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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 4 The war between angels and scum 4

Kesha watched the number of female angel warriors under her hands continue to decrease, and her heart was bleeding. Leon, who was behind her, could see the pain in her heart, so I stepped forward and came to her. He patted her shoulder from behind, and then comforted: “Kesha, you should know that since ancient times, winners and losers have always been successful. If you want to achieve something, you must make sacrifices. Although in this process, you will see many things.” It’s hard for you to accept! But I believe that one day you, Kesha, will finally sit on that throne!”

After Kesha heard what Leon said, she wiped the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands and said in a slightly hoarse voice: “Leon, can you tell me about the relationship between you and the emperor or other brothers? story?”

When Leon heard this, he paused and seemed to remember some unbearable past events.

I saw Leon bypassing Kesha and walking straight to the porthole, looking at the bright starry sky outside the window, and then said in his low and slightly hoarse voice: “Since you want to know the story of what happened to me, then I Let me tell you a story! I have lived in a war-torn and closed and backward world since I was a child. My adoptive father is a general in my country. Because the country I live in has been waging war against everyone all year round, The competition for the territory of other countries caused people in other countries to have a very bad impression of the country I was in. Unfortunately, the place where my adoptive parents lived at that time was at the border between countries. There were constant wars all year round. Sometimes I would see soldiers from other countries being chased and beaten by soldiers from our country. Sometimes I would also see soldiers from our country being chased and chopped down by soldiers from other countries. It was in this environment that I spent my childhood. After I became an adult, my father forced me to start learning martial arts. Maybe I am extremely talented or maybe because I am the so-called Primarch. No matter what I study, I will learn it quickly, so that my father is also my adoptive father. They have high expectations for me, and they give me quite heavy homework every day, but that is quite heavy homework for ordinary people, but it is so easy in my eyes.”

“At that time, my father was one of the most powerful generals in the country I was in, and he was also called a mass murderer. I was very interested in my father’s title at that time, and I asked my father about his The origin of the title Rentu.”

“But as soon as I said these words, my father’s face became very ugly. He first looked around to make sure there was no one around, then he patted my shoulders with both hands and said to me seriously: My child , although I don’t know where you got the title of Rentu, but I hope that you will never inherit the title of Rentu in the future! Anyone who can be given the title of Rentu will not die well!”

“I was frightened by my father’s words at that time. From then on, I never asked my father anything about the title of Human Massacre.”

Kesha slowly walked to the porthole, leaned down slightly and held the window edge with her hands, then said, “What happened next?”

Leon said with a deep face: “Later! Oh, the country I was in had another war with another country. It can be said that the whole country was invested in that war, and my father was also in that war. Unfortunately, he disappeared, but as the person with the highest military force in the country where I am, how could he not have the means to save his life? However, no matter how we searched, we could not find his body, and in the end we had no choice but to announce that he was there Unfortunately, he died in the national war!”

“A few years later, my mother, who was also my adoptive mother, also died. I was too sad. I was not too sad about the death of my adoptive mother and adoptive father, because I have always Clearly, I am not from this world, because I always feel that I am incompatible with the world I live in!”

“A few years later, I joined the army and became a soldier. In the subsequent wars, which were both large and small, I quickly entered the eyes of those in power at the time. Because of my With outstanding military exploits, my status in the army began to slowly rise, from a soldier to a captain, then to a lieutenant general and then to a general protecting the country. In this process, I only spent ten years. years, and during these ten years, I also perfectly inherited the title of Rentu from my adoptive father. Only then did I understand the reason why my adoptive father did not want me to understand and inherit this title. After all, these two words are Rentu. It sounds chilling! How many people do you think I killed in the past ten years from a soldier to a general protecting the country?”

Kesha’s face turned slightly pale and she asked, “How many people are there?”

Leon continued to say in his low and slightly hoarse voice: “Haha, in ten years, I killed almost half of the population in that world! Although that world was a closed and backward planet, There are hundreds of millions of people living on that planet, and I killed half of the population on that planet alone. Do you think my hands are covered in blood?”

After Kesha heard what Leon said, she said in disbelief: “It’s really hard to imagine that someone like you would have so much blood on his hands!”

Leon sighed, and then said: “Yes! People like me with hands stained with blood eventually caused some unnecessary trouble! By the way, Kesha, do you know subspace?”

Kesha said with a confused look: “Subspace, what is that? Does it have anything to do with the story you told? Or is it related to that wretched guy Hua Ye?”

Leon glanced at Kesha and then continued: “Sometimes I have to praise you for being very smart. Yes, space is indeed related to the story I told you and the wretched Hua Ye you mentioned!”

“The universe I am in is a world created by the Creator with a complete energy interaction system. It is generally divided into the material field and the energy field. The material field is the macroscopic universe, and the energy field can be simply summarized as beyond matter. , a purely spiritual realm without the concepts of time and space. Its role is to balance the energy of the material world. When the energy of the material world fluctuates violently, the energy field will open a hole and allow part of the energy to flow in to slow down the impact of the fluctuations. When When the energy in the material realm is lacking for some reason, the energy realm will replenish it, which is similar to the role of a reservoir.”

“In addition, after the death of all living beings in the real universe, especially advanced living beings, their souls will return to the energy realm. The joys and sorrows these souls experienced during their lifetime are all a kind of energy, but this energy will change when it has emotional attributes. They become violent and uncontrollable, so these souls will be washed and precipitated, and the energy they carry will be purified for reuse. In the Warhammer world, the energy field is widely known as subspace, and there is one and only link between subspace and reality! Regulating the energy balance between the two realms.”

“There were no living things in the subspace at first, because most of the energy inside the subspace had no attributes and was pure. The spiritual imprints carried by the souls from the outside were washed away in the process of coming to the subspace, but everything There are exceptions, and that is souls that contain too many emotions. These souls are often remembered by many people, either feared, admired, or loved. This makes these souls particularly dazzling in the subspace, and they can be dealt with. Extraordinarily troublesome, they are often “buried deep” and allow the flow of eternal energy to slowly wear away these marks.”

“As a creator who could travel in the void, the Ancient Saint accidentally discovered this universe that could be said to be deserted at the time. This “ownerless” universe aroused its interest, and it began to spread life here. This behavior It is often dangerous, because most “owned” worlds will have heavy protection measures set up by their owners. The reckless intrusion of outsiders will activate various traps, making the intruders either just like fish stranded in the shoals at low tide. I can be forced to sleep, or simply be drained of energy and completely “integrate” into this world, but the world I am in is quite special. The Creator seems to have completely given up on this world. After repeated testing by the Ancient Sages, I feel confident and bold in it. In this universe, his beloved species “Eldar” has been bred. This is a species cultivated by the ancient saints based on themselves. With a slender body, they are born with the talent of communicating with subspace to obtain spiritual energy. Intelligence overwhelmed other intelligent creatures that existed in the universe at that time, and it also created many other different species to enrich the biosphere.”

“The work of creating new species is full of passion, but spreading them in the universe is boring and tedious. Naturally, the Ancient Sage didn’t bother to do this kind of repetitive and mechanical work, so he created a mechanical creation as an assistant to complete it. Those tasks that the Ancient Saints considered boring were endowed with great energy and authority when it was created. It can be said that it is second only to the Ancient Saints. He was called a communicator by the Ancient Saints. At the beginning, the communicator’s work went smoothly. Spirits gradually flourished in the universe, and the fire of civilization began to illuminate the entire universe.”

“But this also laid the foundation for disaster. The decline and rebirth of many civilizations, the joys, anger, sorrows and joys of those people were all gathered into the subspace. In the end, four gods were born in that mysterious place. It is also true that The evil god!”

Keisha said with a look of disbelief: “That ancient sage is so powerful, he can actually create new life in a barren universe!”

After Leon heard what Kesha said, he chuckled and continued: “Just after I slaughtered half of the population of the world, I was approached by a god who lived in the subspace. His name was For Khorne, he is the god of war and courage! After seeing me killing so many people, this god was so happy that he wanted me to become a warrior in the temple of war he dominated. Such a surprise moment! It went to my head, and just when I was about to agree to him, Kesha, guess what happened next?”

Kesha shook her head and said she didn’t know clearly. Leon continued: “Just when I was about to agree to Khorne’s invitation, a tall angel wearing golden armor descended from the sky, and then met with the chief The god of war and courage, Khorne, fought against each other. The battle between them could be said to be earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods. The struggle between them caused cracks to appear on the earth, volcanoes erupted on the earth, and lava poured out on the earth. Flames continued to spread and burned the trees and crops along the way. The strong wind roared in the sky. Some cattle and sheep were swept into the sky by the strong wind, and then they were smashed down and turned into meat paste. Lightning flashed in the sky. The angel in golden armor was constantly flashing, and the thunder was rumbling continuously. The angel in golden armor was constantly fighting with the god of war and courage. In the end, the angel in golden armor defeated the god of war. Khorne with courage!”

“And the angel in golden armor told me that the person who invited me was not the so-called god of war and courage, but Khorne, known as the Blood God, one of the four evil gods in the Cholera universe! And his angel in golden armor is my father! The Emperor, a great being who saved mankind from dire straits. He has lived for an unknown period of time. Perhaps he has been spying in secret! Promote the development of mankind and protect mankind from the harm of evil gods!”

“Just when I met him for the first time, the blood in my body that had been sleeping for a long time had quietly awakened. The blood in my body was churning and roaring. The blood in my body was telling me that I The man in front of me is my real father!”

“When the man in golden armor invited me to join the empire and become a part of fighting against evil gods to protect mankind, I agreed to him without hesitation! Because in my opinion, this is better than the constant struggle on this planet. Competing for more excitement from other countries will allow me to fully utilize my abilities!”

“After joining the Empire, I was handed over by the Emperor, my father, to study and fight with a man called Horus! During the three hundred years known as the Great Crusade, I became a Horus Russ was a better person, and he was also called the pride of the empire by the people in the empire. But I knew that Horus was better than me, but it seemed that I was better than him, but something happened later that made me I regret very much that I didn’t help my father!”

“In a battle commanded by the Warmaster, Horus, he was unfortunately injured by the enemy’s sharp blade. In order to save him, his heirs followed the enemy’s advice and stepped into the trap that the enemy had already set. , the war commander of the empire finally became the enemy of the empire! And just after the war commander became the enemy of the empire, the empire, me and everyone did not know that this former imperial war commander had rebelled! “

Kesha turned around, leaned against the window edge and looked at Leon and said, “That would be really tragic, being stabbed from behind by the most trusted person.”

Leon sighed and continued: “Yes, it is tragic enough. Being stabbed in the back by the most trusted person has cut off the great cause of the entire empire, and it will even be impossible to compete with it in the future. Something comparable to the Great Crusade happened! Just as Horus was preparing to attack Terra, half of my brothers joined Horus’s camp and became enemies of the empire!”

“Oh, forget it, I don’t want to say anything more. Now I have a premonition that as long as I keep talking, something very terrible will happen. Although I don’t know what it is that makes me feel very scared. But something that can make even the original Primarch feel scared, I guess it is not a small thing!”


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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