy is extracted!

The Emperor died and became a withered skeleton on the throne. In order to ensure the operation of the Star Torch, psykers must be selected from different planets every day and then transported back to Terra to serve as fuel for the Star Torch.

But before his death, the Emperor had already arranged the future of the empire. He sent one of his most trusted heirs to an unknown universe to re-establish a new empire in that unknown universe!

But it is not easy to re-establish a new empire. When the Emperor sent this heir to this unknown universe, Chaos also focused on this place. Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh lived deep in Asia. The evil god in space wants to get a share of the unknown universe, but the Emperor will never allow anyone to ruin his plan!

A war broke out in the subspace. The Emperor led his army of heroes to fight against the four servants of the evil god. The battle set off a subspace storm that caused the warships sailing in the subspace to be lost in it.

The result of that war was very surprising, because no party won in this war, and they all lost. The reason was that the relationship between the four gods was not as harmonious as imagined. Instead, they regarded each other as enemies and started fighting. The Emperor’s strategy was to defeat them one by one and disintegrate them from within!

But the four evil gods were not indifferent. Soon they learned about the emperor’s plan and sent a Chaos Warmaster who could represent the will of the four evil gods and was the former captain of the first company of the 16th Legion. Patton! He was also the executor who launched thirteen dark expeditions that devastated the empire!

Under the command of Abaddon, the servants of the evil god began to effectively organize into teams to resist the emperor and his army of heroes. Although under the command of Abaddon, the army of the servants of the evil god was somewhat decent. , but in the face of the army of heroic spirits that conquered the demons, these armies composed of servants of the evil god were simply vulnerable. These servants of the evil god were like snowflakes meeting a red-hot iron plate in front of the heroic warriors. Instantly melts.

Although Abaddon represents the will of the four evil gods, this does not mean that these servants of the evil gods will obey Abaddon. These servants of the evil gods have listened to their words since they were born, but there is no other person except their master. Even if they exist, it is only temporary!

There is no doubt about Abaddon’s commanding ability, but he can’t stand up to a group of pig teammates. The Chaos camp, which was already at a disadvantage, after the chaos of these sticks, the result can be imagined. Abaddon was defeated by the army of heroic spirits. If defeated, he would tuck his tail and run away like a lost dog!

In another unknown universe, that is, the universe of the Super Seminary, Leon, the Primarch of the Second Legion, received a decree from the Emperor. The Emperor wanted Leon to re-establish an empire in this universe and then lead Humanity continues to live! But in Leon’s opinion, the emperor’s will is clearly a fart, to re-establish a new empire? Then you have to ask Guilliman, didn’t the Second Empire he established go smoothly? Although there will be chaos occasionally, this is normal, but the emperor’s thoughts on Leon only give you two choices: do it, or do it, or wait to be spanked!

As soon as these words came out, Leon’s face as thick as a city wall couldn’t help but turn red.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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