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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 6 The war between angels and scum 6

The war that broke out on the Tiangong planet was originally an asymmetric war. The Tianzha army, which had been upgraded to the second generation super warriors, would only have the fate of being slaughtered when they encountered interstellar warriors who were like demigods!

After the Tianzha army led by Hua Ye encountered the demigod-like interstellar warriors, the casualty rate of the Tianzha army has remained high, even though the Tianzha army used the latest invented weapons to cause irreversible damage to the interstellar warriors. damage, but for the brave Space Marines who are not afraid of death, this casualty can still be tolerated.

After all, the massacre at the landing site on Istvan V had once again reduced the Space Marines’ tolerance for aliens and chaos to the lowest point in history.

Now, these scum armies have been defeated steadily by the torrent of steel composed of Astartes, just when the Space Marines are about to approach the splendid palace where Hua Ye lives.

A very powerful wave of subspace energy suddenly erupted in the palace where Hua Ye lived. At the same time, Leon in the Emperor-class battleship “Tianlong” docked in the orbit of the planet almost discovered this planet. A wave of subspace energy erupted on the planet, centered on the palace where Hua Ye lived.

Leon looked at the wave of subspace energy erupting on the Tiangong star in the holographic image with great worry, and a sudden worry suddenly arose in his heart. Leon felt something, and immediately ordered: “Order all the Astra Militarum to take the Thunder Eagle transport ship to evacuate the planet, and the rest of the matter will be taken over by the Brother Astartes!”

The Astra Militarum who fought against Chaos did not receive the honor they deserved in the end, but were ordered to be exterminated by the crazy and paranoid Inquisition!

Because as long as they have come into contact with Chaos, these soldiers who have come into contact with Chaos will be completely wiped out by the Tribunal and the Gray Knights, a unit directly under the Tribunal. After all, this kind of thing has not happened before. There was an Astral Army in the beginning. After fighting the demons, some Astra Militarum soldiers came into contact with Chaos and were contaminated by Chaos and eventually fell into madness. Although the people of the Inquisition finally calmed down this crazy turmoil, it also made the people of the Inquisition realize that The serious consequences of the battle between mortal forces and Chaos!

In order to avoid unnecessary damage, Leon must evacuate these Astra Militarum forces. In order to prevent allies from being eroded by Chaos and suffering unnecessary losses, Leon also told Kesha about this situation.

But Kesha didn’t care about this at all, but Leon believed that when Kesha saw the battle with Chaos, she would definitely know the terrible consequences of the battle with Chaos!

Now this war is left entirely to the Space Marines! The subspace energy tide erupting with the palace where Hua Ye lives as the center is now stronger than the other.

In the end, this subspace energy tide will eventually tear open a physical crack in the subspace that connects the subspace and the real universe and runs through the entire planet because the energy is too huge. By then, The entire galaxy will usher in its end!

In order to avoid this sad tragedy from happening, Leon, as the original body, would even use his own life to stop this tragedy from happening!

‘My Emperor, if your eyes are looking at Leon, one of your twenty heirs, please raise your noble hand to save this still young universe! ’ Leon silently prayed to the Emperor in his heart, hoping that their souls could return to the Emperor’s golden throne in the next war against Chaos.

The energy reaction in the subspace surrounding Hua Ye’s palace is getting stronger and stronger, which also proves that a very tragic battle is about to begin!

Because Kesha didn’t believe Leon’s persuasion, she insisted on fighting Chaos, but how could young Kesha know how serious the consequences of fighting Chaos would be!

Now, this subspace energy is slowly gathering around Hua Ye’s palace. Some male angels gathered around Hua Ye’s palace have been corrupted by this subspace energy. Some male angels who cannot withstand the subspace energy The soldiers turned into some chaos eggs mixed with various ugly creatures. These chaos attacks did not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. In order to protect themselves, some male angels had to attack the chaos eggs that these former comrades had turned into, but in the face of strength How can these male angels who have reached the level of third generation super warriors, male angels who are only second generation super warriors, be the opponents of these chaos eggs!

In the end, these male angels became part of these chaos eggs. As for Hua Ye, the guy whose body was taken away by the demon prince of Slaanesh, he is now absorbing this subspace energy like an ocean wave, hoping to transform into a demon prince as soon as possible. One of the most powerful demons under Lord Salish!

At this moment, Leon, with the help of the priests of the Mechanicus, has already put on the armor that can resist psychic energy and resist demons. It is even more powerful than the Holy Shield Terminator power armor worn by the Gray Knight. Terminator power armor that can only be worn by the body!

The Terminator powered armor that Leon is wearing is called “Chi You’s Wrath!” It is a Terminator powered armor that the Emperor of Mankind asked the craftsmen with the most outstanding craftsmanship in the Human Empire to build for the Primarch! The defensive power of any power armor worn by the Primarch is stronger than that of any Terminator power armor. At the same time, the reaction speed is N times that of the same type of Terminator power armor. Its cost is even more than that of the same type of Terminator power armor. Nearly a hundred years of tax on a planet with 11 taxes!

At the same time, only this kind of Terminator powered armor can be worthy of the noble identity of the Primarch!

When Kesha saw the heroic Leon wearing such a handsome Terminator power armor, her beautiful face turned red for some reason, and Kesha felt a stream of heat flowing out of her nasal cavity.

I wiped my nose with my delicate jade finger, and I was surprised to find that I had a nosebleed. “Oh my God, this, this, this, why do I have a nosebleed?” Is my abstinence useless? ’ Kesha was a little surprised and thought to herself, after all, as a female angel who has gone through abstinence, she shouldn’t behave like this. But she was so biased that why did Leon behave like this after wearing armor?

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Kesha’s own abstinence failure. On the contrary, Kesha’s abstinence is the most stringent among all female angels. After all, as the commander-in-chief of all female angels, Kesha is naturally more abstinent than other female angels. Harsh. In fact, the reason why Kesha saw Leon wearing the Terminator power armor and had a nosebleed was because Leon himself has a very attractive charm as the original gene. This is why when the original gene is transplanted, One of the reasons why the Space Marines after seeing their own Primarch would affectionately call their Primarch their father after seeing their own Primarch. After all, as a Primarch, he commands tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers. If a Space Marine is not charismatic enough, how can he attract these Space Marines to fight for the Empire. If there is not enough charisma, only half of the empire’s forces will join Horus’s camp to resist the empire, and eventually the great cause of the empire will collapse.


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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