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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 4 Awakening

The door made of fine gold slowly opened, and Morgana stretched her head to see what was inside, making it so mysterious!

After the door opened, it was pitch black inside, and from time to time there was a mechanical sound of “10110110101110” sounding from time to time

The servo skull led Morgana to continue to move forward. There were many bottles and jars on both sides of the door. I wonder what was stored in these bottles and jars?

As she continued to move forward, she could hear a mechanical prayer sound, “Praise Omnissiah!”

The servo skull led Morgana to an elevator, and then motioned Morgana to stand on it. As the motor sounded, the elevator slowly started and transported Morgana to a very secret place!

In this place, it was freezing cold and from time to time some creatures floated past Morgana’s eyes. This scene made the brave Morgana a little afraid!

But the servo skull on the side was still floating forward and moving forward. Morgana was led by the servo skull to move forward. There were some extremely tall black shadows stored here. Even Morgana, who was a third-generation god, could not forget what these black shadows were. Continue to move forward until you come to a mysterious door!

The red laser eye on the right eye of the servo skull flashed, and the red laser eye on the huge skull in front of this mysterious door also flashed like the red laser eye on the right eye of the servo skull, and then the door slowly rotated to the left and opened.

Revealing the mysterious scene behind this door!

The door slowly opened, and the servo skull led Morgana into the door, and then the door slowly closed.

After the door closed, a very ugly person with a mixture of flesh, blood and machinery slowly walked towards Morgana. This disgusting look made Morgana almost vomit!

The robot servant reached out his hand and scanned Morgana’s body with the instrument in his hand. With the sound of the instrument in his hand, the scene inside the door began to appear one by one!

The light appeared from the darkness, and the darkness slowly receded. A person who surprised Morgana was sitting in a huge circular machine!

He was naked, with a piece of crotch cloth covering his private parts. The wound on his chest made Morgana feel astonished! The muscles all over his body had atrophied, and on these atrophied muscles were covered with some small black round holes!

At this time, with the sound of metal footsteps, a hooded man wearing metal armor walked out from behind Morgana, and behind him was a group of weird people wearing hooded robes whose bodies were made of machinery and only part of their flesh and blood.

Morgana watched them constantly operate next to the huge circular machine, and soon, the huge circular machine revealed its true face!

A burst of electric current sounded, and the circular shield covering the giant disappeared. Several tall giants wearing armor gently lifted the atrophied guy sitting on the chair!

A guy holding a scepter like an axe, with a mechanical structure and only a human face, slowly came over and scanned the guy in armor with the instrument in his hand!

Then, the mechanical monster holding an axe-like scepter said: “The adult’s wound has healed, but due to the 30,000 years of sleep, the body is lacking in nutrition. As long as the nutrition in the body is replenished, the adult can wake up!”

After several armored and tall giants nodded, a giant wearing a white armor helmet with a red cross printed on it came over, with two huge tubes on his back.

The solution in the two huge jars on his back was injected into the giant with atrophied muscles. Under the irrigation of this solution, the atrophied muscles gradually recovered

Several weirdos slowly came with some armor parts. After putting on the armor for him, the pharmacist gave him another shot of red potion, and then woke him up with a specific language!

In Morgana’s surprised eyes, the giant opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. The giant felt a little surprised and said: “How long have I been asleep? Has anyone told me?” At this time, the pharmacist knelt on one knee and said respectfully: “Great Primarch, you finally woke up! It has been 30,000 years since you entered the static force field!” “Oh, really? I didn’t expect that I slept for 30,000 years. Sleeping in the static force field is not a good experience!” Leon said. “Oh? She is?” Leon said with some doubts? “It’s me, Morgana, that is, Kaisha’s sister Liang Bing!” Morgana said. “Liang Bing? That naughty guy, what’s wrong, did you grow ugly when you grew up?” Leon said with some surprise! “Zhao, Fuck, you can’t say it, don’t say it, what do you mean that I grew ugly when I grew up! I’m putting on makeup, do you understand? You old antique!” Morgana said angrily! “Makeup? Which woman would put on makeup? You look like neither human nor ghost. If you were in the Empire, you would probably be defined as an alien by those lunatics in the Inquisition! And then you would be burned!” Leon said


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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