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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 33 Angron④

We don’t know how powerful the angry Angron is!

But now Angron is very angry, because the death of Kahn caused the demon prince to go berserk. Poor Garp was directly chopped away by the furious Angron with an axe! But fortunately, the blow just now did not cause much damage to Garp, but it also made Garp, the famous warrior who used these iron fists to fight, unconscious.

Sakaski, the former first company commander, was very angry. As the former first company commander, Sakaski watched his brother Garp being flown out by Angronka. Naturally, he was very angry. , after all, as Garp’s brother, it is natural that he cannot be harmed.

So he took heavy steps and used a terrifying and efficient multi-barreled rotating heavy machine gun to greet Angron, who was standing there and had his wings cut off by Garp! The powerful firepower continued to attack Angron like a storm, and Angron was also annoyed by the flies!

He jumped directly in front of Sakaski. The battle ax in his hand came up and down, and he slashed Huashan with a heavy force towards Sakaski. Naturally, Sakaski would not stand there stupidly and let An Gron chop.

Then he parried Angron’s battle ax with his right power fist, turned around and came behind Angron, and then used the multi-barrel rotating heavy machine gun to hit Angron’s waist several times.

Angron, whose waist was severely injured, is now very angry. After all, this is a man’s oil storage station. How angry would a man be if an oil storage station was destroyed?

Angron turned around violently, caught Sakaski off guard, and gave Sakaski a few hard blows. Then he added an uppercut and beat Sakaski. Sakaski staggered and took a few steps back. After stopping, he raised his head and looked at Angron in front of him, feeling quite unhappy.

But how could Angron’s violent temper make Sakaski feel so comfortable so easily? Then he struck an ax with his backhand, and this time he cut off the right arm of the Dreadnought mecha driven by Sakaski.

Sakaski lost his right arm and his strength was greatly reduced, but he still did not forget to hit Angron a few times. Angron, who had been hit a few times, seemed to feel that his dignity had been insulted, so he gave Angron a tail blow. Swinging, a whip tail knocked Sakaski to the ground, and even the sarcophagus was cracked.

But Sakaski still refused to give up and wanted to stand up and continue fighting, but Angron would not give Sakaski this chance.

Angron walked up to Sakaski and lifted Sakaski with his feet. Then he split Sakaski’s sarcophagus with his backhand axe, and then took out a naked and limbless man from the sarcophagus. Sakaski filled with pipes!

Angron grabbed Sakaski’s neck, and then said in his hoarse voice: ~Poor little guy, you are like those disgusting maggots in the Garden of Nurgle, only worthy of being on the ground, slowly squirming. Damn, that’s disgusting! ~

Then he threw it away casually, just like we throw away garbage, and threw out the Sakaski in our hands!

But although the proud Sakaski was thrown out like garbage, he relied on his broken body and strong willpower to move to a rock little by little, leaning on the rock with difficulty, And yelled at Angron: ~You coward, you escaped when the slaves you led in Nuceria revolted, and now the dead souls on the Nucerian planet are still resisting. While resisting, I’m still cursing you, a coward! ~

Angron was attracted by Sakaski’s heavy hemp god, and he loudly retorted: ~I did not escape, but the damn so-called Emperor took me away from there, leaving my brothers alone Resist! ~

Sakaski laughed when he heard this, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then said: ~Then why did you not resist, but watched your former brothers being wantonly killed by the slave owners, and then traded like goods! ~

~Why didn’t I resist? I resisted! But I didn’t win against him, so I could only watch my brothers being killed and traded like goods, so I vowed to make that rotten planet and that damn Emperor pay the price! ~Angron retorted loudly!

~You coward, you are a coward! In order to satisfy your selfish desires, you have put those damn nails on your legion, do you know? I have the ability to hear the voices of others. Those who have been criticized by you, they all resist you in their hearts and say that you are a coward! Abandoning his former brothers, he ran alone into their war dog army, leading their war dogs to kill wantonly! And their war dogs should fight like warriors and heroic gladiators, not like a madman killing wantonly! ~Sakaski’s retorts became weaker and weaker, but his sonorous voice still did not weaken.

Angron was angry. He came directly in front of Sakaski and stared at him condescendingly, as if a superior person stared at a humble and weak slave!

Angron didn’t say anything, he just raised his ax and slashed it down hard, bringing out a touch of bright red blood!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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