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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 34 Angron ⑤ (End of Volume 1)

Angron didn’t say anything, he just raised his ax and slashed it down hard, bringing out a drop of blood!

But what surprised Sakaski was that he was not dead. When he opened his eyes, he found that it was the original body Leon. When he saw that Angron was about to chop off Sakaski’s head, he accelerated quickly and came to Sakaski. In front of Sky, he blocked Angron’s ax with his shield!

Sakaski smiled and then closed his eyes.

And this ax also cost Leon some money. The ax blade penetrated the shield and injured his arm that was not protected by thick armor. However, as a genetic primarch, Leon’s own self-healing ability is very powerful. This injury is very important to him. Nothing for a Primarch!

But Angron was different. When he saw his prey had his beard cut off, he was so angry that he directly pulled out the battle ax stuck on the shield, and then said angrily: ~Damn bugs! It seems that that blow did not take your life! But this time I was not so lucky! ~

Angron held the battle axe, kicked Leon away, and struck back. The collision between the ax blade and the shield produced dazzling sparks, while Leon resisted with difficulty under this terrifying power!

The hand holding the shield kept trembling under Angron’s terrifying continuous chops, but Leon still persisted with gritted teeth, waiting for Angron to show his flaws when he was exhausted!

In the end, Angron was exhausted due to continuous slashing, but the shield held by Leon was also destroyed by Angron’s continuous slashing.

But as the original body, Leon would naturally not give up on this flaw. Leon looked back and struck, the chain sword in his hand opened, and the saw teeth rotated at high speed driven by the motor. The high-speed rotating saw teeth rotated in Angron. Devastating wounds were caused on his body. The broken and ferocious wounds could not be healed for a long time. The severe pain made the powerful demon prince of Khorne couldn’t help but scream, and then he covered the wounds on his waist and abdomen and stepped back. After taking a few steps back, blood continued to flow from the wound, but Angron smiled, yes, he smiled!

Since becoming the Demon Prince, he has rarely been injured. No matter Slaanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentch or the Human Empire, it is difficult for them to hurt Angron, but now someone can finally hurt him. And he also left such a hideous and terrifying wound on his body!

The excited Angron let out a loud and high-pitched roar. This roar also attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield. They wanted to see who made this terrifying guy roar so excitedly!

The excited Angron struck a very terrifying ax at Leon, but Leon did not give in at all, and directly hit Angron with a sword. The two weapons missed each other perfectly, but they were on each other’s bodies. left a wound

This blow also left a wound on Leon’s body from his shoulder to his crotch, but Angron didn’t feel well either. Leon’s sword opened a hideous wound directly on Angron’s chest!

Both of them were injured, but Angron was particularly excited. He decided to hang Leon’s head around his waist as his trophy!

And Leon, who was seriously injured, was not feeling well at this time. He was injured in a large area, even if it was as strong as the Primarch, it was not comfortable, but Leon did not retreat, and a golden light ignited in Leon’s eyes. Flame, and this golden flame is constantly burning his willpower in Leon’s body.

The powerful force generated by the continuous burning of willpower instantly filled Leon’s body. He turned around and looked at Angron without saying a word, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, and then rushed towards Angron quickly, and Angron also rushed towards Leon with a battle ax in hand!

The tall bodies of the two collided with each other, making a dull sound, and they gritted their teeth. The chain sword in his hand collided with the battle ax in Angron’s hand, making a crunching sound.

Leon’s strength was far less powerful than Angron’s, and the weapon in his hand was slowly pushed back by Angron, but Leon was not a brainless man. Leon quickly freed up a hand, He quickly took out a plasma pistol from the weapon mounting point on his waist, and then shot Angron directly in the chest, and this shot also directly hit Anderon’s chest, but at a close range Shooting from a distance is tantamount to suicide, and the powerful shock wave instantly knocks the two back.

But Angron was in extremely poor condition at this time. Leon’s shot directly caused extremely serious injuries to Angron, and a hole was made in his chest by Leon’s plasma pistol.

The plasma pistol in Leon’s hand was also disabled in such a close range shooting. At the same time, due to the close range shooting, Leon’s arms and chest also became bloody! The constant burning of willpower made Leon’s head become very dizzy. He shook his head and made his head sober! He used the chain sword in his hand as a crutch to stand up with difficulty.

Then he limped slowly towards Angron who was kneeling on the ground, grabbed Angron’s metal screen, then lifted his head with force, glanced at him and said: ~I know, Angron Long, you are extremely unwilling now. When you were in Nuceria, you were a gladiator. When you were in the Empire, you were a madman who caused endless killings. In the end, with the help of Lorgar, you became The Daemon Prince of Khorne, and has committed countless crimes across the borders of the Empire! But I just want to tell you that in the eyes of the Emperor, I and other brothers are the same. We are all his tools. In his eyes, there are only humans, and there is no so-called son. In his eyes, only humans are the only ones. It’s everything, so it’s extremely unwise for you to betray the empire for revenge! Even when Horus was beheaded by the Emperor, he once said that he had committed endless crimes and was speechless against humanity, so he asked the Emperor to kill him, and you, a guy who only knows how to kill , I am very sympathetic to your experience, but you should never fall into chaos! ~

Then, Leon raised the chain sword in his hand with force, chopped off Angron’s ugly and terrifying head with force, raised Angron’s head with force, and then said loudly: ~The enemy leader is dead, everyone is dead. Generals, please punish those who are evil and evil! ~

Angron meant that on the battlefield, all the bloodletting demons that were fighting against the Second Legion seemed to have lost their backbone and became dejected very quickly. The people of the Second Legion wiped out all the enemies. And Leon smiled faintly, looked at the brothers who were refilling their guns and gathered around on the battlefield, smiled, and then slowly closed his eyes and fell behind him.

In the city that fell to the ground, his heirs were also heard shouting: Father, pharmacist, please save our father!

Then fell into darkness


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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