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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 41 Holy Kesha 29

Just when the think tank chiefs and the think tanks in the legion were quarreling over an Astartes with a psychic level of Alpha as a disciple!

On that remote planet, the astropaths on the strike cruiser “Sky World” parked in the orbit of the planet received star messages from the astropaths from the Primarch.

In the star message, the Primarch Leon said: “Let the ground mixed team Alpha Team be vigilant to prevent the psyker named Thor from going out of control and causing unnecessary casualties! Another thing is to continue Look for the creations left by the Pangu civilization, the former overlord of this universe, on that planet!”

After the astropaths of the “Celestial World” received the star message and reported the news to the commander of the operation, the commander of the operation sent a message to the mixed team Alpha Team on the ground asking them to hurry up Find the purpose of this trip!

At the same time, the ground mixed team Alpha Team is leading the Astartes named Thor who has become a psyker to search for the target that must be found for this operation!

However, after searching for a long time in this vast hall, using all kinds of black technology, I could not find the secret passage hidden in the hall!

After all, the Astartes named Thor had learned from his mistakes, so they concluded that there must be other hidden secret passages in this vast hall!

But it was not easy to find other hidden secret passages. In the end, a female angel speculated whether the secret passage was located where the huge hibernation cabin appeared just now!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the team immediately unanimously affirmed, so when everyone moved the huge hibernation cabin, a huge hole suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes!

An Astartes wearing Terminator power armor took a step directly and jumped into the dark hole. The other Astartes also followed suit, and the remaining female angels were much more convenient, because they carried With their double wings and the wide enough entrance of the cave, they could easily enter the dark cave entrance!

In this dark hole, when the Space Marine turned on the searchlight on his helmet, a corpse wearing some kind of armor made of bioengineering suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Some female angels who were a little afraid of the dark let out deafening screams unique to women when they saw a corpse appearing in front of them!

It is precisely because of this deafening scream that it seems to have caused some kind of hibernating creature!

In the dark cave, pairs of eyes lit up and reflected by the light. The cries of bats similar to those on some agricultural planets naturally appeared in everyone’s ears!

The Astartes, with a reaction speed of 0.00001 milliseconds, reacted instantly, picked up the weapon in his hand, quickly loaded the weapon, and then picked up the trigger in his hand without hesitation. In an instant, fire burst out, something similar to bats and female humans. The painful cry instantly filled the entire cave!

At the same time, the painful screams of these mixed bats and human women also caused some chain reactions. Some female angels seemed to be dizzy by the painful screams of these mixed bats and female humans. crack!

And the Astartes wearing Terminator powered armor seemed to feel something was wrong! Then I turned on the silent mode in an instant, and my ears instantly felt much cleaner!

And these bats or batmen similar to the agricultural world looked at the moves they used, and seemed a little unhappy that these tall figures had no effect, and rushed directly towards these tall figures wearing heavy armor. , although the arms of these batmen have evolved to be somewhat similar to bat wings, and their fingers are only three short, even though the nails on their fingers are sharp, they are able to penetrate the body made of fine gold ceramic steel. Scratches on the Terminator’s power armor.

Although the nails of these batmen cannot cause effective damage to the Terminator power armor made of adamantine ceramic steel, the defenses of the “delicate” female angels behind them are not as good as these Terminators on their bodies. The power armor is so powerful!

I saw these bat-men using their membrane-covered arms to wave the very sharp and shiny black nails on the three fingers, and instantly scratched the face and arms of an angel who was not well-defended!

And this kind of wound is tantamount to disfigurement for any woman!

And this bat-man also successfully aroused the anger of all the female angels present!

I saw a female angel summoning her own flaming sword from the wormhole, and then mobilized the stellar energy contained in the red gem at the end of the sword’s hilt. With a strong wave, the stellar energy surrounding the sword body Being struck by this angry blow!

When these bat-men who have been staying in this dark cave all year round saw this half-moon star energy full of high temperature and heat, their eyes widened with fear!

When these half-moon-shaped stars full of high temperature and heat hit these bats, the hair on these bats was originally used to resist the cold in the cave, but now the hair on their bodies is used to resist the cold in the cave. , but it became their death talisman!

When thick hair meets raging flames, what happens is not as simple as 1+1=2! In an instant, the flames enveloped the bodies of these bat-men. At the same time, the high temperature and burning sensation caused by the flames made these bat-men very painful. They howled in pain and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies. But this is no ordinary flame! How could ordinary flames be used on a powerful weapon called the flaming sword?

After these Astartes wearing Terminator powered armor saw these female angels once again using the flaming sword to defeat the enemy, they couldn’t help but discuss it in the closed communication in the helmet. The Astartes wearing Terminator powered armor Tatja said: “Hey, brother, have you seen that the weapons used by these delicate female angels are comparable to the flamethrowers in the hands of those crazy women, and even more powerful than the split-leaf flamethrowers in the hands of those crazy women! “

Another Astartes B wearing Terminator powered armor said with great agreement: “You are right, the weapons in the hands of these female angels are more powerful than the flamethrowers in the hands of those crazy women, and look at these The weapons in the hands of female angels seem to be more powerful than the power weapons we hold in our hands. Although we don’t know how sharp they are, they are more powerful than the power swords we use in our hands. If our legion gets the weapons in the hands of these female angels, what will happen in the future? After being modified by the great sages of the Mechanicum, I believe that the power weapons in our hands will definitely be even better!”

Astartes C, who was wearing Terminator power armor, disagreed a little, and then said: “The weapons of these female angels are probably just like that. Although there are some things in the weapons of these female angels that we can learn from, some female angels have The weapons are definitely not as powerful as the power weapons in our hands!”

Another Astartes Din wearing Terminator power armor agreed with the statement of another Astartes C wearing Terminator power armor and then said: “What he said just now is right, the weapons in the hands of these female angels The weapons are definitely not as powerful as the power weapons in our hands. Even if there are some things in the weapons they hold that we can learn from, they are not as powerful as the power weapons we hold in our hands. After all, the power weapons in our hands are from the golden age of mankind! Remains! Do you want to question the weapons handed down from the golden age of mankind? “

As soon as these words came out, A and B were wearing Terminator Power Armor Astartes and broke out in cold sweat. The Golden Age of mankind was the most powerful time in the entire human period. At that time, the entire galaxy was not under the feet of humans. Everyone in the galaxy was The planet is covered with human footprints. Even if the Golden Age has fallen, there are countless weapons that have been passed down since the Golden Age! For example, the God Machine Titan is called by the Mechanicum as the incarnation of Omnisiah walking on the earth!

Although Titans were only used for logging and mining in the golden age of mankind, in this era full of despair and war, they are the incarnation of the terrible god of war walking on the earth!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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