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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 7 I didn’t think much of the title for this one either.

On the Juxia, Admiral Dukao was talking with one of the leaders of China, the leader known as Huang Lao! Talking about what the future of China will be like?

Dukao said with some sadness: “Huang Lao, the future of China cannot be decided by you and me, nor can those children who have not yet grown up decide the future of China!”

Huang Lao, who was somewhat rich in body, was holding a cigarette and smoking one after another. His brows were full of sorrow. Ever since Dukao told about the possibility of alien civilization invading the earth, he and his group of seniors The guys held meetings day and night. After the meeting, they came to Dukao non-stop to discuss with Dukao what the future of China would be like.

But Dukao did not give Mr. Huang a satisfactory answer. As for the little girl from the Lieyang Star Civilization, Mr. Huang thought what kind of change a young girl could bring to the earth!

But Huang Lao feels that this war is a crisis and an opportunity. The earth needs this war, China needs this war, and other countries also need this war. The technology that wins the earth will usher in unprecedented If you lose, your country will be destroyed!

So Huang Lao said to Ducao: “Xiao Du, I know that you are much older than me and have participated in interstellar wars, so I leave the decision-making power of this war to you. Whether China will live or die will It’s up to you, Xiao Du. China is not afraid of death, but it is afraid of the destruction of the country. So, Xiao Du, you have to lead those children who have not yet grown up to lay a solid foundation for China. Of course, this will be very difficult! , but I believe in you, Xiao Du, you will definitely do it!”

After hearing what Mr. Huang said, Dukao immediately stood up, saluted Mr. Huang, and said: “We will complete the task, don’t worry, leader!”

Mr. Huang nodded and walked out with tired steps.

In the Empire base in Pluto, Leon is discussing with the captains of other companies how to re-establish a new empire on Terra in the 2K era. For this purpose, the Emperor has specially sent high lords who are experienced in managing the empire. But they were all killed by Leon using unreasonable means!

After all, after the Emperor sat on the golden toilet, the High Lords ruled Terra without any achievements, and were usurped by a villain. If the Imperial Guard had not discovered the changes in the High Lords Council in the end, and took this change If I told the Battle Sisters at that time, it would be inevitable that the High Lords Meeting would become that guy’s talking point!

Therefore, Leon is not very reassured, High Lord. If you, the Prime Minister of Magic Patterns, Macado, come over, then Leon will definitely support you and sweep the couch to welcome you! But if you want those moths to come over, Leon, there is only one way and that is to kill them! I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!

As for the people of the State Church who are still in Terra in the 40s, they are still some moths. For example, Basrius, who was corrupted by Chaos and was rated as a living saint by the State Church, launched the Abyss Expedition and gave it to the Astartes for free. The Eye of Chaos was corrupted and became an enemy of the Empire!

Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore. The more I talk about it, the more upset I get!

Now Taotie’s troops have sent a small reconnaissance force to Terra for reconnaissance and destruction. The purpose of this meeting is to understand the strength of Taotie’s troops. However, according to the information stolen by the special operations team, The Taotie civilization is not very powerful. According to what the angel said, it is an aerospace civilization and is far from reaching the god-making civilization. Therefore, it is easy for the Second Legion to deal with the Taotie civilization!

But after destroying the Taotie troops, how to conquer Terra is a big problem. After deliberation for a long time, we still didn’t come up with an accurate result!

If you want to conquer the planet Terra, it would be easy if you simply use force to solve it, but it would easily cause irreversible damage to the planet Terra. In that case, even if a new empire is established on the planet Terra, it will still be an empire. The crumbling empire!

But if it is not solved by force, if you want to establish a new empire on Terra, you must pay a heavy price. Take the time when the Emperor unified Terra as an example. Use the Thunder Warriors as the sharp blade to regain Terra, and then complete the unification of Terra from the end of the 29th millennium to the middle of the 30th millennium!

Now wanting to conquer Terra, which is now in the 2k era, Leon decided to use similar methods to the Emperor to regain Terra!

Even if it is solved by force, as for whether it will cause too much or even irreversible damage to Terra, Leon just wants to say, isn’t there still an Emperor? If the Emperor uses his spiritual power to solve these problems, does he still need to worry about it?


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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