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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 5 Enemy? friend? ②

It has been at least ten years since I came to this universe. It is very difficult to spread the glory and truth of the empire on this planet. Due to the language barrier, we can only teach them the official language of the empire, which is Gothic, but This is not something that can be changed overnight. The language they use is neither High Gothic nor Low Gothic, but a language called Kamigawa, which is somewhat similar to the Eastern race on Terra. The dragon language used made me marvel at the wonder of the universe!

Although it is obviously impossible to change their language, we will find another way to integrate with them and use their language to communicate. However, this language is an inconvenience for our group of Space Marines who are accustomed to speaking High Gothic. It was a small challenge. It took even Seng Guo, the smartest think tank leader in my legion, five months to master one sentence: “Awesome!”

I didn’t expect that this language called Kamigawa would be so difficult to learn, but at least everyone in our legion has learned one or two Kamigawa words, such as awesome! There is still more to blanch, you will die and die.

Just when we were learning how to speak fluent Kamigawa, the Tianlong floating in the orbit of the planet discovered some male humans with wings, and they also expressed strong aggression. Although their attacks For my car, Tianlong Hao, it was like scratching an itch, but it was not polite to come back. We also used our own unique offensive methods to say hello to them, but what we didn’t expect was their spaceship? Well, it should be a spaceship. I have never seen such a small spaceship. After all, it is only about a hundred meters long. Their spaceship was blown to pieces with just a flash of spear. From this, I have to wonder if they came here to have a porcelain. of?

Although I have no evidence to prove whether they came here to touch porcelain, it was obvious that our behavior angered them. Soon after, they excluded more winged males from attacking us, but we felt strange It’s true that they actually have female warriors with wings, but those female warriors with wings are like toys of the male warriors with wings, the kind that can be thrown away at will when you get tired of playing with them!

As the Emperor’s Second Legion with a sense of justice in our hearts, we will definitely not stand idly by, and the combat effectiveness of that group of male warriors with wings is very weak. In our universe, I estimate that even ordinary PDFs on the planet can easily Kill them! I have never seen aliens with such weak combat capabilities. In the 300-year Great Crusade, there are many powerful alien civilizations. If you just take out a soldier from them, I can probably destroy these winged civilizations. A civilization of male warriors.

When we rescued those female warriors with wings, instead of thanking us, those female warriors with wings punched and kicked us.

Although I have repeatedly forbidden my heirs from harassing those winged female warriors, there are always some unscrupulous guys who want to challenge my bottom line, but I have beheaded them one by one, even their genetic seeds. They were completely destroyed by me, because I had some suspicions that they were corrupted by Slaanesh. Although the priests stated that they were not corrupted by Slaanesh, the pharmacist said that they seemed to be in love. But I think it is impossible. Although Space Marines retain male-specific characteristics and have reproductive rights, it is not possible for them to undergo mental castration when they become Space Marines!

So I said to the pharmacist: “Pharmacist, I hope you can investigate why they become erotic. I hope you will deliver an answer that satisfies me in one day!”

I have to say that the group of pharmacists were very fast and quickly found out everything I needed. It turned out that the reason was the appearance of the group of female angels who were captured by us and became prisoners of war. They seemed to be angels. Anyway, according to the According to them, they are people from the angelic civilization.

Speaking of angels, this reminds me of the angel imprisoned in that coffin. Although I don’t know why my cheap father locked that angel in the coffin, I think he has his own ideas, and I am too lazy to think about it. As for those things, during the period when I was in power, staring at those documents every day gave me a huge headache. I didn’t know how my father handled those documents.

According to that group of female angels, it is caused by the genes they were born with, because according to them, the genes of their female angels are the most perfect genes in the entire known universe, even if they are The lowest female angels are releasing the charm of perfect genes all the time, which will make people feel excited.

After knowing the reason, I gave Warring States a task, which was to lead the group of priests under him to teach these young guys a lesson! Let them wake up and defeat the fire!

Since I have a group of female angels under my hands, I feel a lot heavier on my shoulders, but I still feel good looking at these beautiful angels every day. For a while, I even doubted my Was I infected by Slaanesh? For this reason, I asked the accompanying think tank leader to check me from beginning to end N times in order to find out whether I was infected by Slaanesh. But luckily, I was not infected by Slaanesh. Infection, but according to the pharmacist this is a normal human physiological reaction! But how could I, as a primarch, have the physiological reactions of an ordinary human being? Could it be that he was contaminated by the enchanting figure and demeanor of Slaanesh when he fought against the Great Demon of Slaanesh during the Great Crusade?

Always cautious, I came to the prayer room of the battleship, knelt in the prayer room and prayed to my father. I saw my father that night, but the smile on my father’s face made me feel quite strange, as if… , as if one’s own pigs have overtaken someone else’s hard-fed cabbage!

I didn’t say anything about this, I just felt strange about the smile on my father’s face? How could the Emperor, who only cared about humans, care about his son? Hasn’t he always regarded us as tools? How could he care about his son’s life events? Bah, bah, bah, what a bullshit life event, the most important thing at the moment is to spread the truth and glory of the empire in this universe! How could I think that way? It’s really a sin, a sin, so disloyal. If those damn Inquisitions know about it, I probably won’t be able to escape.

After a few days of rest, the group of female angels have returned to their best condition. However, the group of female angels seems a bit arrogant and clamoring to challenge us all day long. The leader seems to be a female angel named Liang Bing. She must be a little fat, and her long black hair is comparable to that guy Fulgrim’s hair, but her mouth is really smelly like the annoying Dorn, and she is always biting Bitch, bitch’s shouting, I I took her too, won’t her throat hurt?

Well, in the Kamigawa language, it means that people are addicted to food. That’s right, people are addicted to food. Even though they can’t defeat us, they still insist on challenging us and becoming our boss.

As the original body of the Second Legion Tiger Soul: Leon! During the 300 years of the Great Crusade, how many people from alien civilizations died under my legion and my sword during the wars in the north and south. You are a weak scum that even the PTF of the ordinary empire cannot defeat. Angel still wants to challenge me, what a big joke. As a demigod-like being with more than 10,000 years of combat experience, it would be embarrassing to say that I could use just one little finger to defeat an ant who wanted to challenge me. If this spreads out, I don’t know what those guys will think of me. If I win, I won’t win without force. If I don’t fight, I really can’t stand my bad temper!

So I asked my deputy commander of the first company, Deputy Commander Garp, who is known as the Iron Fist in the empire, to educate this cold ice who does not know the depth of the sky and the earth!

Speaking of which, Garp, the deputy commander of the first company, gained the reputation of Iron Fist with every punch!

Garp was born on an ocean planet in the Storm Star Territory of the current Empire. He showed strong fighting ability since he was a child. Later, after joining the Astra Militarum, he was good at using his fists. When he was at his peak as a mortal, he once relied on a pair of fists to fight. He broke the magic sword in the hands of a Khorne demon under Khorne. When Garp became a candidate for the Second Legion, he killed a Chaos man with a pair of iron fists during the recruit trial. The champion became famous in one battle, and then directly bypassed the recruit trial, and then became an ordinary soldier of the first company. During the Great Crusade in 300 years, a pair of fists could be said to beat the enemies crying for their fathers and mothers, even those who The most annoying Inquisition was severely beaten by Garp. During the 150th year of the Great Crusade, Garp was promoted to the Deputy Captain of the First Company. Later in the Great Crusade, Garp was chainsawed by the Assault Scorpions of the Eldar. The sword cut off both arms, but fortunately he was rescued by the veterans of the first company who arrived, and then installed a pair of iron arms that the gravediggers dug out from nowhere. After that, Garp had the iron arms. He can kill the most difficult demon of Slaanesh with one punch! It was after he broke his arm that Garp’s name of Iron Fist gradually became known throughout the galaxy!

Iron Fist Garp fights against Liang Bing, who has a mouth as bad as Dorn. It is probably an adult beating a child, hanging him up and beating him.

Facts also proved that Liang Bing was really weak. Garp knocked Liang Bing to the ground with one punch, and she only groaned in pain.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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